
kū cǎo rè
  • hay fever;allergic rhinitis;pollinosis;peach cold
枯草热[kū cǎo rè]
  1. 枯草热是年纪较小时会患的一种病。

    Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age .

  2. 雨天会给枯草热患者带来欣喜,减轻他们的痛苦。

    Rainy weather brings blessed relief to hay fever victims .

  3. 魔力术语“咒语”最初适用于治疗枯草热的特殊目的。

    The magic word " abracadabra " was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing hay fever .

  4. 茶苯海明为一种组胺H1受体拮抗剂,主要用于抗晕动,也用于过敏性疾病,如枯草热、荨麻疹。

    Dimenhydrinate ( DMH ), a histamine H_1-receptor antagonist , is widely used in the treatment of giddy , irritability , pollenosis and urticaria .

  5. 枯草热使我的鼻子流鼻涕,眼睛布满血丝。

    Hayfever gives me a runny nose and bloodshot eyes .

  6. 这种药经医师处方用以治疗枯草热。

    This drug is prescribed to treat hay fever .

  7. 他一生下来就一直患枯草热。

    Has had hay fever all his life .

  8. 花粉计数高时,枯草热患者的日子就更不好过了。

    Hay fever sufferers have a worse time when the pollen count is high .

  9. 现在让我们来看看最常见的变态反应的一种&枯草热。

    Let us , however , examine one of the most common allergies ; hayfever .

  10. 花粉是最常见的气传吸入性过敏原之一,可引起多种过敏性疾病,如过敏性鼻炎、支气管哮喘、过敏性结膜炎等。花粉症即季节性变应性鼻炎,又称枯草热。

    Pollen is one of the most common aeroallergen which may induce many kind of allergic diseases such as rhinitis , bronchial asthma , allergic conjunctivitis .

  11. 豚草素有植物杀手之称,对人类及农业生产危害严重,其密集成片的特性严重破坏了生态环境,秋季所产生的花粉引发枯草热,沈阳豚草花粉过敏症人群的发病率达1.52%。

    Ambrosia is called " plant cutthroat ", endangering mankind and agricultures seriously . Its intensive pollen causes grass hot in autumn , and the rate of Ambrosia pollen allergy crowd amounts to 1.52 % in Shenyang .