
  • 网络Horizontal sulcus
  1. 与坡耕地相比,水平沟玉米田比坡耕地玉米田0~200cm土层土壤含水量提高1.53%,土壤储水量增加50.4mm。

    In comparison with the slope farming , there was an increase of 50.4mm of water in 0 ~ 200cm soil Layer with an increase rates of 1.53 % for soil moisture .

  2. 水平沟道场控晶闸管(简称LFCT)是由垂直沟道场控晶闸管发展而来的,它具有开关速度快、与集成电路工艺兼容等特点。

    Lateral channel field-controlled thyristor ( LFCT ), which is developed on the basis of vertical channel field-controlled thyristor , has the advantages of high switching speed and compatibility with IC process .

  3. 在年均坡面径流深12mm的情况下,每公顷水平沟耕地可有效减少水、土流失1300m~3和650t。

    When the average annual depth of runoff on slope surface is 12 mm . the water and soil loss of farmlands with the levelled gullies can be effectively reduced by 1300 cubic meters and 650 tons per hectare respectively .

  4. 生长期内(410月份)降雨量达300mm时,集水枣园水平沟集蓄效果开始显著,比对照平均提高土壤水分含量1.30%左右;

    In the whole growth phase ( April to October ), when the accumulative amount of precipitation reached 300 mm , the accumulation effect in level ditch of water-collecting garden began to be remarkable , the moisture content of the soil increased by 1.3 % over the check ;

  5. 不同密度及施肥条件下水平沟耕作的生态效应

    Ecological benefit of level furrow planting in different fertilization and density

  6. 黄土丘陵区水平沟耕作研究

    Study of Level Furrow Cultivation in the Hilly Loess Region

  7. 水平沟耕作对土壤水分动态及水分利用率的调节

    Regulation soil water and water use efficiency by level furrow

  8. 草地小流域治理水平沟适宜间距初探

    Primary Study on Suitable Spacing of Level Trench in Grassland Small Watershed

  9. 高压高阻断增益的水平沟道场控晶闸管

    A Lateral Channel Field-Controlled Thyristor With High Voltage and High Forward Blocking Gain

  10. 隔坡水平沟土壤水分变化规律及利用效果

    Use Effect and Soil Moisture Change Rule in Level Trench on Separated Slope

  11. 水平沟农田聚水保水能力的研究

    The Capacity of Farmland with Level-Ditches to Collect and Conserve Water in Soils

  12. 山地水平沟小麦增产规律的研究

    Studies on Yield Increase Laws of Winter Cultivated by Level Furrows in Mountain Land

  13. 水平沟道场控晶闸管是由结型场效应晶体管和双极型晶体管复合构成的一种晶闸管。

    Lateral channel field-controlled thyristor is a combination of a NJFET and a PNP bipolar transistor .

  14. 隔坡水平沟玉米增产机理及施肥效应研究

    Studies on the Mechanism of Increasing Maize Yield and Fertilizer Effect in Alteration of Slope and Level Trench

  15. 旱坡地大水平沟种植对养分流失和作物产量的影响

    A Preliminary Study on Effects of Large Level Ditch on Nutrient Loss and Crop Production at Dry Sloping-land

  16. 坡地水平沟耕作的土壤水分动态及增产机理研究

    Study on the Dynamic Change of Soil Water and Yield-increasing Mechanism about Level Trench Tillage in Slope Land

  17. 用植被或树木的耗水量结合当地一定保证率下的降雨量作为主要因素确定水平沟的距离;

    The distances between ditches were decided by the water requirement of local vegetation combining with the designed potential rainfall amounts .

  18. 在降雨因素不成为限制作物生长发育主要因素时,水平沟耕作可以有效地控制地表蒸发,降低作物耗水量;

    While rainfall is not a factor-limied for crop growth , the contour-level tillage controls soil water evaporation and decreases crop consuming water ;

  19. 沟播平铺植棉与气象服务不同密度及施肥条件下水平沟耕作的生态效应

    Furrow Planting Cotton Covered with Plastic Film and It 's Meteorological Service ECOLOGICAL BENEFIT OF LEVEL FURROW PLANTING IN DIFFERENT FERTILIZATION AND DENSITY

  20. 植物群落的相对稳定性由大到小的顺序为:鱼鳞坑整地>88542水平沟整地>天然封育草地。

    The order of three sample plot relative stability was : fish-scale pit site preparing > 88542 level furrow site preparing > natural closed steppe .

  21. 小流域防护林体系的配置模式为:①当坡面的坡度<25°时,营造农地防护林,坡面防护林,农林复合经营,复合农林业经营模式包括隔坡梯田、隔坡水平沟、水平梯田。

    When slope degree < 25 °, agroforestry system is adopted , including terraces separated by slopes , level channels separated by slopes and level terraces .

  22. 水平沟能够显著地拦蓄径流,减少土壤冲刷和养分流失,提高土壤水分利用率,进而提高作物单产。

    Leves trench tillage can retain runoff , decrease soil wash and nutrient loss , increase utilization rate of soil water , and further increase crops yield .

  23. 在第四纪红粘土区,水平沟比客土带具有更好的蓄水保土效果并且能在一定程度上提高土壤肥力,客土带在轻度侵蚀红粘土上具有一定的蓄水能力但是保土作用较差。

    Quaternary red clay region , the level trench has better than the foreign soil methods in water and soil conservation effect and can improve soil fertility in some extent .

  24. 在兰州市北山采用不同厚度的无纺布覆盖水平沟处理和无覆盖对照处理,在树木生长期内,对土壤水分和刺槐生长指标进行了测定。

    Through different thickness non-textile mulch and check treatments , in this paper the water soil content and some growth index of Robinia pseudoacacia during the growth period were studied .

  25. 水平沟小区对深层土壤水分补给较强。(4)在花岗岩红壤坡面,三种工程措施牢固度和寿命差异较大。

    Level trench had strong recharge to soil moisture on deep . ( 4 ) In the slope of granite red soil , three engineering measures are differences in life and firmness .

  26. 水平沟耕作栽培是一种有效治理措施,它在微地形上改变了地面坡度及坡长,有明显的截流保持水土效益,2年试验结果比坡地传统耕作减少土壤流失量60.3%。

    Contour may change the degrees and length of slope and increasing roughness of micro-topography and reduced 60.3 percent of soil erosion compare with traditional cultivation of potato on the slope land .

  27. 利用9年试验资料,分析和研究了坡地水平沟耕作的土壤水分动态及耗水规律,并从水土流失及水分利用方面研究了水平沟增产机理。

    On the basis of 9 years experiment data , the dynamic change of soil water and the laws of consuming soil water as well as the mechanism of yield-increasing are studied in slope land .

  28. 探讨黑土坡耕地水土保持措施的优化模式,主要采取了等高垄作,水平沟埂植物带和垄作区田等水土保持措施,并在试验基地进行了试验研究。

    This paper discusses the optimal model of water and soil conservation countermeasures such as contour ridge culture , level ditch plant girldle and ridge culture area , and makes test study at test base .

  29. 试验、调查结果表明,山地水平沟种植具有拦截径流,防止水土流失,提高土壤肥力,增强作物抗旱、御寒能力等多项功能。

    It is shown by the results of experiments and investigation that the plant of levelled gullies in hilly area has mul - ti-functions of holding runoff , preventing soil and water loss and increasing soil fertility and crop capabilities of drought resistance and cold resistance .

  30. 对于封育4~5年的草地,鱼鳞坑与水平沟的整地方式对草地植物群落特征的影响不明显,自然生态因子对草地植物群落特征的影响比人为整地方式影响强。

    In the closed steppe of 4-5 years , fish-scale pit and level furrow site preparing modes had a little effect on the character of steppe plant community , natural ecological factors had a greater effect on the character of steppe plant community than the artificial site preparing mode .