
  1. 撰写该项目计划书主要目的是对GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目的实施,提供一个有参考价值和借鉴作用的具体行动方案。同时也作为自己的学位论文,提交参加毕业论文答辩。

    We hope that our work would be use for reference in helping implement of the demonstration project of bramble High-Tech Agriculture Industrialization of GCM Corporation .

  2. 认真计划、组织和落实毕业论文答辩工作是提高学生科研能力的关键。

    The science research ability of graduate was obviously upgraded .

  3. 组织评审小组,重视毕业论文答辩工作,锻造优秀毕业论文。

    Organize juries , attach importance to the paper defense , forge excellent graduate papers .

  4. 视频技术在毕业论文答辩中的应用

    Video Technology Application in Graduation Thesis Defense

  5. 每年,大学生的毕业论文答辩都安排在六月底。

    Every year , the thesis oral defense for undergraduate will be held at the end of June .

  6. 各门功课成绩均及格或拿到足够的学分,并且要通过毕业论文答辩。

    Each course result all passes a test , examination , etc. or take enough credit , and want rejoin through project .

  7. 在完成所有学业,成绩合格,而且毕业论文答辩通过之后,他们便可以获得文科硕士或者理科硕士的学位。

    When they complete all the studies with good grades and their theses approved , they can get a degree of master of Arts or master of science .

  8. 开放教育毕业论文远程答辩的基本构思

    The Basic Thinking on Distance Thesis Debate of Open Education in Hunan Radio and TV University

  9. 开展毕业论文远程答辩是在现代远程开放教育条件下落实实践教学的重要环节。

    Long-distance graduation thesis defend is key link for practical teaching under the condition of modern opening education .

  10. 毕业论文和答辩工作检验着学校教学质量体系的真实性和信誉度。

    Thesis paper and defense work test the trueness and credibility of the teaching quality system of a university .

  11. 最后他们合写的毕业论文在毕业答辩中获得优。

    The Graduate Dissertation written by them got the score of " Excellent " at last .

  12. 目前,毕业论文写作存在着走过场的问题,因此,对毕业论文教学环节的改革应从提前安排毕业论文选题、毕业论文答辩方式等方面进行。

    Based on an analysis of the problems currently existing in the graduation thesis presentation system , the essay suggests that reforms should be carried out in the aspects of topic choosing and defense form of this important link of teaching .