
  • 网络finite strain measurement
  1. 为了能对任意构造带中的岩石进行有限应变测量,作者还提出了一种普适的改进Robin法。

    For further popularizing , a universal improved Robin method is put forward so as to give finite strain measurement in the rock of any tectonic zone .

  2. 最近的研究表明,对同一韧性剪切带,应变速率法和有限应变测量法所得构造形成时限均以104a为数量级,并且均随着糜棱岩化程度的增加而逐渐减小;

    The recent work indicated that the durations achieved by strain rate method and finite strain measurement method were both of the order of 10 ~ 4 years , and they decreased gradually with the mylonitization in the same ductile shear zone .

  3. 数学解析法在岩石三维有限应变测量中的应用

    Three-dimensional finite strain measurement of rocks using mathematics analytic method

  4. 岩石有限应变测量的莫尔圆图解网法

    Mohr ellipse diagram net methods of finite strain measurement

  5. 用有限应变测量恢复地层初始厚度的一种近似计算方法

    An approximate calculation method for the restoration of the initial thickness of the strata by use of finite strain measurements

  6. 利用变形花岗岩体中的长石矿物进行有限应变测量初探

    DEFORMATION AND SUPERCONDUCTIVE ON DEFORMATION OF ARCHITECTURE The study of the limit deformation measurement with deformation feldspar in granite areas

  7. 在岩石有限应变测量和三维有限应变分析的基础上,应用分形几何理论研究三维有限应变这一复杂现象。认为各推覆片体付林参数分维值无明显差异;

    The fractal feactures of the three dimension rock finite strain in the Xinzhou fold-thrust nappe structure have been studied in this paper .

  8. 用有限应变测量方法恢复地层初始厚度&北京西山中寒武统初始厚度的计算

    The restoration of the thickness of the initial strata through finite strain measurement-the calculation of the initial stratigraphic thickness of the Middle Cambrian in west-hill , Beijing

  9. 对断裂构造进行有限应变测量后得出:变形类型为平面应变,即挤压逆冲作用,属于压扁型。

    According to finite strain measurement about faulting tectonics , the conclusions is that deformation type is plane , compression and thrusting , belonging to stave . 7 .

  10. 变形花岗岩体是一种区域尺度的应变标志体,可以进行岩石有限应变测量和流变学参数估算,为分析区域构造变形特征提供应变参数。

    Deformed granitic plutons were good regional-scale strain markers , the finite strain and rheological parameters of which could be easily measured , and used in analysis of regional structures .

  11. 运用有限应变测量、磁组构和岩石组构等方法,对北天山存在着的一条晚古生代蛇绿混杂岩带进行了详细的构造变形研究。

    Modern methods of limited strain survey , magnetic fabric and lithologic fabric are applied to study in detail structural deformation of ophiolitic melange of Lgte Palaeozoic in North Tianshan .

  12. 对一定区域内不同部位的岩石有限应变进行系统的测量就可以得到这个区域内的应变分布图象&应变型式。

    Regional strain distribution pictures , strain patterns , may be determined by systematically measuring the finite strains in rock at the various spots in the relevant regions .

  13. 用计算机实现反向轮法测岩石有限应变的过程,可提高有限应变测量的准确性和效率。

    Computer simulation of finite-strain determination with the inverse SURFOR wheel may improve the preciseness and efficiency of the strain determination .