
  • 网络sodium silicate sand;water glass sand
  1. 笔者介绍了新型酯硬化水玻璃砂的性能特点,就酯硬化改性水玻璃砂常温强度和溃散性的影响因素与改进方法进行了试验研究和探讨。

    The property characteristics of new generation of ester-hardened sodium silicate sand was introduced , and the factors influencing the atmospheric temperature strength and collapsibility of ester-hardened modified sodium silicate sand , as well as the measures to improve collapsibility were investigated and discussed .

  2. 铸钢件生产中CO2水玻璃砂性能的改进

    Improvment of co_2 & Sodium Silicate sand in Steel casting production

  3. CO2水玻璃砂真空置换硬化法的研究

    Study on the Vacuum Replace Hardening Process of CO_2 Sodium Silicate Sand

  4. CO2钠水玻璃砂粘结膜的微观结构分析

    Microscopic Analysis of the Bonding Film Structure in C0_2 - Sodium-Silicate Sand

  5. CO2在钠水玻璃砂中的硬化行为

    The Curing Law of C0_ in CO_2 - Sodium-Silicate Sand

  6. CO2钠水玻璃砂吹气控制器及工艺的研究

    An Investigation on a Gassing Device and Technology for CO_2 Sodium-Silicate Sand

  7. 纳米改性CO2-高模数水玻璃砂绿色铸造粘结剂的开发研究

    The Research on Nano-modified CO_2-hardening High-modulus Waterglass Sand for Foundry Moulding and Coremaking

  8. AK-Ⅲ型CO2水玻璃砂溃散剂的研究及应用

    Study on Collapsing Agent AK - ⅲ of CO_2 Water-glass Sand and Its Application

  9. 用非标准方法制作CO2水玻璃砂工艺试样的探讨

    Exploration on the CO_2 Sodium Silicate Sand Technological Samples Made by Informal Standard Way

  10. LF型水玻璃砂快干脱模剂的研制及应用

    LF Quick pattern Removal Agent of Sodium silicate sand

  11. 本文研究WK型溃散剂在CO2法水玻璃砂中的各种性能。

    It is gived the properties of CO_2-sodium silicate sand by adding WK-breakdown agent .

  12. 所以,提高CO2水玻璃砂粘结强度的关键在于抑制硬化过程中胶粒的过于长大。

    Therefore , stopping the hardening process of particles from growing is the key of increasing CO2 sodium silicate sand bond strength .

  13. 用CO2法硬化水玻璃砂时,影响再生砂制备的型砂性能的主要因素是残留在砂粒表面的碳酸钠盐。

    The study of the hardening characteristics of reclaimed CO2 sodium silicate bonded sand shows that the residual sodium carbonate acetate is the primary affecting factor .

  14. 采用CO2硬化水玻璃砂无箱立浇串铸工艺,设计工装,可以获得优质健全的锤头产品。

    The perfect hammer head can be obtained by designing technological equipment , using vertical pouring and string casting process in CO2-sodium silicate sand .

  15. CO2-Na2SiF6水玻璃砂工艺参数的确定

    Determination of Suitable parameters for Sodium Silicate Sand Cured by CO_2 Na_2SiF_6 Hardener

  16. LK3改性水玻璃砂的应用

    Application of LK _3 Modified Silicate Bonded Sand

  17. D-1型水玻璃砂溃散剂的研制

    Study on D-1 type breakdown agent of sodium silicate sand

  18. 结果表明,PVA-HS型复合溃散剂能大幅度降低水玻璃砂400℃以上的残留强度,改性PVA对水玻璃砂抗吸湿性有明显提高。

    The results show that the compound of PVA sol and HS powder can remarkable reduce the retained strength above 400 ℃ and increase the moisture resistance .

  19. 对CO2法硬化的水玻璃砂再生砂而言,造成再生砂制备的型砂性能恶化的主要原因是残留碳酸钠盐类的晶体及其碎片。

    For the CO2 hardened regenerated water glass sand , the main cause of performance deterioration of moulding sand prepared from regenerated sand is owing to the crystal and chips of the residual sodium cabon-ate .

  20. VRH法在铸钢水玻璃砂中的应用

    Application of VRH Process in Steel Casting with Water Glass Sands

  21. 本文作者运用扫描电镜观察TCO2钠水玻璃砂粘结膜的微观结构;分析了不同模数的CO2钠水玻璃砂粘结膜断裂形式及力学性能;

    The microstructure of a bonding film was observed and the fracture and mechanical properties of the bonding film of CO2-sodium-silicate sand with different moduli were analyzed by SEM .

  22. 分析了酯法比CO2法水玻璃砂强度高的原因,指出充分发挥水玻璃粘结效率的关键在于细化水玻璃凝胶胶位。

    As the bending strength of sodium silicate sand cured by ester method is much higher than that cured by CO_2 method the analysis shows that the key point is the refinement of grains of silicate gel .

  23. 本文分析了模数为2.0,2.2,2.58的三种普通水玻璃砂经过CO2吹气硬化和烘干硬化后的残留强度、高温强度和热膨胀量随温度变化的函数曲线。

    The residual bond strength , the high temperature bond strength and the thermal expansion at different temperatures of three kinds of sodium-silicate-bonded sands with silica to soda ratios of 2.0 , 2.2 and 2.58 respectively are reported after curing with CO2 gas and baking in oven .

  24. 实验结果表明:当工艺参数适当时,VRH-CO2法硬化的水玻璃砂比普通CO2法硬化的水玻璃砂具有更高的常温抗压强度和更低的残留强度。

    The results show that , which proper technological parameters the sodium silicate sand hardened by VRH O2 process has a higher compression strength in ambient temperature and a lower residual strength than that one by CO2 process .

  25. 用自制的SHH型型砂高温性能测试仪、GET1智能发气性测定仪对三乙胺树脂砂、呋喃树脂砂、水玻璃砂高温性能进行对比测试;

    This paper compares hot temperature properties of TEA resin sand , furan resin sand and sodium silicate sand by SHH molding sand hot temperature property instrument and GET 1 intelligent gas evolution instrument .

  26. 粘结剂加入量相同时,型砂强度是普通水玻璃砂的1.5倍,800~1000℃时,型砂残留强度≤0.5MPa。

    With the same binder amount , the sand strength is nearly 1.5 times that of general sodium silicate sand , and the retained strength from 800 ℃ to 1000 ℃ is less than 0.5 MPa .

  27. 水玻璃砂残留强度的形成及改善途径

    Study on Formation and Improvement of Retained Strength for Silicate-bonded Sand

  28. 水玻璃砂VRH&CO2硬化工艺试验

    Harden Technique Experiment of the Method of VRH-CO_2 of Water-Glass Sand

  29. 硅酸钠钾铝三元复合水玻璃砂的试验研究

    The Research on Three Component Composite Sand of the Sodium-Potassium-Aluminium Silicate

  30. VRH-CO2法水玻璃砂性能的研究

    Study on the Properties of the Sodium-Silicate Sand by VRH-CO2 Process