
kū shuǐ wèi
  • low water
  1. 三峡蓄水初期宜昌枯水位稳定机理分析

    Analysis of Stability Mechanism of Yichang Low-water Level During TGP 's Initial Impoundment Period

  2. 调节鄱阳湖枯水位维护江湖健康

    Water Level Regulation in Poyang Lake During the Dry Season for Health of the River and Lake

  3. 三峡蓄水后宜昌断面枯水位下降趋势及应对策略分析

    Low Water Level Descending Trend of Yichang Section After Water Storing of Three Gorges and It ′ s Solution

  4. 三峡下游沙卵石河段纵剖面形态对枯水位影响

    Characteristics of channel profile and its impact on low flow water level in the gravel / sand bed reach downstream the Three Georges Project

  5. 采用极限平衡法对滑坡在最高水位、常水位、枯水位时的稳定性进行定量评价,并使用滑坡监测资料进行验证。

    And the stability of the landslide is quantitatively evaluated using limit equilibrium method according to the highest , normal and the lowest underground water levels .

  6. 经过1998年长江大洪水的冲刷,枯水位以上护岸工程发生了不同程度的损坏。1999年国家安排专项资金对观音矶护岸工程进行整治。

    The revetment of this section was destroyed in varying degrees by rush of floodwaters in1998 , and a special repair fund was appropriated by State in1999 .

  7. 介绍松花江春季枯水预报工作中,采用最小流量合成法、退水过程线和丰枯水位相关等关系综合分析后预报,取得了较为理想的成果

    The spring low water forecast of the Songhuajiang River is carried out by adopting the minimum flow composition method and based on the comprehensive analysis of receding process line and relation of high & low water levels , which has achieved satisfactory result

  8. 研究区植物生活型多以一年生和多年生草本植物为主,生长快,短期内就能够形成小群聚或单一优势种,可以很好的适应水库丰枯水位变化。

    The life form of vegetation on this belt is mainly composed of annual herbs and perennial herbs ; also plant had strong ability of growth and form small cluster or a single advantage in a short term can adapt well to changes of water line .

  9. 我国许多河流通航不仅受到洪、枯季水位变化的影响,还受到其它因素的影响,尤其是河道上修建水电站。

    Many navigable channels in our country are affected not only the mutation of water level of flood and dry weather , but also other factors . For example , the hydroelectric power station in upstream .

  10. 由于长江与两侧浅层承压水有着十分密切的联系,长江枯季水位升高将阻滞两岸地下水向长江排泄,从而使两岸承压水位相对抬高。

    Because there is close relation between Yangtze River and shallow confined water alongside the river , the rising of the river level will resist the recharging of groundwater to the river and raise the confined water level .

  11. 城市河道生态护岸具有滞洪补枯与调节水位、增强水体自净能力及保护生物植被的功能。

    Ecological revetment of urban river course has functions of detaining flood , absorbing and storing water , regulating water level , increasing self-purification capacity of water and protecting vegetation .