
  • 网络Quadrature Component;orthogonal component
  1. 根据K分布杂波的两个正交分量可由两列相互独立的高斯矢量的加权乘积和,精确或近似构成的原理,本文提出了一种新的相关相干K分布杂波建模与仿真方法。

    With the principle of each quadrature component of K-distributed clutter can be modeled , exactly or approximately , by a weighted sum of products of two independent Gaussian variables , a new method for modeling and simulation of correlated coherent K - distributed clutter is presented .

  2. 所有这些论述均基于Rice的模型,即用两个正交分量来描述窄带噪声的理论,这种方法称为正交分量幅相表示法(QuadratureComponentandEnvelopPhaseRepresentation)。

    All of those based on Rice 's model use two quadrature components to explain the narrowband Gaussion noise . This method is called " the Quadrature-Component and Envelop-Phase Representation " .

  3. 作一组直角坐标轴,把各力都分解成正交分量。

    Construct a set of rectangular axes and resolve any inclined forces into rectangular components .

  4. 根据北京十三陵地磁台2001年全年的地磁分钟值,用自然正交分量法(NOC)分析了Sq的逐日变化特性。

    In this paper , the minute data from Geomagnetic Observatory BMT ( Beijing Ming Tomb Observatory ) for 2001 are analyzed by using MOC method ( Method of Natural Orthogonal Components ) .

  5. 结果发现:当各模压缩幂次数之和为奇数时,态ψI(ab)>q的第一或第二正交分量可分别呈现出周期性变化的不等次幂Nj次方H压缩效应。

    It is found that if the sum of squeezed power number Nj of the every model is an odd number , under some certain conditions the state | ψ I ( ab ) > q can display the effects of unequal - power Nj-th power H-squeezing that changes periodically .

  6. 一种新的宽带信号正交分量的解调方法

    A New Approach to Quadrature Demodulation for Broadband Signals

  7. 一个矢量的正交分量的大小是很容易计算的。

    The magnitudes of the rectangular components of a vector are easily computed .

  8. 例如:1、正交分量压缩光;

    For example : 1 , quadrature amplitude ( or phase ) squeezed light ;

  9. 发现压缩态正交分量相位的一些特性。

    The characteristics of the phase in the squeezed state are revealed in this paper .

  10. 该算法可以消除同相和正交分量相互独立的数字通信复信号的相位模糊性。

    The algorithm can remove phase ambiguity of digital communication signals which have independent in-phase and quadrature components .

  11. 计算表明位移算符虽然不改变光子数叠加态中场正交分量的压缩特性,但却改变了其振幅平方的压缩特性。

    It can be shown that the displacement operator can not affect the quadrature squeezing of amplitude in superposition states but can affect the amplitude-squared squeezing .

  12. 结果表明:原子激光的两正交分量的涨落均可压缩,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中原子间的相互作用不利于原子激光的压缩。

    The results show that the fluctuations of two quadrature components of the atomic laser can be squeezed and the interaction between atoms in BEC is disadvantageous to the squeeze of atomic lasers .

  13. 海森伯测不准关系是熵测不准关系的一个特例,可用熵量度光场正交分量的量子涨落。

    In fact , Heisenberg ′ s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation , and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field .

  14. 带通信号实际采样率仅为输出端所获同相分量和正交分量采样率的两倍,可以直接确定采样频率和设计低通抗混叠滤波器。

    The sampling rate of the bandpass signal is exactly twice that of the in - phase and quadrature components obtained at the output . The sampling frequency determination and the lowpass anti - aliasing filter design are Straightforward .

  15. 结果发现:在一定条件下,态Ψ(4)oe,Ⅱ〉2q的两个正交相位分量可同时呈现出广义非线性等幂次高次差压缩效应。

    The results show the two quadrature phase components of the state | Ψ ( 4 ) oe ,ⅱ > 2q appear as equal-power higher power difference squeezing simultaneously under special conditions .

  16. 信号的偏振状态可以用来研究信号的物理属性和传播介质特性。本文利用滑动窗平滑估值方法,将输入两正交信号分量作为线性基上的复信号进行数字处理,求取偏振参量;

    Evaluation by running window smoothing is used for the digital pro-cessing of the polarization of geophysical ULF signals .

  17. 它不仅具有水平、竖向三个正交平动分量,同时还具有转动分量。

    It not only has the horizontal and vertical of three orthogonal level-moving components , but also with rotational components .

  18. 多级波片相位延迟误差的讨论垂直入射光束的两个正交偏振分量被残余应变介质膜反射后具有一定的相对相位延迟,这种现象称为双反射效应。

    The two orthogonal polarization states of the projected beams result in a relative phase shift when reflected by bireflectance thin films , which is treated as the effect of bireflectance .

  19. 且信号两正交偏振分量间能量差别越小或差分群延迟越大,上述两种情况下信号偏振度值偏离就越远。这种偏离还随系统速率和色度色散量的增加而加剧。

    The less the energy difference between two cross-polarization components , or the larger the differential group delay , the greater the signal DOP deviates , and the deviations increase rapidly with the system ratio and CO increase .

  20. 仿真给出了矢量天线三个电偶极子和三个磁环测量出的三个正交电场分量和三个正交磁场分量叉乘方法来波方向估计的误差。

    The direction of arrival estimation errors by the Cross Product method are presented using the three orthogonal electric fields and the three orthogonal magnetic fields measured by the three dipoles and three loops which formed the vector sensor .

  21. 若对探测光场的正交位相分量实行第一类量子测量,信号光场的光子数分布会受到调制。

    The signal light and the probe light whose initial states are both coherent states will be entangled via interaction , then when a quadrature component of the probe light is measured , the photon number distribution of the signal light is modulated .

  22. 新型正交型三分量检波器的研制及现场试验

    The research and test of new orthogonal three-component geophone

  23. 以在空间曲线理论中起重要作用的富列耐塞勒(FrenetSerret)公式为基础,把BHA所受的力及力矩表示为三维非正交坐标系中视分量的形式,建立了力和力矩平衡方程。

    Based on the Frenet-Serret formulas which are very important in the vector and tensor analysis theory , the force and moment equilibrium equations are established by the technique of apparent components system .

  24. 新型3-2-1正交结构机器人六分量腕力传感器设计

    Design of a new typed six-component wrist force sensor of robot with 3-2-1 orthogonal structure

  25. 矢量水听器可以测量声场中某点的声压和三个正交方向的速度分量,因此有四个输出分量。

    Acoustic vector sensor has four output signals which correspond to the pressure and the three velocity components along three orthogonal axes .

  26. 通信双方共享一对明亮的EPR纠缠光束,随机选择测量各自所拥有的光场的正交振幅或正交位相分量,并利用各分量间的量子关联建立密钥。

    Two communication parties share a pair of bright EPR entangled beam and measure the amplitude or phase quadratures of their own optical fields randomly . Then , the secret key is established by means of quantum correlation between their amplitude and phase quadratures .

  27. 具有正交振幅和正交位相分量量子关联的纠缠态光场已经被广泛应用于量子离物传态,量子密集编码,量子纠缠交换等连续变量量子信息中。

    The entangled states of light with amplitude and phase quadrature quantum correlations have been extensively applied in continuous variable ( CV ) quantum information , such as quantum teleportation , quantum dense coding and entanglement swapping .

  28. 本文使用张量分析方法系统推导并给出了用于描述叶轮机械内跨声速位流的使用非正交曲线坐标非正交速度分量的散度形式的二维及三维势函数方程。

    In the present study , with tensor analysis a set of full-potential equations , expressed with respect to non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and non-orthogonal velocity components for describing 2D and 3D ( two-and three-dimensional ) tran - sonic flows in turbomachines , have been deduced and proposed .

  29. 本文基于非正交曲线坐标及非正交速度分量下完全守恒型的N-S方程,采用整体H型网格,用数值方法研究叶轮机械中的泄漏流动。

    Based on the N-S equations in full conservative form expressed with nonorthogonal curvilinear coordinates and corresponding nonorthogonal velocity components , the leakage flow in turbo-machinery was investigated by numerical method using an efficient integral H-grid .

  30. 使用非正交曲线坐标与非正交速度分量的S1回转面跨声速流时间相关数值解

    The time-dependent numerical solution of transonic flow on s_1 surface of revolution employing non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates and non-orthogonal velocity components