
shuǐ chǎng
  • waterworks;water works
水厂[shuǐ chǎng]
  1. PLC在净水厂混凝剂自动配制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Automatic Make-up System of Coagulant in Water Works

  2. PLC监控系统在水厂加压站中的应用

    The Application of PLC 's Supervisory System in a Pressurization Station of Water Works

  3. C市某水厂出厂水的致突变性研究

    On mutagenicity of water supplied at a water plant in C city

  4. BP神经网络在水厂预测混凝投药量中的应用研究

    Application of BP neural network for prediction coagulation dosage of waterworks

  5. PLC通讯在某水厂监控系统中的应用

    Application of PLC Communication in Monitor System of A Waterworks

  6. 基于PLC控制技术实现水厂自控系统的设计

    Design for the Control System of Water Factory Based on PLC Technology

  7. 基于PLC的水厂滤池控制

    On the Control of the Filter Chamber Adopting PLC

  8. PLC在水厂加氯自动控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Feed Automatic Control System

  9. 三菱PLC及变频器在水厂的应用

    Application of MITSUBISHI PLC and Inverter in Waterworks

  10. 基于PLC和GPRS无线通信的水厂监控系统设计

    Design of Waterworks Monitoring System Based on PLC and GPRS Wireless Communication

  11. AHP模型法在水厂布局方案优选中的应用

    Application of AHP method in optimum layout on waterworks

  12. 介绍了美国AB公司可编程控制器(PLC)控制网络在水厂中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of programmable controller of AB company to waterplant .

  13. 水厂露天铁矿采用GPS静态相对定位技术对其高陡边坡变形进行了监测。

    GPS relative positioning technique was used in Shuichang open pit mine to monitor deformation of its high steep slopes .

  14. 基于工业以太网和无线通信的水厂SCADA系统

    SCADA System of Waterworks Based on Industrial Ethernet and Wireless Communication

  15. SBR工艺用滗水器的研究介绍了离心式污泥浓缩脱水一体机在水厂产水污泥中的浓缩脱水处理。

    This is an integral device of centrifugal sludge thickening and water decanter designed for waterworks .

  16. 基于PROFIBUS总线的水厂自动投药系统浅析水厂自动投药控制系统

    Automatic control system for vitriol feeding in water plants based on PROFIBUS

  17. 用PLC和InTouch实现水厂双阀滤池自动控制

    The Automatic Control Realization of Dual-Valve Filter Bed with PLC and InTouch in Water Treatment Plant

  18. 介绍为水厂加压站研制的PLC监控系统的构成、作用和应用效果。

    This paper introduces the structure , function and practical application effect of a PLC 's supervisory control system used for a pressurization station of water works .

  19. MCGS在水厂自动化监控系统中的应用

    Application of MCGS at the Auto Inspect and Control System in Water Factory

  20. 上海市大场水厂、成都自来水六厂B厂、北京第十水厂等均为BOT方式在城市供水行业运用的典型项目。

    The Da Chang Water Plant , Chengdu No.6 Water Plant B and Beijing No.10 Water Plant are all the typical projects of BOT in city water supply .

  21. MFA控制器在水厂加药絮凝控制系统中的应用

    The application of MFA controller in dosing coagulation process of water plant

  22. HEA膨胀剂在大连长兴岛净水厂工程中的应用

    The HEA expanding agent application in Changxing island water purifying plant engineering in Dalian

  23. 水厂控制系统EIC集成

    The EIC Integration for Control Systems in WaterWorks

  24. 该系统采用三层网络结构来完成对水厂各设备的监控,通过PLC实现设备数据的采集,Profibus-DP和以太网实现数据的传送。

    The System 's control architecture can be divided into three layers , using PLC technology to collect equipment 's data and transmit information by Profibus DP and Ethernet .

  25. 为了提高水厂自动化水平、实现管理控制一体化,西江水厂取水泵站工程中采用了PLC与计算机自动控制系统。

    To improve the automation level in water works , and to realize the integration of management and control , PLC and computerized control system are adopted in water intake pumping station project of Xijiang water works .

  26. 厦门市高殿水厂三期工程是利用法国和日本政府贷款建成的日产水量30万m3规模的现代化水厂。

    His modern waterworks in Amoy , Fujian Province with designed capacity of 300 thousand cubic meters per day has been completed depending on the French and Japanese loan .

  27. 介绍一种水厂石灰自动投加系统,该系统采取重力式自动投加、pH闭环控制,设备运行稳定,出厂水的pH值提高,水质稳定性好。

    This paper introduces a kind of automatic lime-injecting system , which uses gravitational automatic injecting technique and pH closed-loop control . The equipment runs steadily , pH-value which produces factory water is improved , Water quality stability is good .

  28. 为提高供水水质,节约反冲洗用水量,胜利油田供水公司辛安水厂将虹吸滤池改造为气水反冲洗V型滤池。

    In order to improve drinking water quality and minimize water consumption during backwashing , the siphon filter was modified to V-shape air-water backwashing filter in Xin ' an Waterworks of Water Supply Corporation in Shengli Oil Field .

  29. HoneywellR-150自动化系统及其在水厂预处理工段中的应用

    Honeywell R-150 modular automation system and its application to the preprocessing shop of a water works

  30. 大港油田供水自动化系统由供水调度SCADA系统、水厂监控系统和若干个供水站终端系统组成。

    The automatic control system of water supply facility in Dagang oil field is composed of SCADA dispatching system , the waterworks monitoring system and terminals at some water distribution points .