
  1. 论中国少数民族文艺思想

    ON the Literary and Artistic Thought of the Chinese Minorities

  2. 西北少数民族文艺理论研究刍议

    A Discussion on Theory of Literature and Art of Northwest Ethnic Minorities

  3. 定期举办全国少数民族文艺会演、全国少数民族传统体育运动会。

    Regular ethnic minority cultural performance shows and traditional sport games are held .

  4. 虽然如此,与创造民族文艺的新形式仍有相当的距离。

    Notwithstanding , it still has a considerable distance from the creating of a new art form .

  5. 年内成功举办第二届全国少数民族文艺会演等一批重大演出。

    During the year , a group of major performances were held successfully , including the 2nd Joint Performance of National Ethnic Minorities .

  6. 古典艺术精神是一个民族文艺传统的精髓,对于理解传统美学精神具有重要意义。

    The classical spirit of art embodies the essence of the national art tradition and is important for he understanding the spirit of traditional aesthetics .

  7. 它是中国维吾尔歌舞艺术形式中最杰出的代表。它铸就了一种视觉与听觉、空间与时间融会贯通、雅俗共赏、老幼皆宜的崭新的民族文艺形式。

    As a masterpiece of Chinese Uygur music and dance , it becomes a brand new ethnic artistic form of audio-visual combination , harmony of space and time and appeals to all .

  8. 由于缺乏立足于本民族文艺作品形式研究的理论成果,我们对西方形式美学的接受也存在不少生搬硬套和误读,更无法与之进行有效对话。

    Because lacking of the theoretic results of formal study based on the literary works of our own nationality , we sometimes copy mechanically and misread about the western formal aesthetics , and we can not even interact with them efficiently .

  9. 21世纪,中国少数民族文艺理论研究取得了一定的成果,但也面临着巨大的挑战,西北少数民族文艺理论研究尤其如此。

    In 21st century , the studies on the theory of literature and art of ethnic minorities in China have obtained some achievements , at the same time ; we have to challenge , especially in the studies of theory of literature and art of northwest ethnic minorities in China .

  10. 贵州民族民间文艺形式中的儒家伦理精神评介

    An Evaluation of Confucianism in Guizhou 's Folk Art and Literature

  11. 重建自己民族的文艺学理论体系&关于我国古代文论研究刍议

    To Rebuild Our Own National Literature Theory System

  12. 民族民间文艺历史悠久,资源丰富熏流传很广。

    Folk literature and art is of long history with abundant resources and wide spreading .

  13. 民族民间文艺作品特别是民间音乐作品实际上是由意旨符号和音乐符号两部分组成。

    Folk art works by decree actually composed of two parts , symbols and the music symbols .

  14. 研究、整理民族民间文艺资料,探讨它的美学潜质,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要价值。

    It is of great importance to the prosperity of socialist literature and art to study and collate the resources and explore their aesthetic potential .

  15. 怀化侗族歌舞锣鼟艺术表现形式初探贵州民族民间文艺形式中的儒家伦理精神评介

    On Performance of Song and Dance with Gong & Deng among Dong Ethnic Groups An Evaluation of Confucianism in Guizhou 's Folk Art and Literature

  16. 荀子作为先秦儒家的最后一位思想家,他对中华民族的文艺思想的形成和发展作出很大的贡献。

    Xun Zi , as the last great thinker of the Pre-Qin Confucian School , has made great contributions to the formation and development of Chinese literary and artistic thinking .

  17. 如何对待戏曲等民族艺术,文艺的民族化、大众化,普及与提高的关系等诸多问题在文化界引起了较大的论争。

    At that time , some problems such as how to treat national arts like Chinese opera , the nationalization and popularization of the literature and art , the relation between popularization and improvement etc. caused big arguments .

  18. 第一,《新华日报》大量刊发具有抗日民族精神的优秀文艺作品,成为抗日战争时期中华儿女的伟大精神动力,使《新华日报》真正起到抗战号角的作用。

    First , Xinhua Daily published a large number of anti-Japanese national spirit of the outstanding literary and artistic works , as the great Chinese people during the War of Resistance spiritual power , so that " China Daily " really play the role of war horn .

  19. 为进一步研究土族民族民间音乐、民族民间艺术、民族民间文艺作了初步的探索。

    I think it will make a prime foundation of the further exploration of Tu ethnic minority music , ethnic folk art and ethnic folk performances .

  20. 我们在深入学习绘画艺术时应该注重对本民族传统文化的继承,同时也要加强对不同民族文艺精髓的吸取和利用。

    When we study painting art we must inherit traditional national cultures and strengthen the absorption and using of the pick of the basket of different national cultures .