
zhènɡ yì zhàn zhēnɡ
  • just war
  1. 核武器似乎违背了正义战争的罚当其罪原则。

    Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality

  2. 我们在打一场正义战争。

    We are fighting a just war .

  3. “正义战争理论”的当代意义论析

    An analysis of the current significance of " just war theory "

  4. 我们是拥护正义战争反对非正义战争的。

    We support just wars and oppose unjust wars .

  5. 谁也不愿为非正义战争卖命。

    None want to die in an unjust war .

  6. 这首先体现为对革命暴力和正义战争的歌颁。

    It is embodied in eulogizing the revolutionary violence and the just war .

  7. 人民的正义战争最后一定会胜利。

    A people ` s just war is bound to end in victory .

  8. 辩题:公民的不服从比正义战争更有力量。

    Resolved : Civil disobedience is a moral weapon in the fight for justice .

  9. 非正义战争注定要失败。

    An unjust war is foredoomed to failure .

  10. 他们在打一场正义战争。

    They were fighting a just war .

  11. 正义战争理论是近代国际法的重要基础,战争影像与战争正义性建构关系密切。

    The construction of war-image and that of the just war doctrine are closely related .

  12. 沃尔泽;多元主义;社会善物;成员资格;复合平等;正义战争。

    Michael Walzer ; Pluralism ; Social Goods ; Membership ; Complex Equality ; Just War .

  13. 那个国家的人民团结得像一个人,进行了反侵略的正义战争。

    United as one , the people of that country waged a just war against aggression .

  14. 当然,我们都知道,在人类历史的大部分时间内,这种正义战争的概念鲜被理会。

    Of course , we know that for most of history , this concept of just war was rarely observed .

  15. 当时叫阿比西尼亚,进行了英勇的抗击意大利法西斯侵略者的正义战争。

    At that time it was called abyssinia , and its people were courageously waging a just war against the Italian Fascist aggressors .

  16. 这需要我们从新的角度思考正义战争的含义和正义和平的必备条件。

    And it will require us to think in new ways about the notions of just war and the imperatives of a just peace .

  17. 我们历来的经验,就是用劣势装备打败优势的敌人,因为我们进行的是正义战争,是人民战争。

    Our experience has always shown that we can defeat a superior enemy with inferior equipment , for our wars are just , they are people 's wars .

  18. 拉伯雷在小说中用大篇幅描写战争,并借此表达对侵略战争的厌恶,对正义战争的支持,突出了人在战争中的重要作用。

    In this novel , a lot of space is devoted to describing war , by which the writer expressed his hatred to aggressive war and support to justice .

  19. 公元13世纪中后期,中国历史上发生的南宋抗蒙(元)战争是汉民族政权为抵御蒙古游牧贵族野蛮入侵所进行的一场民族正义战争。

    The anti-Mongolian ( Yuan ) war that occurred during mid-to late 13th century is a just war of Han nationality against the barbaric invasion of the Mongolian nomadic nobles .

  20. 正义战争必然要战胜侵略战争。

    Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression . if fighting will not result in victory , then you must not fight even at the ruler 's bidding .

  21. 明朝万历年间的援朝抗日战争,是中朝两国军民联合反击日本对朝鲜发动的入侵,维护朝鲜主权与独立的正义战争。

    The War to Resist Japanese Aggression and Aid Korea in Ming Dynasty was a great just war initiated under the cooperation of China and Korea to resist Japan 's invasion into Korea and protect Korea 's sovereignty and independence .

  22. 具体说来,即伊战的动机、过程和结果均显示伊战是一场正义战争;(4)预设构成了政治语篇中隐喻实现意识形态构建功能的一种方式。

    To be specific , the motivation , process and outcome of the Iraq War all prove that the war is a just war ; ( 4 ) Presupposition is a way for metaphor to realize the ideological construction function in political discourse .

  23. 没有人认为那是一场正义的战争。

    No one considered it a just war .

  24. 这是一场正义的战争,并非基于任何领土方面的野心,而是基于价值观,他在谈到北约(Nato)在科索沃的行动时表示,我们不能容许种族清洗的罪恶存在。

    This is a just war , based not on any territorial ambitions but on values , he said of the Nato action in Kosovo . We cannot let the evil of ethnic cleansing stand .

  25. 正义的战争创造持久的和平。

    He that makes a good war makes a good peace .

  26. 正义的战争必定战胜侵略的战争。

    Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression .

  27. 许多美国人不再把它看作一场正义的战争。

    Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war .

  28. 正义的战争与战争的正义&关于战争伦理的反思

    Just War and Justice of War : Reflections on Ethics of War

  29. 世界上只有非掠夺性的谋解放的战争,才是正义的战争。

    The only just wars are non-predatory wars , wars of liberation .

  30. 社会主义的统一市场这是一场正义的战争。

    Single socialist market It was a just war .