
  1. 然而,单以胆固醇水平论事可能会造成误导。

    But merely looking at cholesterol levels can be misleading .

  2. 以实质性合并为切入点提升大同大学财务管理水平论乡镇政府制度创新的理念与切入点

    Improving Financial Management by Faking Advantage of the Birth of Datong University ; Institutional Innovation of Township Government : Concept and Breakthrough Point

  3. 如此一来,关于归纳法的怀疑论就属于水平怀疑论。

    So scepticism about induction is an example of horizontal scepticism .

  4. 现在将其与水平怀疑论区分,从那里你也会推断出更多的相同点。

    Now distinguish that from horizontal skepticism where you 're inferring more the same .

  5. 从普通话水平测试论高校普通话口语教学模式

    On Oral Mandarin Teaching Mode in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Mandarin Proficiency Test

  6. 加强能力培养,提高专业水平&论环境类中专的教学改革

    Strengthen capability building , raise professional level & discussion on the teaching reform of environment in the professional middle schools

  7. 学生的需要是终极的制约;课程现有发展水平及课程论的制约是来自于课程自身的。

    The development level and the courses theory shows the self - restriction .

  8. 你得是特朗普那种水平的阴谋论者才能将发生于欧洲不同城市的这两件事联系起来。

    You would have to be a conspiracy theorist of Trumpian proportions to connect these two events in different European cities .

  9. 有必要在旅游规划市场中引入风险经营机制以规范旅游规划市场,以促进旅游规划质量总体水平的提高。论上市公司的不公平关联交易

    In order to change the situation , we should break down the unfair transaction because of non-risk operation of tourism planning corporation and introduce risk mechanism in tourism planning field . On Unfair Connected Transaction of Chinese Listed Companies