
  • 网络Expressway;highway;freeway;Fast road
  1. 基于模糊C均值聚类的快速路交通流相态划分

    Classification of Three-phase Traffic Flow of Urban Expressway Based on Fuzzy C-means Clustering

  2. 基于GIS的城市快速路交通仿真模型研究

    A New Traffic Simulation Model for the Urban Expressway Based on GIS

  3. 基于Fuzzy回归的快速路行程时间预测模型研究

    An Urban Express Travel Time Prediction Model Based on Fuzzy Regression

  4. 基于多Agent的城市快速路协调控制研究

    Urban Freeway Coordinated Control Based on Multi-Agent

  5. hasnameselect可以保留为“n”,意味着您可以通过快速路经直接访问它。

    Has_name_select can be left at " n ", meaning you can fastpath straight to it .

  6. 城市快速路的GIS评价系统研究

    Urban Expressway Evaluation System Based on GIS

  7. 详细的介绍了在GIS条件下城市快速路评价系统的功能和结构。

    It introduces , in detail the function , structure and establishment of urban expressway evaluation system based on GIS .

  8. 基于Fisher判别的城市快速路自动事件检测算法研究

    Automatic Incident Detection Algorithm Based on Fisher Discriminant for Urban Expressway

  9. 高速公路车辆检测系统IDS快速路是城市道路的最高层次。

    IDS of Vehicles in Expressway Express way is the highest level of urban roads .

  10. 快速路运输有效性的区间DEA评价

    Interval DEA Evaluation for Expressway Transport Effectiveness

  11. 评价结果表明利用DEA模型评价快速路的运输有效性具有明显优势。

    The evaluation results show that the established DEA model is available for the evaluation of expressway transport effectiveness .

  12. STS软件如何计算门式刚架中变截面柱的计算长度系数城市快速路交织区长度确定方法研究

    Method of calculating effective length factor of tapered column for gabled frame by STS software research of calculating weaving sections length

  13. 介绍了基于GIS的城市快速路交通诱导系统,对系统的功能、结构以及系统的实现进行了详细的介绍,重点介绍了交通状况评价、行程时间预测、异常事故的检测以及交通诱导信息的发布。

    This paper introduces the urban expressway route guidance system . It introduces , in details , the function , structure and establishment of the system , including traffic condition evaluate , travel time predict , accident detect .

  14. 全篇论文通过对QD城建集团承揽的QD东西快速路三期二标段工程的实例进行研究,证明QD城市快速路工程项目成本控制的效果不仅需要有扎实的科学理论作基础,还需要理论联系实际。

    Prove that QD urban expressway project cost control results not only have a solid scientific theory as a basis , also need to integrate theory with practice .

  15. 在描述了QD城市快速路工程施工项目的基本概况的基础上,论文总结了城市快速路工程施工项目具有综合性强、目标要求高、不可预见因素多等特点。

    In describing the QD urban expressway construction project on the basis of the basic profiles , the thesis summarizes the urban expressway construction project with comprehensive , objective demanding , more so on unforeseen factors .

  16. 北京城市快速路速度流量研究

    Study on the traffic flow of the expressway system in Beijing

  17. 城市快速路交通流采集与控制相关问题研究

    Study on Traffic Flow Collection and Control of Urban Express Ways

  18. 城市快速路基本路段运行状况评价方法研究

    Research on Operation Condition Evaluation Method of Urban Highway Basic Sections

  19. 基于混杂模糊切换的快速路区域协调控制研究

    Freeway Area-wide Coordinated Control Based on Hybrid System and Fuzzy Switch

  20. 城市快速路交通流分形预测算法的研究

    Research of Fractal Forecasting Algorithm of Traffic Flow on Urban Expressway

  21. 快速路进口匝道及其衔接交叉口的协调优化控制模型

    Coordinated Optimization Control Model for On-ramp and Adjacent Intersections of Expressway

  22. 快速路交通流时间序列分形维数研究

    Research on Fractal Dimensions of Traffic Flow Time Series on Expressway

  23. 关于城市快速路控制与管理的若干讨论

    Discussions of the Management and Control of Urban Freeway / Expressway

  24. 大城市快速路及主干路路阻函数的研究

    Study on the Impedance Functions of Urban Express Way and Main-road

  25. 城市快速路互通立交合流区交通量预测

    Traffic Volume Forecast in the Merging Area of Urban Expressway Interchange

  26. 快速路出口通行能力的可靠性仿真研究

    Simulation Study on the Road Capacity Reliability of Thruway with Exit

  27. 高速公路与关联城市快速路匝道控制方法研究

    Study on Ramp Metering Method of Freeway and Related Urban Expressway

  28. 基于小波分析的快速路浮动车历史数据滤波方法研究

    Expressway Floating Car History Data Filtered Approach Based on Wavelet Analysis

  29. 快速路交织区运行分析研究

    Study on the Operation Analysis of Weaving Sections of Urban Expressway

  30. 对西安市快速路建设的意见和建议

    Opinion and Suggestion about Construction of Express Roads in Xi'an City