
  • Folk dance;NATIONAL DANCE;Belly Dance
  1. 这个小男孩为一场民族舞而化妆。

    This little boy has put on makeup for a folk dance .

  2. 在空暇时,我会看电视剧以及学习民族舞。

    In my spare time , I watch TV series and learn folk dance .

  3. 为了扮演Alison,这位加拿大女演员运用到了她自4岁起就开始学习的弗拉门科民族舞课程。

    To play Alison , the Canadian actress drew on the flamenco training she 's received since age 4 .

  4. 它同你们国家的民族舞相似。

    It 's probably similar to folk dancing in your country .

  5. 不管是西方的芭蕾舞还是中国的民族舞,都有自己的特点。

    Whether the West ballet or Chinese dance , all has its own characteristics .

  6. 我喜欢学跳各种民族舞,它让我觉得充满活力。

    I like learning different kinds of folk dance , which makes me feel energetic .

  7. 穿农民服装的民族舞演员。

    Folk dancers in peasant dress .

  8. 演出节目内容形式多样,有戏装舞、现代舞、嘻哈舞和民族舞。

    The group has wide repertoires including costume , modern , hip hop and folk dances .

  9. 现代舞比民族舞、芭蕾舞更强调自我意识。

    Compared with Chinese traditional dance and ballet , modern dance puts more emphasis on self-expression .

  10. 不知不觉中,我在人群中跳起了加泰罗尼亚的民族舞。

    Before I knew it , I was in the middle doing the Catalan national dance .

  11. 民族舞也好,随便什么舞她都喜欢看。

    She enjoys watching dancing , whether ballet , or national minority dancing or any other sort of dancing .

  12. 我想这是因为中国民族舞很长且难,而芭蕾舞很短吧!

    I think this is because the Chinese folk dance is very long and difficult , but very short ballet bar !

  13. 广场舞的形式也多种多样,有人拿着丝质的扇子、敲着鼓跳传统民族舞,也有人自创套路,配合红歌、抒情歌曲和洁版说唱乐跳舞。

    They take a variety of forms , from traditional folk dances involving silk fans and drumming to improvised routines set to patriotic songs , saccharine pop and sanitized rap .

  14. 此外,还通过分析中国民族舞艺术传播与经济、政治、文化等其他社会现象的关系来探讨在复杂社会关系之中各种因素对其的影响。

    Furthermore , this thesis will discussed the various influencing social relationships through the analysis of the relationship between communication and economy , politics and culture . Then , the communication way of the Chinese folk dance will be analyzed .

  15. 民族民间舞创作纵横谈

    Dance Creation and Works Analyzing Discuss-ing of the Folk Dance Creation

  16. 论中国民族民间舞的风格与规格

    The Style and Standard of the Chinese National Folk Dances

  17. 组合在民族民间舞教学中的意义

    On the Significance of the Combination in the Teaching of Racial Folk Dance

  18. 论民族民间舞创作的时代性

    On the Modernity of the Creation of Folk Dance

  19. 简论中国民族民间舞的教学价值

    Pedagogical Significance of Chinese National Folk Dance

  20. 民族健身舞教学的关键

    On Keys of Minority Nationality Calisthenics-Dance Teaching

  21. 组合在民族民间舞课堂教学中有着重要的意义。

    The combination of the classroom teaching of racial folk dance is of great importance .

  22. 民族民间舞的发展创新首先要从创作起步。

    Its development should start with its creation which may continuously render folk dance new vitality .

  23. 中国民族民间舞教学与艺术化创作的思考及实践探索

    A Trial Analysis on Reconsideration to Artistic Features of Chinese Folk Dance and Exploration on Practice

  24. 中国民族民间舞的原生态情结与时代变革&从杨丽萍的艺术创作说起

    Original Existence and Social Transformation of Chinese Folk Dance & Implication of Yang Liping 's artistic creation

  25. 本文第二章,主要论述怎样进行民族民间舞风格性教学。

    In this paper , the second chapter focuses on how the national folk dance " style " of teaching .

  26. 这也是更有效的实施民族民间舞风格性教学的必要条件。

    This is a more effective implementation of the national folk dance " style " of teaching the necessary conditions .

  27. 研究了民族健身舞教学的关键&讲解、示范的有机结合和运用激情法教学,阐明它们对教学具有良好的促进作用。

    The keys of minority nationality calisthenics-dance teaching-explaining , demonstrating , applying have been studied and expound that they have good facilitation to teaching .

  28. 中国民族民间舞作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,在高等院校中的舞蹈教学在历经了半个多世纪的艰难探索后,虽然取得了巨大成就,但是仍存在诸多问题。

    The chinese nation dance is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture . It has got great success , but there are still many problems .

  29. 在经历了千百年的流变之后,民族民间舞逐渐成为我国专业舞蹈教学及高、中等师范艺术教育中的主要教学内容之一。

    Nowadays , it comes to be one of the major course contents for specialized dance training and artistic education in normal universities and Secondary normal schools .

  30. 论文对半个世纪以来的教学成果进行了全面、系统的分析,旨在促进中国民族民间舞教学体系的科学化建设和可持续发展。

    The paper made an overall analysis on the teaching achievement during last 5 decades , in order to promote the scientific construction and sustainable development of this education system .