
  • 网络Horizontal load
  1. RC结构在水平荷载作用下破坏形式的判别

    The discrimination of failure mode of RC structure at horizontal load effect

  2. 东海大桥PHC试桩垂直动静试验及水平荷载试验

    Vertical Static and Dynamic Load Tests and Horizontal Load Tests for PHC Trial Piles of East China Sea Bridge

  3. N层弹性体系在多圆旋转水平荷载作用下的力学计算

    Calculation of a N Layered Elastic System Under the Action of Multiple Rotating Horizoutal Loads Distributed on the Circular Areas

  4. 横向粘贴CFRP砖砌体墙在水平荷载作用下有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of strengthening brick masonry wall under horizontal load with transverse CFRP

  5. 采用数字PID模糊控制方式,实现垂直荷载和水平荷载的控制精度;

    The control precision requirements of normal force and shear force are achieved by use of the digital PID fuzzy control method .

  6. CFRP钢管混凝土柱在轴压和水平荷载下力学性能的研究

    Research on Mechanical Performance of Concrete-filled Tubular CFRP Steel Stub Column under Axial Compressive Loads and Lateral Loads

  7. 水平荷载作用下大直径桩的p-y曲线研究

    Researches on p-y Curve of Large Diameter Piles under Lateral Loadings

  8. 浅覆盖层中水平荷载桩P-Y曲线研究

    Research on p ~ y Curve for Horizontal Loaded Piles in Hallow Layer Clay

  9. 本文根据横向静载荷试验资料,用非线性拟合法进行分析,提出推桩的水平荷载H-水平位移X全过程的数学模式。

    Based on the data of lateral static load test , using nonlinear curve fitting analysis , this paper presents a mathematical model of the whole process of the horizontal load H-horizontal displacement X relation of pile pushing .

  10. 采用MTS伺服加载系统施加低周反复水平荷载以研究自密实混凝土框架结构的抗震性能。

    To study the earthquake resistance behavior of self-compacting concrete frame , MTS loading system was used to put the two frames under low-cyclic horizontal loading .

  11. 本文根据明德林(Mindlin)解推导出矩形均布水平荷载作用于地基内部竖直面上时,荷载中心处荷载方向的水平位移公式;

    The formula of horizontal displacement in load direction induced by a uniformly horizontal load within vertically rectangular area in ground is derived according to Mindlin solution .

  12. 结论是:对框架结构中UPS极限应力影响较大的设计参数有综合配筋力比、配箍率、跨高比、水平荷载效应比。

    The results show that the factors that significantly affect the ultimate stress of unbonded prestressed steel bars in frame structures are the synthesis reinforcement ratio , hoop reinforcement ratio , span-depth ratio , and horizontal load effect ratio .

  13. ⑵水平荷载对路面结构深度方向上的影响是有限的,主要集中在面层上部大约6cm的范围内;

    The effect of horizontal load on pavement structure in depth is finite , mainly in the range of top of surface layer .

  14. 本文依据Mindlin公式积分求得了弹性半空间内竖向矩形面上作用均布水平荷载时矩形面上沿力作用方向的中点、角点及平均位移的闭合解;

    Based on Mindlin 's formula , Solutions of midpoint , corner and average displacements on an upright rectangle under a horizontal load of uniform distribution in an elastic half-space are obtained in this paper .

  15. 对基于功能的抗震分析方法(push-over)的原理及实现过程进行了阐述,并且介绍了push-over分析中常用的水平荷载分布模式和目标位移确定方法,通过计算实例证明了该方法的合理性和有效性。

    In this paper the basic principle of push-over method and its implementation are discussed , and the lateral load patterns and the methods of target displacement are introduced . An example is presented to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the method .

  16. 概述了海堤发展历史和研究现状、桩受水平荷载的计算理论和方法以及存在的一些问题,论述了开发PCC桩结构直立式新形海堤和研究其抗弯的重要意义。

    This paper carries out the following tasks : 1 . Summarizing the history and present state of dike , and the computational theories and methods of the laterally loaded pile . Some problems are raised . And the importance of development of erect dike of PCC is discussed .

  17. 水平荷载作用下桶型基础三维极限分析

    Three dimensional limit analysis of suction bucket foundation under lateral loading

  18. 风荷载是单管塔最重要的水平荷载。

    Wind load is the most important one of the single-pole-tower .

  19. 考虑水平荷载的公路隧道复合式路面表面拉应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Compound Pavement in Road Tunnel Considering Level Loads

  20. 新型组合楼盖在水平荷载作用下受力性能研究

    Research on Mechanical Behavior of New Composite Slabs under Horizontal Load

  21. 劲性搅拌桩在水平荷载下承载特性研究

    Experimental study on reinforced mixing pile subjected to a horizontal load

  22. 双肢墙连续化位移法分析水平荷载作用

    Continuum displacement method for lateral load analysis of coupled shear walls

  23. 水平荷载下基础和桩基协同工作分析

    The Interaction Analysis for the Foundation and Piles under Horizontal Forces

  24. 水平荷载作用下空腹巨型框架受力性能研究

    Research on Behaviors of Hollow Huge-frame Structures under Horizontal Load Actions

  25. 软土地区桥台在水平荷载作用下的结构分析

    Structural Analysis of Abutment on Soft Soil subject to Horizontal Loading

  26. 铅直、水平荷载作用下扩底桩的承载机理

    Resistance Behaviors of pile with Enlarged Base under Axial and Lateral Loads

  27. 水平荷载作用下矩形筒仓的内力分析

    Internal Stress Analysis for Rectangular Silos Subjected to Lateral Loads

  28. 承受水平荷载群桩研究进展

    Development in study of pile group subjected to lateral loads

  29. 水平荷载下横观各向同性弹性地基中位移计算

    Displacement calculation in a transversely isotropic foundation under horizontal loads

  30. 竖向及水平荷载作用下后张预应力框架的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Post-tensioning Prestressed Concrete Frame under Vertical and Horizontal Loads