
  • Never give up;Never say die;Won't Back Down
  1. 永不放弃。世界上没有不劳而获的人。

    Never give up . No one in the world has ever succeeded without making an effort .

  2. 但是我永不放弃,因为我热爱CS。

    But I never give up , because I love CS .

  3. 永不放弃是我们梦想成真的关键。

    Never giving up is the key to our dreams come true .

  4. B:我觉得成功就是有一个目标,有一个梦想,永不放弃,总是为你的梦想奋斗,为梦想而活,这就是成功。

    B : I define success as having a goal and a dream and never giving up , and just always going for your dream , living your dream , that is success .

  5. Cheer独有的小女生的温柔、细腻、敏感和她自由自在却永不放弃的生活态度总会让我想起那些快乐抑或悲伤的回忆。

    Her girly softness and sensitiveness and her relaxed yet never-give-up attitude always bring back happy or sad memories .

  6. 父亲坚持不懈的鼓励、自信和永不放弃的信念是帮助Christ战胜困难的巨大精神力量。

    Father 's persistent encouragement , along with self-confidence and the belief never to give up , is the great mental strength which helps Christ overcome difficulties .

  7. 现在,维多利亚公开自己和丈夫是如何演绎永不放弃的。小贝夫妇俩一起为12月的巴黎版Vogue杂志拍摄暧昧时尚大片。

    And now Victoria Beckham has opened up about just what has made her and David go the distance , as the pair posed for a series of smouldering shots for the December issue of Paris Vogue magazine .

  8. 露丝:我发誓。我永不放弃。

    Rose : I promise . I will never let go .

  9. 等待,永不放弃对你的思念。

    Waiting and never , Give up my faith in you .

  10. “永不放弃”,你知道它的真正含义!

    " Never give up ", you know its real meaning !

  11. 你最好鼓起勇气,永不放弃。

    You 'd better muster your courage and never give up .

  12. 去学习!去追求!去奋斗!永不放弃!

    To study to seek to strike but not to yield !

  13. 我希望我的学员们勇敢坚强永不放弃。

    I want you Cubs to be brave and never give up .

  14. 学会感恩,敢于梦想,永不放弃!

    To be thankful , to dream big and never give up !

  15. 致,告诉过我“永不放弃”的,我最爱的老师。

    To my favorite teacher who told me , never give up .

  16. 一个永不放弃的人,是很难被打败的!

    It 's hard to beat a person who never gives up !

  17. 打败一个永不放弃的人是完全不可能的!

    It is impossible to defeat a person who never give up !

  18. 任何人,只要努力工作永不放弃,就能够成功。

    Any one who works hard and never gives up will succeed .

  19. 她将永不放弃,这一点她已经明确表明了。

    She has made it clear that he will never give up .

  20. 我将永不放弃任何成为英雄的可能。

    I will never give up a chance of being a hero .

  21. 始终做您最好的和永不放弃!

    Always do your best and Never Give Up !

  22. 去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但永不放弃。

    To strive , to seek , to find and not to yield .

  23. 选称我爱他并永不放弃?

    To say I love him and I 'll never let him go ?

  24. 跟随你的心,永不放弃。

    Follow your heart , Never ever give up .

  25. 我会去,永不放弃你的鼓励!

    I will go on , never give up !

  26. 阿宝:但是真正的武士永不放弃!

    Pol : But a real warrior never quits .

  27. 聪明的成功人士有着永不放弃的精神。

    Smart , successful people don 't give up .

  28. 最主要的是永不放弃。

    The main thing is never quit , never quit , never quit .

  29. 只要永不放弃,最终我们能走出深井。

    We can get out of the deepest well by never giving up !

  30. 百折不挠永不放弃

    lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up