- 名conceptual design

Conceptual design of the venting device for dewar of CR dipole superconducting magnet of FAIR
Efficiency Analysis of Product Conceptual Design Based on Petri Nets Simulation
Study on Car Body Design Stage
The Application of OpenGL in the Concept Design of Hydraulic Support
Finally , we proposed a centralized-distributed software architecture , and proposed the detail function designing structure of the hardware and the client software .
CBR Based Conceptual Design Model of Mold / die Structures
The conceptual design and application of the energy-saving system of EPS outer-wall warm-keeping and weight-bearing buildings
Conceptual design and simulation on neutron diffractometer for stress measurement at CARR
Discusses the data mining on Web support the computer aided conceptual design system and course of the data mining base on Web by Java and stores the results into database .
Use the FEE model of conceptual design and effects of effect knowledge base and examples to guide the design of new energy vehicles .
Based on conceptual design process model , a relationship model of the function , behavior and effect and a function-effect ( FE ) model were built .
The concept of computer aided conceptual design ( CACD ) has become a research focus at the field of the CAD / CAM and CIMS .
The method of Internet-based computer aided product conceptual design was presented , which utilizes the PDM technique to integrate disperse and isolated information into internet product conceptual design system .
In this paper , a method of using C + + programme with VRML is presented to realize visual concept design .
Driver driving-related information in the TOD conceptual design stage need to effectively classify , rational distribution .
Because the thesis focuses on the conceptual design , the main particulars are selected as design variables .
QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) provides an effective method for product concept design to meet requirements of customers .
The computation results showed that the simplified MDO could implement the multidisciplinary decoupling in the conceptual design for satellite .
According to this , makes further design of the database 's concept , logic and physics , builds up a GIS database that bases on mixed structural data model after data pretreatment such as classify and coding .
Principle to the proposed guidance in three types of hanging rail stations alone PRT concept design .
A Conceptual Framework for Developing ODL Research Oriented Information Environments
However , there is not indeed a computer aided conceptual design tool among the computer-aided tools , CAx .
For the first time , the author puts forward the CBR-based conceptual design evaluation system which can make the evaluation of conceptual design more exactly and reasonably .
Concept designing main describes E-R diagram . E-R diagram describes the relation among the modules which belong to the system .
お? The paper describes an integrated intelligent CAD system of hydraulic supports . The authors introduces the design expert system into the CAD system to solve the problems of conceptual design and the mapping between the conceptual and structural design .
This paper foresees that developed ICAD based on the model and the reasoning can support product concept design .
Conceptual Design of NSSS for 1000 MW PWR Nuclear Power Plant of China
In summary , four innovative accomplishments have been made in the thesis . ( 1 ) A complete conceptual design process for Truss Spar is proposed and structural design is conducted .
The common design and manufacturing process of plastic product and its mould were analyzed . It was pointed that the lack of CAE tool for the conceptual design of the products were the crucial thing that influences the quality of them .
Southwest Center of Reactor Engineering has made the conceptual design of a 600 MWe advanced PWR nuclear power plant ( AC-600 ) .