
mǔ lǘ
  • Female donkey;Mares;she-ass;jennet;jenny;she-donkey
母驴 [mǔ lǘ]
  • [she-ass;she-donkey] 雌性的驴

母驴[mǔ lǘ]
  1. 由于公马配母驴(繁殖驴骡)的受胎率低,因此自195759196162五年中进行了几次试验,探求提高受胎率的途径。

    Several experiments were carried out during the last few years on the improvement of conception rate for increasing the hinny productions & a crossbreed between the stallion and jennet .

  2. 他挣脱缰绳,向母驴直跑。

    Breaketh his rein , and to her straight goes he .

  3. 提高公马配母驴受胎率的研究

    Investigations to increase the conception rate of the stallion - jennet cross

  4. 数百头母驴为何,半夜惨叫?

    Several hundred she-asses why , midnight scream ?

  5. 母驴会吃小驴吗?

    Do burros eat their young ?

  6. 你像野母驴惯在旷野,欲心发动就吸风喘气。

    Like a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness , panting after the wind in her desire .

  7. 由发酵的母驴的奶制成的酒饮料;起源于亚洲中部游牧部落。

    An alcoholic beverage made from fermented mare 's milk ; made originally by nomads of central Asia .

  8. 在西米奇的农场,每天要给母驴手工挤3次奶。

    On Simi ć " s farm , the female donkeys are milked by hand three times a day .

  9. 最小公分母方式德国一头母驴与一头公鹅坠入爱河,模样实在滑稽。

    Lowest common denominator approach A German donkey is making an ass out of herself after falling in love with a gander .

  10. 同样,给他父亲送去十匹公驴,满载埃及最好的出品,十匹母驴,满载粮食面饼,和为父亲路上用的食品。

    Moreover , what he sent to his father was ten jackasses loaded with the finest products of Egypt and ten jennies loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey .

  11. 24你像野母驴惯在旷野,欲心发动就吸风喘气。诗104:11使野地的走兽有水喝.野驴得解其渴。

    Like a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness , Panting after the wind in her desire . They give drink to every beast of the field ; The wild donkeys quench their thirst .

  12. 约瑟送去给他父亲的,有公驴十头,载着埃及美好的产物,以及母驴十头,载着五谷、饼和给他父亲在路上用的食物。

    Now thou art commanded , this do ye ; take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones , and for your wives , and bring your father , and come .

  13. 送给他父亲公驴十匹,驮着埃及的美物,母驴十匹,驮着粮食与饼和菜,为他父亲路上用。

    And to his father he sent after this manner ; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt , and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way .

  14. 这样,耶和华后来赐福给约伯比先前更多。他有一万四千羊,六千骆驼,一千对牛,一千母驴。

    So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning : for he had fourteen thousand sheep , and six thousand camels , and a thousand yoke of oxen , and a thousand she asses .

  15. 它是米亚塔驴和当地动物园所收养斑马的杂交后代。生下这只斑驴纯属意外:一只爱意坚定的雄性斑马爬过篱笆,进入母驴的领地。然而这个小小的保护区没有料想到会因此收到一份大礼。

    The offspring of a breed of donkey from Amiata and a zebra adopted from a local zoo , the zonkey was not bred intentionally : A determined male zebra scaled a fence to get into a female donkey 's enclosure .

  16. 他的家产有七千只羊,三千只骆驼,五百对牛,五百匹母驴,并有许多仆婢;这人在东方人中就为至大。

    And his possessions were seven thousand sheep and three thousand camels and five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred female donkeys and a great many servants ; and this man was greater than all the sons of the east .