
  • 网络GERSHWIN;george gershwin
  1. 格什温的歌词在今天很可能被视为政治上不正确。

    Gershwin 's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect .

  2. 他上钢琴课,一边进行标准的经典作品的练习,一边自己尝试练习格什温的作品。

    He took up piano lessons , combining standard classical exercises with his own attempts at Gershwin .

  3. 竞赛在宁波开始了,孩子们纷纷上台,演奏莫扎特、勃拉姆斯和格什温。施坦威亚洲总裁沃纳·哈斯曼恩(WernerHusmann)说,公司要生存,需要在中国培育一批新的听众。

    As the competition kicked off in Ningbo and children took to the stage to perform Mozart , Brahms and Gershwin , the president of Steinway 's Asia division , Werner Husmann , said the piano maker would need to establish a new audience in China to survive .

  4. 格什温的这首乐曲是为爵士乐队的领导者保罗惠特曼写得。

    Gershwin wrote the piece for jazz band leader Paul Whiteman .

  5. 格什温没有能够活着看到自己的天才终于放出胜利的光彩。

    Gershwin did not live to see the triumph of his genius .

  6. 爵士乐因素在格什温交响音诗《一个美国人在巴黎》中的运用初探

    On the Application of " Jazz Factors " to Gershwin 's Symphonic Poem

  7. 请听由乔治?格什温创作,贝蒂?巴克雷演唱的《这样已经有多久了》。

    Listen now as Betty Buckley sings How Long Has This Been Going On by George Gershwin .

  8. 流行歌曲格什温奖是佐治和艾拉格什温的歌曲创作团队为了纪念某位美国作曲家或演员而命名的。

    The Gershwin Prize for Popular Song is named for the songwriting team of George and Ira Gershwin .

  9. 《波基与贝丝》是美国作曲家格什温于二十世纪三十年代创作的一部歌剧,也是格什温最具有代表性的音乐戏剧作品。

    Porgy and Bess is an American opera composed by the composer George Gershwin during the 1930 's .

  10. 与对德沃夏克交响曲的反应不同,观众似乎对格什温的这部作品很有回应。

    Unlike with the Dvorak symphony , the members of the audience seemed to respond to the Gershwin piece .

  11. 抒情诗人欧文·凯撒偶然听到他弹奏钢琴并觉得他很像自己以前的合作者乔治.格什温。

    Lyricist Irving Caesar happened to hear him play the piano and thought he resembled his former collaborator George Gershwin .

  12. 二十世纪钢琴音乐中的一枝奇葩&格什温《蓝色狂想曲》钢琴教学的分析与研究

    A Remarkable Piece of 20 ~( th ) Century Piano Music & Piano-teaching Analysis study George Gershwin 's Rhapsody in Blue

  13. 在格什温1924年推出他那首著名的《蓝色狂想曲》时,爵士乐已经广泛流行。

    As Gershwin was putting together his famous " Rhapsody in Blue " in 1924 , jazz was gaining widespread popularity .

  14. 介绍了格什温的生平、《蓝色狂想曲》创作的时代背景、创作过程及作品特点。

    It describes the life of Gershwin , " Rhapsody in Blue " background of creation , the creative process and work characteristics .

  15. 格什温是美国20世纪初期著名音乐家,他创作的《蓝色狂想曲》是享誉世界的经典作品。

    George Gershwin is a famous musician in early 20th century America , he created " Rhapsody in Blue ", it is a world-renowned classics .

  16. 那晚上演的系列乐曲的名字是“现代音乐实验”,格什温的乐曲排在演出单的第二十三。

    The name of the series of songs played that night was " Experiment in Modern Music . " Gershwin 's song was twenty-third in the list of songs in that performance .

  17. 继格什温与科普兰之后,巴伯是第三位作品得以演出次数最多的美国作曲家,被认为是美国传统浪漫派作曲家的佼佼者。

    Besides George Gershwin and Aaron Copland , Barber was the third American composer whose works were frequently played , and was regarded as a distinguished figure of those traditional romantic composers in America .

  18. 20世纪美国杰出音乐家格什温因为成功创作钢琴协奏曲《蓝色狂想曲》而影响了全球范围的音乐创作,而《蓝色狂想曲》的成功则得益于他成功的和声实践。

    The piano concerto " Rhapsody in Blue " was composed by George Gershwin , an outstanding American musician in 20th century , and it was so successful that it affected the music creation in the world . Its success benefits from the successful application of harmony .