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  • 网络Jiangling;jiangling county
  1. GIS支持下的湖北省江陵县耕地质量评价及对粮食安全的影响研究

    On Grain Safety and Quality Evaluation of Cultivated Land in Jiangling County of Hubei Province Based on GIS

  2. 江陵县儿童死亡回顾调查分析

    Retrospective Study and Analysis on Child Deaths in Jiangling County

  3. 湖北省江陵县湖滩地区牛日本血吸虫病流行特征的研究

    Studies on the epidemiologic characteristics of schistosomiasis japonica in lake areas of Jiangling County in Hubei Province

  4. 对江陵县为达到基本消灭麻风指标自查考核的调查及其经验

    A survey of self-examine check for reaching standard of " Basic die out " of Leprosy in Jiang ling county

  5. 依据现存文献,颞颌关节脱位口内复位法的最早记载见于1984年湖北省江陵县张家山出土的汉简《引书》。

    The earliest records of temporomandibular dislocation reduced inside the oral cavity can be found in Yinshu ( The Pulling Book ) unearthed in Han Bamboo script in1984 in Zhangjiashan , Hu-bei Province .

  6. 公元前278年,楚国都城郢(今湖北江陵县)被秦军攻破,屈原感到救国无望,投汨罗江而死。

    In 278 BC , the capital of Chu Ying ( now Hubei Jiangling County ) was defeated Qin , Qu Yuan was no hope to save the country , the Miluo River to die .

  7. 结果表明:江陵县耕地地力可分为1、2、3、4等,其所占耕地面积的比例分别为:23.46%,52.10%,21.14%,3.30%。

    With GIS software package , the map of results is drawn . The productivity of cultivated land in Jiangling County is in 1,2,3 and 4 grades , and the percent in areas is 23.46 % , 52.10 % , 21.14 % and 3.30 % , respectively .