
  • 网络kpmg;KPMG LLP;KPMG International;KPMG Peat Marwick
  1. 毕马威的阿尔温•马吉迈指出了几个D的重要性:(专业)学科(discipline)、数据(data)、设计(design)和数字交付(digitaldelivery)。

    KPMG 's Alwin Magimay points to the importance of the Ds : a ( specialist ) discipline , data , design and digital delivery .

  2. 毕马威也希望mba学员表现成熟。

    KPMG also looks for maturity in MBA candidates .

  3. 他在都柏林大学三一学院(TrinityCollege,Dublin)念过商科,之后在毕马威(KPMG)接受过会计师训练。

    He read business studies at Trinity College Dublin and then trained as an accountant with KPMG .

  4. 自毕马威2005年选择了曼彻斯特大学环球商学院(manchesterbusinessschoolworldwide)提供的远程mba教程以来,双方之间的合作日见增强。

    Since the firm opted for a distance learning MBA in 2005 , offered by Manchester Business School worldwide , their collaboration has gone from strength to strength .

  5. 在毕马威(kpmg),每个员工都是天才。

    At KPMG , every member of staff is a genius .

  6. 每年约有15名毕马威雇员开始MBA课程学习,最多可能需要五年时间才能结业。

    About 15 KPMG employees begin the MBA programme each year . It can take as many as five years to complete .

  7. 在英国,毕马威(kpmg)是远程学习的热忱提倡者。

    KPMG , in the UK , is a strong advocate for distance learning .

  8. 毕马威(KPMG)英国金融服务主管比尔迈克尔(BillMichael)表示,空中交通管制为银行业监管指明了前进的道路。

    Air traffic control shows the way forward for banking regulation , according to Bill Michael , head of UK financial services at KPMG .

  9. 他每个月的报酬是2700英镑左右,此前曾在毕马威(KPMG)、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)做过三次实习。

    He was paid around £ 2,700 a month and had done three other internships at KPMG , Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank .

  10. 他每个月的报酬是2700英镑左右,此前曾在毕马威(KPMG)、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和德意志银行(DeutscheBank)做过三次实习。

    He was paid around £ 2700 a month and had done three other internships at KPMG , Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank .

  11. 根据毕马威会计事务所(KPMG)和印度互联网及移动通信协会(InternetandMobileAssociationofIndia,IAMAI)的联合报告,印度电子商务市场在2013年的规模约为1300亿美元。

    India 's e-commerce market was around $ 13 billion in 2013 , according to a joint report by KPMG and the Internet and Mobile Association of India , or IAMAI .

  12. 目前有40到50名毕马威雇员正在参加金融经理(financialmanagers)和金融专业人士(financeprofessionals)mba课程,首批学员即将结业。

    Currently there are between 40 and 50 KPMG employees on the MBA programme for financial managers and finance professionals , with the first group of students close to finishing the programme .

  13. 沃尔比表示,随着首批毕马威学员即将完成mba学业,毕马威目前可以衡量项目的成功程度了。

    With the first KPMG cohort close to completing their MBA , Mr walby says the group can now measure the success of the programme .

  14. 该公司的年报称,昨日发布的数据已经毕马威会计师事务所(kpmg)审计。

    The numbers it published yesterday were audited by KPMG , according to its annual report .

  15. 根据毕马威(KPMG)和汽车研究中心(CenterforAutomotiveResearch)联合发布的一份关于自驾汽车的新报告,如今美国上班族平均每年在方向盘后面花去250个小时。

    According to a new report on self-driving cars by KPMG and the center for automotive research , the average American commuter now spends 250 hours a year behind the wheel of a vehicle .

  16. 惠普表示,德勤(deloitte)和毕马威(kpmg)在做尽职调查时没有提出警告。

    HP said no red flags were raised when due diligence was carried out by Deloitte and KPMG .

  17. 44岁的甘纳韦在毕马威(KPMGLLP)任司法会计主管,他想了解商学院EMBA国际交流访问目的地的详细情况。

    The44-year-old director of forensic accounting at KPMG LLP wanted details on the schools'destination for E.M.B.A.international-study trips .

  18. 据毕马威(KPMG)分析,去年中国投入了2070亿美元用于公路建设和升级改造。

    Last year China invested $ 207 billion in road construction and upgrades , according to analysis by KPMG .

  19. 毕马威合伙人、上述有关英国汽车供应链的报告的作者约翰李奇(JohnLeech)表示,零部件制造商必须走向国际才能生存下去。

    John Leech , a partner with KPMG and author of the report on the UK motor supply chain , says component makers have to internationalise to survice .

  20. 毕马威希望至少留住雇员五年,沃尔比表示,迄今为止,将mba培训作为留住雇员工具的做法非常奏效。

    KPMG aims to retain employees for at least five years and Mr walby says that , so far , offering MBA training as a retention tool is working well .

  21. MarkitEconomics与咨询公司毕马威(KPMG)今日发布的一项调查报告显示,制造商与服务提供商的乐观情绪明显高涨。

    Optimism is rising strongly among manufacturers and service providers , according to a survey published today by Markit Economics and KPMG , the advisory firm .

  22. 根据毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学编制的一份名为《解密中国对澳农业投资》(DemystifyingChineseInvestmentinAustralianAgribusiness)的报告,与上述数据相比,中国对采矿业的投资为368亿澳元。

    This compared with A $ 36.8bn investment in mining , according to a report , titled Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australian Agribusiness , compiled by KPMG and Sydney University .

  23. 专业服务机构毕马威(KPMG)是众多为学生提供带薪海外实习机会的雇主之一。

    Professional services firm , KPMG , is one of a number of employers that offer paid international placements for students .

  24. 美国检察官昨天宣布,又有10人因参与毕马威(kpmg)避税产品案件而遭刑事指控。

    Ten more people have been charged with criminal offences in the KPMG tax shelter case , US prosecutors announced yesterday .

  25. 咨询公司毕马威(KPMG)的杰森贝德福德说,一旦遭遇经济不景气,中国的银行可能会面临流动性问题。

    In an economic downturn , Chinese banks might face liquidity issues , says Jason Bedford of KPMG , a consultancy .

  26. 毕马威人力资源部门主管雷切尔坎贝尔(rachelcampbell)希望,该公司的计划能促进员工聘用向更加灵活、更有利于家庭的形式发生永久性转变。

    Rachel Campbell , head of people at KPMG , hopes its scheme will encourage a permanent shift to more flexible and family-friendly forms of employment .

  27. 毕马威(KPMG)金融服务战略欧洲主管尼古拉斯格里芬(NicholasGriffin)表示:我知道有人正在对这种模式进行评估。

    Nicholas Griffin , European head of financial services strategy at KPMG , said : I know this model is being evaluated .

  28. 毕马威的安东尼洛博(anthonylobo)表示,投资者将需要考虑评估国际石油企业的新方式。

    Anthony Lobo of KPMG said investors would need to look at new ways of valuing international oil companies .

  29. 这个mba课程包含了很多不同的元素:最初的模块涉及mba的常规课程,而第二学期则是专门为毕马威设计的。

    The MBA programme has a number of different elements : the initial modules cover general aspects of an MBA while the second semester has been designed specifically with KPMG in mind .

  30. 毕马威上周二发布的一项调查显示,中国逾90%的首席执行官(CEO)对自己企业的增长前景抱有信心,这一比例高于其全球同行。

    More than 90 % of CEOs in China are confident about the growth outlook of their companies , a higher percentage than their global counterparts , a survey from KPMG showed last Tuesday .