
  • 网络Official languages;bahasa rasmi;Langues officielles
  1. 中文是全世界使用人数最多的语言,在联合国的六种正式语文中,中文是唯一一个由单一国家使用的官方语言。

    Chinese is the most spoken language in the world , and among the six official languages of the United Nations , it is the only official language used by a single country .

  2. 两文中文和英文是法定的正式语文。

    The two official languages are Chinese and English .

  3. 22.技术委员会的正式语文为英文、法文和西班牙文。

    22 . The official languages of the Technical Committee shall be English , French and Spanish .

  4. 供技术委员会审议的备忘录和信函必须以正式语文之一提交。

    Memoranda and correspondence for the consideration of the Technical Committee must be presented in one of the official languages .

  5. 使用三种语文中的任何一种所作的发言或声明应立即译成其他正式语文,除非所有代表团均同意无需进行翻译。

    Speeches or statements made in any of these three languages shall be immediately translated into the other official languages unless all delegations agree to dispense with translation .

  6. 在必要时,送达的文书应附有译成有关国家正式语文或正式语文之一的译本。

    These documents shall be accompanied , if necessary , by a translation into the official language , or one of the official languages , of the State concerned .

  7. 香港《中国语文课程指引》是香港回归后的第一个正式的语文课程文件,对今后的语文教改起着直接指导的作用。

    Chinese Curriculum Guideline in Hong Kong is the first official Chinese curriculum file after the reunification , which influences the following Chinese reform directly .

  8. 改革开放以来,语文教学模式研究正式成为语文教育研究的子课题,迄今为止,它的发展大致经历了三个阶段:智能培养研究阶段,整体教育研究阶段和素质教育研究阶段。

    Since 1978 , the contemporary Chinese teaching models study has been a formal thesis of Chinese educational study . Its process can be divided into three stages : models study on intelligence , models study on integral education , and models study on quality education .