
  • 网络Magazine Advertising;Magazine advertisement;magazine ad
  1. 英汉语码转换在中国杂志广告中的应用

    Analysis of Chinese and English Code-Switching in Chinese Magazine Advertising

  2. 当代中国杂志广告中女性意义的符号学研究

    A Semiotic Study of the Meaning of Women in the Contemporary Chinese Magazine Advertising

  3. 想瘦身吗?别看美女广告!Study:Magazineadsofthinmodelsmakewomenovereat一项研究表明,为身材所困的年轻女性看到杂志广告上的超级模特或是有着“魔鬼”身材的女性,会食量大增;

    Research now shows a supermodel figure or the " ideal " thin woman image reflected in magazine advertisements trigger young women , obsessed with their own body image , to eat more .

  4. 但杂志广告上的SUV看上去就像我每天在得州公路上所看到的汽车。

    But the SUV in the magazine ad looked just like the ones I see every day on Texas roads .

  5. 也可以使用PubMed数据库来寻找在相关课题发表文章的作者,或者也可以查看相关会议演讲者的名单列表,这些列表往往可以在杂志广告中或者相关科学学会的网站上获得。

    Or go through the list of speakers at a relevant conference , which you may find advertised in a journal , or on the website of a scientific society .

  6. 但是出版商信息局(PIB)的资料显示,《读者文摘》的旗舰杂志广告收入去年下降了18.4%,今年头6个月再度下滑7.2%。

    But advertising revenue from the flagship magazine fell 18.4 per cent last year , and is down another 7.2 per cent in the first six months of this year , according to the Publishers Information Bureau .

  7. 2005年中国杂志广告出现大幅增长,增速居四大传媒之首。

    In 2005 , the magazine-advertisement of China appears large growth .

  8. 在杂志广告截止日期前提供四色菲林及彩色打样。

    Four-color film and proof must be submitted by the deadline date .

  9. 当前我国男性时尚杂志广告中的男性形象分析

    The Current Men 's Fashion Magazine Advertisements Male Image Analysis

  10. 报刊杂志广告中用面子技巧进行社会距离操纵的分析

    On Social Distance Manipulation Through Face Management in Newspaper & Magazine Advertisements

  11. 中国男性时尚杂志广告投放现状与趋势分析

    Analysis of present situation and trend of advertisement of male magazine in China

  12. 杂志广告中常见互动性设计样式刍议

    The Common Patterns of Interactive Design in Magazine Advertisements

  13. 我从报章杂志广告中认识这些产品。

    I know about portable entertainment products through printed ads.

  14. 杂志广告中的性别角色定型的实证研究

    Positive Research into Gender Stereotypes in Magazine Advertisements

  15. 他想要几张杂志广告的照片。

    He wanted some stills for a magazine ad.

  16. 另外医学杂志广告也不在禁止之列,这些广告费用为杂志发行提供资金。

    Another such exception cited is advertising in medical journals that helps finance journal operations .

  17. 中国杂志广告经营传播透视

    Perspective of Magazine Advertising Management in China

  18. 可能为服装作杂志广告。

    Possible drawing magazine advertisements for clothing .

  19. 她邮购她在杂志广告上看到的亚麻布?单。

    She sent away for a set of bed linen she saw advertised in a magazine .

  20. 而报纸广告的接触率只有29.2%,杂志广告19.8%,互联网广告15.8%,远远落后于电视和户外广告。

    Far behind are newspapers at29.2 % , magazines at19.8 % , and Internet at15.8 % .

  21. 本文试图从认知-语用的角度探讨杂志广告中的新奇隐喻。

    The present thesis attempts to explore novel metaphor in magazine advertisements from a cognitive-pragmatic perspective .

  22. 杂志广告中的性别角色

    Sex Roles in Magazine Advertisements

  23. 时尚杂志广告解密

    Fashion Magazine Advertisement Analysis

  24. 明亮的色彩、人的图画和简短广告语的采用是杂志广告的特色。

    The use of bright colors , attractive pictures , and short messages is all characteristic of magazine ads.

  25. 好,就按这样说的做吧,也许以后我们可以尝试一些杂志广告。

    Woman : Okay , let 's do that . We could try some magazine ads later perhaps .

  26. 我们的网站、杂志广告以及广告看板都会刊登五月十二号是《疯狂日》。

    Our web sites , magazine ads , and billboards will all say @ May 12 is Insanity Day .

  27. 意义的构成:从文化学角度研究2002年美国杂志广告中的女性形象再现

    The Construction of Meaning : A Cultural Study of the Representation of Women in American Magazine Advertising in 2002

  28. 杂志广告可用彩色印在杂志的插页上,对广大读者有很大的吸引力。

    Color can be used magazine advertisements in magazines printed on the foldout , the readers are very attractive .

  29. 杂志广告,电视广告,广播广告等等,甚至在有些地方的洗手间的墙上你都可以看到广告。

    Magazine ads , television , radio * in some places you 'll even find advertising in bathroom stalls !

  30. 这是出现在两个页面杂志广告的双页广告,展示了三个不同的刀的形象。

    It was a series of double-paged magazine advertisements that appeared across two pages , with images of three different knives .