
  • 网络hash algorithm
  1. 杂凑算法往往具有很高的杂凑速率,如MDx(x版本的杂凑算法),SHA(数据杂凑标准)等。

    Hash algorithm is always with high operation speed such as MDx , SHA .

  2. 一类SHA-x改进杂凑算法的设计及分析

    Design and Analysis of Modified SHA-x Hash Algorithm

  3. 基于强单向置换杂凑算法的构造和安全性分析

    The construction and security analysis of hash algorithm based on strong one - way permutation

  4. 杂凑算法的对偶问题

    Dual problem of hash algorithm

  5. 一个自然的问题是能否利用快速安全的杂凑算法构造相应的分组加密算法呢?

    A natural problem is that could one apply for a fast hash scheme to construct a cipher block algorithm .

  6. 不可见水印中介绍了一种利用安全杂凑算法的脆弱水印,图像只要稍有改动就能检测出来,并精确定位出篡改区域。

    Invisible watermarking algorithm introduce a frailty watermarking algorithm base on secure hash algorithm , which can examine the temper image and locate the tamper domain .

  7. 实验表明,分组密码专用指令集处理器在灵活实现常见分组密码算法和杂凑算法的基础上,具有较高的处理性能。

    Experiment results indicate that Block Cipher ASIP not only has the flexibility of processing familiar block cipher and hash algorithms , but also has high performance .

  8. 本文利用来自不同群的运算,构造一种能证明其安全性的杂凑算法,并应用已证明的结果构造安全的消息认证码。

    The construction of a provable hash algorithm is developed based on the operations from various groups , also , a safety message authentication code is presented by the result .

  9. 本文把这个问题称为杂凑算法的对偶问题,本文试图用现有的结果证明给定一个安全快速的杂凑算法可以构造一个安全快速的分组加密算法。

    This paper denotes such a problem as dual problem of hash algorithm . Based on the known result , it is proved that several fast secure block cipher can be constructed if a fast secure hash algorithm is given .

  10. 本文利用∑~n上单向置换与完善置换的复合,构造基于强单向置换的杂凑算法,并证明了该算法的安全性等价于单向置换在多项式时间内不可求逆。

    This paper constructs the Hash algorithm based on strong one-way permutation by the composition of one-way permutation and perfect permutation on ∑ n and proves that its security is equivalent to the one-way permutation that can not be inversed in polynomial time .

  11. 介绍了DES、RSA加密算法与MD5杂凑函数算法,提出一种基于DES、RSA、MD5技术共同实现数字签名和身份认证的加密方案,并对该方案安全性与效率进行分析。

    The paper introduces the algorithm of DES 、 RSA and MD5 , and brings forward a cryptosystem based on DES 、 RSA and MD5 to realize digital signature and authentication . The security and efficiency of the system are analysed .

  12. 本文设计了一种用软件实现的密钥托管方案,采用单钥密码算法加密消息,并利用公钥密码算法、单向杂凑函数算法等实现用户识别和密钥检验。

    This paper proposes a scheme for supporting the implementation of key escrow systems in software , which employs symmetric encryption algorithm for securing communication , and one-way hash function and asymmetric cryptography for identifying the users and verifying session key .