
  • 网络village clinic
  1. 江西省村卫生室卫生人力资源现状分析

    Analysis of Health Human Resources of Village Clinic in Jiangxi Province

  2. 居民就诊主要发生在村卫生室。

    The main medical institution for visit is local village clinic .

  3. 从村卫生室医务人员AIDS机会性感染及抗病毒治疗知识知晓率来看,21个问题知晓率均在90%以下。

    The awareness rate of 21 questions about AIDS opportunistic infections and anti-HIV treatment is below 90 % .

  4. 方法以山西和四川两省的6个县医院、14个乡卫生院和51个村卫生室为样本,进行了ARI标准病例管理质量评估。

    Methods Six county hospitals , fourteen township hospitals and fifty five village health stations were selected as the sample size to evaluate the quality of standard ARI case management .

  5. 重庆农村贫困地区村卫生室处方浅析

    Analysis on Prescriptions in Rural Clinics in Poverty-stricken Area of Chongqing

  6. 村卫生室人员卫生技术职称情况更不容乐观。

    In the Village clinic can not be optimistic even more titles .

  7. 安徽省皖北地区村卫生室建筑设计研究

    Research on the Architectural Design of Rural Clinic in Northern Anhui Province

  8. 基于社会角色理论的村卫生室定位方法研究

    Based on Social role Theory of Village Health Positioning Method

  9. 村卫生室卫生质量问题显得更加明显。

    The quality of village clinics is even more obvious .

  10. 村卫生室就诊常见疾病及其诊治技术分析

    Analyzing the Primary Diseases and Treatment Technologies in Village Clinics

  11. 济宁市任城区新型农村合作化医疗建立前后村卫生室消毒质量调查

    Effect of New Cooperative Medical System Establishment on Routine Disinfection in Rural Area

  12. 选择去村卫生室就诊与病人出现长的卫生系统延迟有显著性关系。

    The patients who visited village clinics had significant longer health system delays .

  13. 农村地区村卫生室处方用药及费用分析

    Analysis of the Drug Using Situation in the Village Health Posts in Rural Area

  14. 中国西部农村村卫生室医药费用水平及其影响因素

    Medical Coste and Impacting Factors on Rural Clinics of Western Rural Areas in China

  15. 坚持建立健全村级卫生组织,创建合格的村卫生室;

    To institute and strengthen village health organization and establish qualified village medical station ;

  16. 从收入结构看,村卫生室药品收入为其主要收入。

    From the structure of income , drug sales are the main source of income .

  17. 西部贫困地区村卫生室药物使用情况分析

    Analysis on drug application in village health posts in poor rural area of western China

  18. 结果试点县村卫生室所有制形式多样化。

    The results showed that the forms of ownership system of village clinic were diversification .

  19. 村卫生室缺乏开展卫生服务质量管理的动机和条件。

    Village clinics are short of motivation and conditions to carry out health services management .

  20. 基本药物制度覆盖80%以上村卫生室。

    The system of using basic medicines was implemented in over 80 % of village clinics .

  21. 雨花区村卫生室和个体诊所消毒质量监测分析

    Results of monitoring of sterilization quality in village and private clinics in Yuhua District of Changsha City

  22. 主要制约因素是:村卫生室没有预防保健服务固定资金投入;

    The influence factors is : there is no fixed financing of public health to village clinics ;

  23. 村卫生室机构和人员的建设和发展政策不明朗是影响村卫生室卫生质量管理的根源问题。

    The uncertainties of policies of construction and development among village clinics and personnel are source problems .

  24. 中国西部5省40个贫困县村卫生室综合评价

    A synthetic evaluation on the village clinics of 40 poverty counties of 5 provinces in western China

  25. 卫生机构、卫生人员和诊疗人次等均不包括村卫生室数据。

    The data of health institutions , health personnel and visits do not include that of village clinics .

  26. 农村居民对目前的社区卫生服务站(村卫生室)工作基本满意,但对新建农村社区卫生服务站六位一体的服务内容了解不多。

    Rural people welcome current village CHSTs but are not familiar to community services of " six-in-one " .

  27. 分析当前村卫生室参与预防保健服务情况。在调查的83个村卫生室中发现,有70。

    The current situation of prevention and health care provision of village clinic were studied on83 village clinics .

  28. 第三是控制机制的缺失,使村卫生室的服务质量缺乏保证。

    Thirdly , the lack of the control mechanism makes the service quality of the village clinics unstable .

  29. 结果(1)农村基层药品供应主体是乡(镇)卫生院和村卫生室、个体诊所;

    Results ( 1 ) The main drug supplying organizations in the countryside are township hospitals and village dispensaries .

  30. 打针或注射的场所多是在个体诊所(58.1%)和村卫生室(33.0%)。

    Places for injection were mainly private clinic ( 58.1 % ) and village clinic ( 33.0 % ) .