
  • 网络ftg;fighting game;Fighting
  1. 3D格斗游戏中碰撞检测技术的研究和实现

    Implement and Research of Collision detection of 3D Fighting Game

  2. 基于OGRE的格斗游戏制作方法的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Fighting Game Development Method Based on OGRE

  3. 这是一款3D格斗游戏,两位角色分别是愤怒的包子,和丑陋的尼克。

    It is a3D fight game between two characters : Angry Baozi & Ugly Nick .

  4. 尽管有着高速A6X处理器的上一代iPad并不逊色,但如今在iOS7上运行的一切应用,包括流行的虚拟格斗游戏《无尽之刃3》(InfinityBladeIII),都会更加出色。

    While the previous iPad was no slouch with its brisk a6x processor , now everything on IOS 7 , including the popular virtual brawler infinity blade III , hums along .

  5. 我们也希望在这个不分国度的格斗游戏世界里,我们互相之间可以合作,共同开创美好DOAOL未来的。

    We also hope that in this regardless of the kingdom grapple game world , we can each cooperation between , work together to create the bright future of DOA OL .

  6. 这个游戏实际上将这些格斗游戏的特点表现得非常好,而且往往令人感到激动。

    The game actually pulls off these aspects really well and can be exciting at times .

  7. 该游戏非常强调格斗游戏的元素,比如组合技、殊技以及格档等。

    It has a heavy emphasis on fighting-game elements such as combos , special attacks , and blocking .

  8. 不需要特别设置即可以在格斗游戏中使用多种毕杀技招数,增加游戏乐趣。

    Various methods of the successful killing skills can be used in a PK game without the need of special arrangements .

  9. 格斗类游戏就是一系列的招式组成的。

    Fighting games are almost nothing but a series of moves .

  10. 游戏介绍:格斗冒险游戏,多人物可以选择,发挥你的格斗技巧,做一个装甲英雄。

    The game is introduced : Grapple game of taking risks , many personage can choose , grapple skill to give play to you , become an armoured hero .

  11. 面对电玩城捉鱼、飙车、格斗等游戏的诱惑,会不会影响孩子的身体健康和学习,这一系列的问题实在让人堪忧。

    The face of gaming city to catch fish , drag racing , fighting the temptation of such games will not affect the child 's health and learning , this series of problems is worrying people .

  12. 游戏中只要通过鼠标就能放出很多种类的格斗技,游戏中还有必杀技!

    So long as can emit a lot of grapple skills of kind in the game through the mouse , must kill the skill in the game !