
zhènɡ jiāo xìnɡ
  • orthogonality
  1. (m,n)-正交性和内积空间的特征

    ( m , n ) orthogonality and characterizations of inner product spaces

  2. 杂化轨道理论的研究[Ⅰ]sp杂化轨道的正交性

    The study of hybrid orbital theory [ I ] the orthogonality conditions between S-P hybrid orbitals

  3. 部分TheRubyWay是争取正交性。

    Part of the Ruby Way is to strive for this orthogonality .

  4. H正交性的注解和内积空间特征

    Note on H orthogonality and characterizations of inner product spaces

  5. 利用非均匀B样条小波的正交性、局部性和振动性,研究基于非均匀B样条小波分解的有理曲线的光顺算法。

    Taking advantage of orthogonality , locality and oscillation of non-uniform B-spline wavelets , a new fairing algorithm for rational B-spline curve was studied .

  6. 实现了零频响特性,对A、B相信号的正交性不敏感,抗干扰性强。

    And it is insensitive to the orthogonality of the signal A and B.which can resist strong disturbance and shows sound reliability . 5 .

  7. Bénard系统的稳定性与本征函数的正交性

    The Stability of B é nard System and the Orthogonality of Eigenfunction

  8. OFDM的频谱正交性容易受到ICI的影响被破坏。

    OFDM system tends to damage the orthogonality for ICI .

  9. 但是限于正交性的限制,OFDM对于多普勒频移表现的更为敏感。

    However , the orthogonality restriction makes that there is more sensitivity to Doppler Shift in OFDM .

  10. 基于新息正交性的Kalman滤波抗野值法在POS中的应用

    Application of Modified Kalman Filtering Restraining Outliers Based on Orthogonality of Innovation to POS

  11. Banach空间的正交性和Hilbert空间

    Hilbert spaces and the orthogonality in Banach Spaces

  12. 然后对OFDM系统子载波间的正交性、DFT的应用和循环前缀的插入等知识进行了简单阐明。

    Then , the orthogonality of inter-carrier and the cyclic prefix of OFDM systems are presented .

  13. Banach空间的正交性与特征函数

    Characteristic functions and orthogonality in Banach Spaces

  14. 多普勒扩展破坏了OFDM系统载波间的正交性,但同时也带来了可以利用的资源。

    Doppler spread destroys the orthogonality between OFDM sub-carriers . But at the same time , Doppler spread brings usable resources .

  15. 针对编码器莫尔条纹原始信号的正弦性、正交性、等幅性及含直流电平这几种典型特征,利用Matlab仿真对产生误差的原因进行单项分析评估。

    The sine 、 orthogon ality 、 equal-amplitude and direct current voltage characteristics of encoder 's analog signals are each evaluated by simulating evaluation method using Matlab .

  16. 但是OFDM系统对子载波间的正交性有严格的要求,因此对本振相位噪声较为敏感。

    However , the orthogonality between subcarriers is crucial to OFDM , so it is sensitive to the phase noise of local oscillator .

  17. 然而,OFDM系统的输出信号是多个相互覆盖的子信道的叠加,它们之间的正交性有严格的要求。

    However , the output of the OFDM system is the superposition of the subchannel signals , among which the orthogonality strict requirs .

  18. 但是,OFDM系统对频偏和相位噪声非常敏感,频偏会破坏子载波之间的正交性。

    However , OFDM is very sensitive to both symbol timing and carrier frequency offset , so it is probably to produce inter-carrier interference .

  19. Runge-Kutta方法的G-正交性

    G - orthogonality of Runge-Kutta methods

  20. 利用正交性定义Hermite多项式

    Orthogonality For Defining Hermite - polynomial

  21. 从OFDM系统子载波正交性要求出发,讨论了数字成形滤波器阶数有限效应。

    In view of orthogonality between subcarriers of OFDM system , effect of the finite order of digit shaping filter is discussed in this paper .

  22. OFDM的基本原理就是利用子载波的正交性,将实际无线信道划分为若干个子信道来传输数据。

    The basic principle of OFDM is that the actual radio channel is divided into several sub-channel to transmit data by utilizing sub-carriers orthogonal nature .

  23. OFDM是一种特殊的多载波调制(Multi-CarrierModulation,MCM)技术,其各子载波之间存在正交性,允许子信道的频谱互相重叠。

    OFDM is a special case of multi-carrier digital modulation technique that allows different sub-carriers which are orthogonal narrow band signals overlapping .

  24. 本文首先引入LP模(即线极化模)的一种定义,并讨论了LP的正交性问题。

    A new definition for LP modes is introduced . The orthogonality of the LP-modes in sense of power is discussed .

  25. 本文还在统一坐标系上引入了变分方法,对保角变换公式进行变分,并从自适应网格的正交性、光滑性、疏密程度等角度考虑,获取h近似分布。

    Moreover , variational methods are used in the unified coordinate system , the mesh spacing , smoothness , orthogonality and regularity of grids generated are also considered to get the distribution of h.

  26. 尤其在高速移动环境下,多普勒频移和多普勒扩展明显,频率偏差使OFDM系统子载波间的正交性遭到破坏,产生子载波间干扰(ICI),这将大大降低系统性能。

    Frequency offset destroys the orthogonality between OFDM sub-carriers , which brings about inter-carrier interference ( ICI ), resulting in performance degradation .

  27. 一般Banach空间中的正交性理论是Hilbert空间中正交性理论的自然推广,也是Banach空间理论的重要发展。

    Orthogonality concept in Banach space is a natural generalization of orthogonality in Hilbert space and an important development of Banach space theory .

  28. 本文提出了修正Kalman滤波新息正交性的方法,使修正后的Kalman滤波新息能够保持修正前的新息正交性。

    In this paper , the modifying orthogonal property of innovation sequence based on Robust Kalman filtering is presented , which can keep orthogonal properties of innovation sequence .

  29. Gardner模式注意参数正交性,估值较为稳定。

    Gardner 's model is good at orthogonality of parameters , and its estimates are more stable .

  30. 利用信号子空间和噪声子空间正交性,可以实现超分辨波达方向(DOA)估计。

    The orthogonality between the signal subspace and the noise subspace is widely employed to implement the Direction of Arrival ( DOA ) estimation .