
mín jiān tǐ yù
  • folk sport
  1. 如何更好地传承与发展民间体育,地方各级政府有不可推卸的历史责任。

    Each local government has an unshirkable responsibility to inherit the folk sport in a better way .

  2. 中国风筝运动的现代性发展使这一古老的民间体育文化呈现出新的生机和活力,并走进了其又一个黄金时代。

    The modern development of Chinese kite movement , a kind of old folk sport culture tends to flourishing and enters into another golden ages .

  3. 具有东北特色的民间体育形式深受广大农村居民的欢迎。

    Local sports with distinctive northeastern features are popular with villagers .

  4. 风筝是中国民间体育的一朵奇葩。

    Kite is a wonderful art form of China civilian sports .

  5. “精武会”是我国第一个具有近代意义的民间体育团体。

    Chinwoo Association is the first sports NGO in Chinese modern history .

  6. 民间体育社团与群众性多元化体育服务体系的构建

    Construction of sport social association and public sport service system

  7. 我国岁时节日中民族民间体育的研究

    Research on National Traditional Sports at the Age of Folk Festival in China

  8. 古代齐国体育的军事体育、民间体育与养生思想

    Military Sports , Folk Sports and Health Preserving Thought in Ancient Qi State

  9. 民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值

    Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China

  10. 民俗、民间体育是传统节日得以复兴的主要形式之一。

    The folk sport was one of the main forms of traditional festival renaissance .

  11. 中国舞龙运动发展现状及其对民间体育发展的启示

    The Current Situation of Chinese Dragon Dance and Its Enlightenment to Folk Sports Development

  12. 民间体育项目在社区体育中的应用

    Application of Folk Sports Items to Social Sports

  13. 中小学民族民间体育类课程开发与教材编写

    National Folk Sports Curriculum Development and Teaching Material Compilation for Primary and Middle schools

  14. 第五章,我国发展民间体育非营利组织的战略。

    Chapter 5 , In our development folk sports Clubs non-profit organization of strategy .

  15. 风筝:一项民间体育的文化研究

    Kite : A Culture Research of Civilian Sports

  16. 中小学民族民间体育课程资源的开发

    The Development of National Folk Physical Education Course Resources of Middle and Primary Schools

  17. 民间体育团体可依法继续存在和发展。

    Non-governmental sports organizations may continue to exist and develop in accordance with law .

  18. 中国民间体育的文化思索

    Thought on Cultural Elements in Chinese Folk Sports

  19. 加强村委会和民间体育社团或基层企事业单位体育活动开展的合作和交流。

    Strengthen cooperation and exchanges between village and civil society or grassroots enterprises of sports .

  20. 回族武术与民间体育

    The Hui Nationality Wushu and Folk Sprts

  21. 经过近一年的广泛征稿和积极筹备,《中国民间体育》摄影大展终于和公众见面了。

    The exhibition finally meets with the public after a year 's collection and preparation .

  22. 休闲语境中的中国民间体育

    Chinese folk sports in leisure environment

  23. 融入2010年世博会上海民间体育旅游资源开发研究

    Study on Development of Shanghai Folk Sports Tourism Resources by Integrating into the World Expo 2010

  24. 少年团〔民众安全服务队〕民间体育社团与群众性多元化体育服务体系的构建

    Cadet Corps [ Civil Aid Service ] Construction of sport social association and public sport service system

  25. 搜集与整理民间体育项目,对于传承与发展优秀的民族传统文化有着重要的意义。

    It has great significance for the development of traditional culture to collect and organize folk sports .

  26. 上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and Ponderation on Present Situation of Shanghai Young Boys and Girls ' Participation in Folk Sports Activities

  27. 另外,民间体育赛事可以成为发展乡镇品牌的战略重点。

    In addition , the development of private sports events can become the strategic focus of township brand .

  28. 苏州市重视民间体育社团的发展,但是各方面的支持力度还不够。

    Suzhou values the development of nongovernmental sports teams , but all aspects of support are not enough .

  29. 悠久的历史,辽阔的幅员,众多的民族孕育了种类丰富、形态多样的中国民间体育。

    Long history , far-flung territory and diverse nationalities contribute to Chinese folk games'abundant varieties and multiple forms .

  30. 民间体育资源的开发与学校体育的整合&民间传统体育项目花样跳绳研究

    Folk Sports Resources Development and School Physical Education Integration & Research on Folk Traditional Sports Event Pattern Rope Jumping