
  • 网络millivoltmeter;Voltmeter
  1. 传统的RLC串联谐振实验方法需用晶体管毫伏表大量测量数据,实验方法繁琐且没有直观性,在实验过程中不便于分析和讨论。

    Traditional method of RLC series resonance experiment needs to measure plenty of data with transistor millivoltmeter . It is very complicated and not visual , thus not convenient for an analysis and discussion .

  2. 用集成温度传感器AD590测量温度,通过模拟电路调零和放大,其温度由数字毫伏表直接显示。

    The temperature is measured with an integrated temperature sensor AD590 , amplified and zeroed through an analog circuit , displayed directly by a digital voltmeter .

  3. 数字式智能超高频毫伏表的设计

    Design of Digital and Intelligent Ultrahigh Frequency Millivolt Meter

  4. 用指针式晶体管毫伏表测非正弦周期电压有效值

    Measuring the effective value of the non sinusoidal periodic voltage by transistor MV - meter

  5. 超高频数字毫伏表检波器

    Detector of Super-High Frequency Digital Mv Meter

  6. 指针式晶体管毫伏表可用于测量直流分量为零的非正弦周期信号电压的有效值。

    The transistor MV meter may be applied to measure the effective value of non sinusoidal periodic voltage .

  7. 晶体管交流毫伏表只能用于正弦电压测量,使测量任意波形电压受到限制。

    Transistor AC millivoltmeters specially used to measure the sinusoidal voltage are limited in measuring any other waves of voltage .

  8. 直流毫伏表是针对毫伏级微小信号的精确测量,应用于实验检测、生产检测及维修使用等。

    DC millivolt millivolt level table for the accurate measurement of small signals , Used in experimental testing , production testing and maintenance of the use of .

  9. 其中,直流毫伏表常被用在实验检测中,用来测量热电偶、热电阻等敏感元件的小信号的检测。

    Among them , the DC millivolt table testing is often used in the experiment , the thermocouples used to measure the thermal resistance of such sensitive components of the small-signal detection .

  10. 直流毫伏表是常用的测量仪器,采用数字方式可以使操控更直观,而且反应速度快,是理想的毫伏范围测量工具。

    DC millivolt table is commonly used measuring instruments , the use of digital manipulation can make a more intuitive , and fast response , is an ideal measurement tool millivolt range .

  11. 本文阐述了系统的结构和工作原理,搭建了直流毫伏表的硬件电路,并设计了软件系统中的数据采集处理和显示部分的程序。

    This paper describes the system structure and working principle , to build a DC mV meter hardware and software system design of data acquisition and processing and display part of the process .