
  1. 对这个坏消息,罗斯福毫不理会。

    Roosevelt was defiant in the face of the bad news .

  2. 你知道你将毫不理会任何人的建议去和他约会,所以,根据VideoJug经验丰富,千锤百炼的建议进行准备吧。

    You know you 're going to ignore everyones advice and date him , so prepare yourself with VideoJug 's practised , well honed and very very experienced advice .

  3. 他丝毫不理会粉丝求他停下来签名的喊叫声。

    He ignored shouts begging him to stop and sign autographs .

  4. 对他的不断流泪毫不理会。

    Paying no heed to the steady fall of his tears .

  5. 艺术家应该对给予他们的批评毫不理会。

    Artists should pay little attention to their critics .

  6. 但贝松对此毫不理会。

    But Mr Besson rejects the hype .

  7. 他说得飞快,毫不理会我只懂一点点西班牙语。

    He spoke extremelyfast , making no concession to the fact that I understood very little spanish .

  8. 他对公司的财务状况毫不理会,自以为措施有效,以至失当。

    His ignorance of the company 's financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measure .

  9. 与多数宣称对全球意见毫不理会的国家一样,厄立特里亚也渴望得到外部的承认。

    Like most states that declare they do not give a fig for world opinion , Eritrea craves external validation .

  10. 贾斯丁决然否认,而赛琳娜则坚定的站在他身旁支援他。毫不理会这些谣言,这对小情侣要打碎这场闹剧。

    He 's vehemently denied it and Selena is standing strong by his side * despite rumors the couple broke up over the drama .

  11. 与来自硅谷的许多年轻创业者一样,他似乎对自己的能力有着不可动摇的信念,同时毫不理会他人的观点。

    Like many young entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley , he appears to have an imperturbable belief in his abilities and the irrelevance of others ' views .

  12. 他们发现那些对噪音毫不理会、依旧呼呼大睡的志愿者会显示出更多更快的短脉冲脑电波。

    And they found that those who were able to slumber straight through all the [ NOISE ] showed more short bursts of faster brain waves .

  13. 一名随从提醒她该喝茶了,她毫不理会,继续跟学生们交谈。

    When she was reminded by one of her staff that it was time for tea she wouldn 't be distracted from talking to the pupils .

  14. 这些石头在茫茫黑夜中漫步,毫不理会这转瞬即逝的世界,也许正以我们人类所无法理解的独特方式思考着。

    The stones wander in the eternal night without caring about the passing and transitory world , maybe thinking their stone thoughts , which we cannot comprehend .

  15. 人们为此修了地下通道,请其改道而行,但鸟儿毫不理会。

    It is for this repair of the underground passage , hope bird can change it in the opposite direction , but the birds turned a deaf ear .

  16. 欧洲人如此铤而走险向中国出售高科技东东,而中国还是一如既往的单纯复制且毫不理会知识产权问题。

    The Europeans hopefully do not get so desperate that they sell high tech stuff to the Chinese who will just copy it and ignore intellectual property rights as usual .

  17. 眼下,经济陷入了困境,美国商界发觉自己成了千夫所指,而政客们则毫不理会这场浩劫在多大程度上是由政府自身造成的。

    Now the economy is in trouble , and the business community senses that it is being blamed , while politicians ignore how much havoc has been created by government itself .

  18. 逻辑并不满足于断言,它毫不理会权威的见解,或众人的成见,更不理会死人的迷信

    " Logic is not satisfied with assertion . It cares nothing for the opinions of the great , nothing for the prejudices of the many , and least of all for the superstition of the dead . "