
mǔ pán
  • stamper;master disc
  1. 母盘直接刻录制造技术可记录DVD光盘压模的开发

    The technology of direct stamper recording Exploring the stamper making of recordable DVD

  2. 光盘母盘的制作是整个光盘生产中必不可少的一个环节,光盘母盘表面的技术参数,如表面平整度、粗糙度和缺陷密度等等,将直接影响到生产光盘的质量。

    CD Stamper production is an essential part as a whole of the Compact Disk production . CD Stamper surface parameters , such as surface flatness 、 roughness and disfigurement density , etc , have great influence on the quality of the production of Compact Discs .

  3. 在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。

    These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering .

  4. 本文提出了一种利用FPGA来实现DVD光盘母盘误码率检测的仪器设计。

    This paper presents a design for bit error ratio tester of DVD mother disc using FPGA .

  5. 提出了彩色母盘刻录系统中一种基于单片机和复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)技术的激光读写控制方法。

    A read-write method based on microcomputer and CPLD technique for chromatic mastering system was described .

  6. 该玻璃基板还可应用于光盘、光盘母盘、液晶显示器、光掩膜、IC等基板。

    The glass panels can be also applied to optical disks , liquid crystal displays , photomasks , IC substrate , etc. .

  7. 如果它有一个IDE控制器,文件编写与计算机母盘有关。

    If it 's an IDE controller , the documentation is associated with the computer motherboard .

  8. ODC母盘刻录系统聚焦伺服回读激光器的更换

    Introduction of the change of focus serve playback laser in ODC mastering system

  9. ODC母盘刻录系统的光路介绍与刻录激光器的更换

    The introduction of optical circuit of ODC mastering system and how to change laser beam recorder

  10. 可录光盘CD-R的母盘工程

    Mastering process of CD-R

  11. 针对DVD母盘系统对激光的特殊要求,分析了低噪声激光输出的实现原理,设计了合理的激光结构和精确的温度控制系统,以保障低噪声高稳定的蓝色激光输出。

    The principle to obtain low noise laser output is analyzed and a new laser structure and a precise temperature controller are designed to meet the requirement of DVD mastering system .

  12. ADAMS软件建立了某压印机构多体动力学仿真模型,分析了控制连杆的长度对整个压印机构的影响,并对该机构进行了运动仿真;光盘母盘平整度检测的研究

    ADAMS . Analysed the influence of the length of the control_link on the Stamping Mechanism , and carried on the stamper mechanism 's kinematics simulation . Study on CD Stamper flatness measurement based on single chip system

  13. 描述了多阶母盘刻录系统中一种基于工业标准结构(ISA)总线接口和复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)技术的激光多功率写入控制方法及其控制电路的设计实现。

    A multi-level power laser writing control method based on industry standard architecture ( ISA ) bus interface and complex programmable logic device ( CPLD ) technique for multi-level mastering system is described in this paper . And the control circuit has been designed .

  14. 以ShipleyAZ-1350光刻胶和相应的显影液以及DVD母盘的生产为例,验证了仿真的正确性。

    In our experiments , we take the Shipley AZ-1350 photoresist and developer as examples in the production of dvd read-only disk mastering , which matches the simulation .

  15. 母盘工艺对子盘复制质量的影响

    The affection of mastering process on quality of optical disc replication

  16. 多阶母盘刻录系统中的激光多阶功率写入控制

    Multi-Level Power Laser Writing Control Method for Multi-Level Mastering System

  17. 该记录母盘包括:母盘基底;

    The recorded master includes : a mater substrate ;

  18. 彩色母盘刻录系统中的激光读写控制

    Laser Read-Write Control Method for Chromatic Mastering System

  19. 母盘电铸缺陷及质量控制

    Electroforming errors and quality control of master manufacture

  20. 母盘质量控制与常规检测参数

    Master quality control and routine parameters inspection

  21. 母盘玻璃盘基的制作与工艺

    The manufacturing and process of glass master

  22. 分析结果对控制母盘刻录工艺和伺服控制的设计有重要的参考价值。

    The results provide important reference to the control of mastering processing and servo system design .

  23. 如何提高母盘制造质量

    How to improve master production

  24. 设计并研制了用于母盘刻录机的高精密运动工作台及其控制系统。

    An approach of high precision table and its control system for optical disc mastering device is proposed .

  25. 本发明提供了一种用来制造信息存储介质的记录母盘及其制造方法。

    A recorded master for manufacturing an information storage medium and a method of manufacturing the master are provided .

  26. 焊接垫圈系统(韦里开发一个特殊的固定方法),母盘不刺破。

    Weld Washer System ( A special fixing method developed by Kaveri ) where in mother plate is not punctured .

  27. 为实现母盘刻录机中光学头的精密进给,研制了精密微进给工作台及其伺服控制系统。

    A high precision feed table and control system were developed to drive the optical head in a disc mastering device .

  28. 本文提出了一套基于仿真计算的写策略优化方法,建立了从母盘刻录到信号读出的完整计算模型。

    A write strategy optimization method based on simulation is proposed . A complete calculation model from mastering to readout signal is established .

  29. 通过仿真计算,得到了母盘刻录工艺改变和存在聚焦/循迹误差时的读出信号,以及不同改变量下的波形偏差。

    By simulation , the readout signals with mastering processing fluctuation and focusing / tracking error are figured out . As well , responding waveform deviations are achieved .