
mín zú wén huà
  • national culture;ethnic culture
  1. 云南民族文化建设要走创新之路

    Ethnic Culture Construction Must Take The Way Of Innovation In Yunnan

  2. 中国民族文化的研究不应忽略对汉族历史文化的研究。

    Research on Chinese ethnic culture should not ignore the Han .

  3. 哪怕是布鲁塞尔的官僚也无法使民族文化和品位单一化。

    Even Brussels bureaucrats can 't homogenize national cultures and tastes .

  4. 美国的少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题。

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict .

  5. 民俗中的婚娶、丧葬习俗更是民族文化精神蕴含深刻的载体之一。

    Wedding and burial customs have become one of the significant national cultural spirits expressions .

  6. 我非常喜欢民族文化。

    I love the national culture very much .

  7. 加入WTO后武术在全球性传播中国民族文化中的承载作用

    On the Universal Spreading of Wushu After China 's Entry into WTO

  8. 挖掘文化内涵,宣扬民族文化。

    Search for the cultural meaning and propagandize the national culture .

  9. 保护少数民族文化生态有多方面的重要意义。作为保护少数民族文化生态主渠道的民族院校图书馆要做到:建立特色馆藏,为保护少数民族文化生态提供文献和知识储备;

    Library is the main way of protecting minority cultural ecology .

  10. 借鉴、融合其优势;最终促进民族文化进步。

    Finally it promotes the developing of our nation 's culture .

  11. 翻译与中华民族文化之建构

    An Interlink : Translation and the Culture of the Chinese Nation

  12. 珠江流域民族文化与生态旅游开发研究&以贵州段为分析个案

    A Study of the Eco-cultural Tourism Development along the Pearl River Watershed

  13. 这些变化都是文化主体自觉的文化调适过程,反映了民族文化的生存适应能力。

    It reflected the national culture 's adaptability and existence .

  14. 惯用语是俗语的一种,也是一个民族文化的产物。

    Idiom is a saying , but also a product of culture .

  15. 探讨文化交往对人类各民族文化影响的历史趋势是第五章的任务。

    Discussing cultural conflict is the task of chapter four .

  16. 网络对民族文化的影响与对策初探

    Influence of Network on National Culture and Exploration of Countermeasures

  17. 先秦寓言的特征及其民族文化意蕴

    The Characteristic and Race Cultural Meaning of the First Qin 's Parables

  18. 论赫哲族当代民族文化

    Discussion about the Modern National Culture of the Hezhen Nationality

  19. 传承本土音乐弘扬民族文化

    Inheriting Native Music and Carrying Forward the National Culture

  20. 民族文化的保护是一个历史性的课题。

    The national culture protection is a historical topic .

  21. 由于民族文化定型属深层次意识文化核心部分,因此它们传译的准确与否,将直接影响到译本的质量。

    The accuracy of its interpretation will directly affect the quality of translation .

  22. 第三部分主要讨论中国民族文化自身建设的问题。

    The third part discusses the problem of the construction of Chinese culture .

  23. 全球化背景下民族文化产业发展的路径锁定

    On Math of Nationality Cultural Industry in Globalized Back-ground

  24. 青海花儿曲令风格与多民族文化关系浅议

    The Relation between the Style of Huar Tune in Qinghai and Multinational Culture

  25. 深度开发文化资源提升云南民族文化生产力

    Exploitation of Cultural Resources and Development of National Cultural Productive Forces in Yunnan

  26. 视觉传播促进了民族文化的大众化传播;

    The visual communication promotes national culture 's popularization .

  27. 传统饮食活动是壮族民族文化的重要组成部分,当前较少对某一特定地区壮民族传统饮食的研究。

    Traditional dietary activities are a most important part of Zhuang nationality culture .

  28. 多民族文化语境中的民族作家身份&以我国台湾原住民作家为例

    The Identity of Ethnic Minority Writers in Multi-cultural Context

  29. 草原民族文化的保护与传承

    On Preservation and Succession of the Grasslands Nationality Culture

  30. 现代学术之风与民族文化

    The modern academic breeze and the race culture