
  • 网络Masdar City
  1. 马斯达尔还设立了一项奖金总额为400万美元的扎耶德未来能源奖(ZayedFutureEnergyPrize),类似于闻名于世的埃克斯奖(X-Prize)。

    Masdar even has a $ 4 million award program the Zayed future energy prize like the vaunted X-Prize .

  2. 马斯达尔是在沙漠上建起的半完工城市,由总设计师NormanFoster主持规划,包罗万象地涵盖了城市的功能,有一个中央控制中心来监控和规范整个城市。

    Masdar is a half-built city rising out of the desert , whose planning – overseen by the master architect Norman Foster – comprehensively lays out the activities of the city , the technology monitoring and regulating the function from a central command centre .

  3. 马斯达尔不仅仅是一座普通的城市,但很多人都忽视了这一点。

    What many miss is that Masdar is more than a city .

  4. 马斯达尔的节能成效在很大程度上源自于智能设计。

    Much of the energy savings at Masdar come from smart design .

  5. 每年,马斯达尔将该奖项授予在可再生能源和可持续性领域展现杰出领导力的公司和个人。

    Each year it recognizes companies and individuals who show leadership in renewable energy and sustainability .

  6. 你可能会设计出阿联酋的马斯达尔,或者韩国的松岛。

    You might come up with Masdar , in the United Arab Emirates , or Songdo , in South Korea .

  7. 马斯达尔的电力供应全部来自一座装机容量为10兆瓦的本地太阳能光伏电厂以及一套装机容量为1兆瓦的屋顶式太阳能光伏发电机组。

    Electricity is generated by a 10-megawatt solar PV Plant located on-site and a rooftop solar PV installation totaling 1 megawatt .

  8. 马斯达尔是阿布扎比酋长国政府将石油收益投资于绿色产业的计划的一部分。

    Masdar is an effort on the part of the government of Abu Dhabi to invest its oil dollars in a greener future .

  9. 与过去完全相反的是,马斯达尔像伦敦古旧街道周围的新‘创意角’一样,,假设一种知道什么东西应该生长于什么地方的遥感术。

    Masdar – like London 's new ideas quarter around Old Street – on the contrary assumes a clairvoyant sense of what should grow where .

  10. 但是城市不是一台机器,不能像马斯达尔和松岛那样,那样版本的城市会在高效中使得生活其中的人们变得死气沉沉和昏头昏脑。

    But a city is not a machine ; as in Masdar and Songdo , this version of the city can deaden and stupefy the people who live in its all-efficient embrace .