
zá jiāo
  • hybridize;cross;hybridization;cross breeding;hybrid
杂交 [zá jiāo]
  • [hybrid] 一品系与另一品系之间的交合繁殖

  • 杂交水稻

杂交[zá jiāo]
  1. 有些人会拿取种子,然后将培育出来的植株和自己的其他植株进行杂交。

    Some people will take the seeds and hybridize the resulting plants with others of their own .

  2. 种间和亚种间杂交F1鹿繁殖性能的研究

    Research of F_1 Deer Reproduction Performance on Hybridize of Different

  3. 骡是马和驴杂交的产物。

    A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey .

  4. 骡是马和驴杂交的产物。

    A mule is the product of a horse crossed with a donkey .

  5. 这些花自由杂交后会产生各种各样的颜色。

    All sorts of colours will result as these flowers hybridise freely

  6. 由于这些鸟进行杂交繁殖,不能把它们归为不同的物种。

    Since the birds interbreed they cannot be classed as different species

  7. 不幸的是,将它与其他土豆品种杂交的尝试均告失败。

    Unfortunately attempts to crossbreed it with other potatoes have been unsuccessful

  8. 花园里所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交花真美丽。

    All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden .

  9. 将这两个物种杂交后颜色会由红色淡化成橙色。

    Hybridising the two species will reduce the red to orange

  10. 野猪很容易和家猪杂交。

    Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig

  11. 拉塞尔博士正通过把全球各地的山羊品种进行杂交来培育一个优良种群。

    Dr Russel is creating an elite herd by cross-breeding goats from around the globe .

  12. 通过与我们本地的赤鹿杂交,梅花鹿的基因库已经发生了改变。

    By cross-breeding with our native red deer , the sika deer have affected the gene pool

  13. 那条狗可爱极了,是柯利牧羊犬和金毛猎犬的杂交品种。

    It was a lovely dog . It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever .

  14. 骡子是驴和马杂交而生的。

    A mule is the hybrid from a donkey and a horse .

  15. 杂交水稻的亩产量超过普通水稻百分之十五至二十。

    The yield of hybrid rice per mu exceeds that of ordinary rice by15 to20 percent .

  16. 所有的梨亚科是由两个远缘祖先类型双杂交演化的异源多倍体。

    All the Pomoideae were allopolyploids derived from a doubled hybrid between two remote ancestral types .

  17. 如果你把软麦和硬麦杂交,你就可以生产出适于制作面包的面粉。

    If you cross soft wheat with hard wheat you can produce flour suitable for making bread .

  18. 每一组都在杂交培养欧洲本地的短粒稻米和携带抗盐基因的亚洲长粒品种。

    Each team is crossbreeding a local European short-grain rice with a long-grain Asian variety that carries the salt-resistant gene .

  19. 种间杂交的主要障碍是F1代的不育性。

    A major barrier to interspecific hybridization is sterility in the F1 progeny .

  20. 那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。

    That is a hybrid perpetual rose .

  21. 杂交水稻技术的进步,为解决我国粮食问题做出了重要贡献。中国现在用全球不到9%的耕地养活全世界约20%的人口。

    China now feeds around 20 percent of the world 's population with less than 9 percent of the world 's arable land .

  22. 袁隆平在上世纪70年代研发出全世界第一个杂交水稻品种,过去几年间,他研发的杂交水稻产量多次创造世界纪录,为中国和全世界的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。

    Yuan , who developed the world 's first hybrid rice in the 1970s , has set multiple world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years , making great contributions to the food security of China and the world .

  23. 利用电化学方法进行DNA的杂交检测。

    Authors report on the detection of DNA hybridization using electrochemistry method .

  24. 应用斑点杂交法测定血清中乙型肝炎病毒的DNA

    Detection of HBV DNA in Serum with Spot Hybridization

  25. Northern杂交分析显示出在授粉后的小麦种子中检测到WaxymRNA。

    Northern hybridization showed that Waxy mRNA accumulated in seeds following pollination .

  26. PCR产物溶剂的选择对杂交信号的影响

    Effect of the PCR Products with Different Impregnant on the Hybridizing Signal

  27. 香料烟F1杂交种制种效率研究

    Studies on the Efficiencies of Seed production of MS F1 oriental Tobacco

  28. 鸡包涵体肝炎病毒DNA探针的制备及其原位杂交的应用

    The preparation of the DNA probe of chicken inclusion body hepatitis virus and application in situ hybridization

  29. 利用外源DNA导入新技术选育玉米新品系及杂交种

    A Novel Method to Breed New Maize Inbred Lines and Their Hybrids by Transformation of Exogenous DNA

  30. 同时显示杂交信号和荧光R带的FISH技术

    A fish technique for simultaneous detection of fluorescent r bands and in situ hybridization signals