
  1. 试析乡风文明,村容整洁之难题&以大白崖村为例

    A Case Study of Civilization and Neatness of Rural Areas

  2. 村容整洁,是建设社会主义新农村的要求之一。

    Clean and tidy village is one of the requirements of constructing new countryside .

  3. 村容整洁,既是新农村的外观表现,也是新农村的内容所在。

    Clean and tidy village is not only outward appearance performance of new countryside , but also the content of new countryside .

  4. 大力开发垃圾资源,创建村容整洁的新农村&社会主义新农村建设问题探讨之四

    Developing Garbage Resource to Build a New Countryside with Clean and Tidy Appearance & The Problem of the Building of Socialism New Countryside : Part 4

  5. 它与生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁等方面互为因果,构成了新农村建设的有机统一体。

    It has a relationship of reciprocal causation with economic development , affluent life , rural culture , village appearance , constituting an organic entity in building the new socialist countryside .

  6. 对新农村建设在过程中避免环境污染,实现村容整洁,改善人居生活质量,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    The new rural development in the process to avoid environmental pollution , and capacity to achieve the village clean and to improve the quality of life in Habitat , an important theoretical and practical value .

  7. 自十六届五中全会提出新农村建设的重大历史任务以来,解决农村生活环境问题也逐渐提上议事日程,将村容整洁作为新农村建设的一个重大目标。

    Since proposed construction of new countryside , solve environmental problems of rural life is gradually put on the agenda , and take the " clean and tidy village " as a major new goal of rural development .