
  • 网络organic arsenic;organoarsenicals
  1. 高效光氧化反应管能够在几秒的时间内将有机砷(MMA和DMA)氧化成As(V)。

    Using high efficiency photooxidation reactor , organic arsenic species ( MMA and DMA ) could be oxidized to As ( V ) in several seconds .

  2. 湖水表面微层和表层中占优势的砷形态均为AS(V),在表面微层和表层湖水中存在的有机砷形态主要为DMA;

    As ( V ) is a dominant arsenic species present in both surface microlayer and surface layer of lake water , and DMA is a major organic arsenic species present in both layers .

  3. 同样环境条件下,DMA的脱甲基化速率明显快于MMA;DMA、MMA两种有机砷的最快转化的土壤水分条件分别为100%最大田间持水量和70%最大田间持水量。

    Under the same condition , the demethylation speed of DMA is apparently faster than MMA ; The optimal soil moisture for the transformation of DMA and MMA are 100 % , 70 % of the maxmun field capacity . 3 .

  4. 在饲粮中添加不同水平(0,25,50,75mg·kg-1)的有机砷制剂洛克沙生,研究其对肉鸭生产性能、组织内残留及组织病变的影响。

    The experiments were conducted to study the effect of organic arsenic ( Roxarsone ) on the performance , tissue arsenic residue and tissue pathogenic change of meat strain ducks fed with diets supplemented with different levels ( 0,25,50 and 75 mg · kg - 1 ) of Roxarsone .

  5. 有机砷、锑化合物在有机合成应用中的方法学

    Studies on the methodology of synthetic application of organo-arsenic and antimony compounds

  6. 有机砷化合物的研究&Ⅶ.胂叶立德与双烯酮反应

    Studies on organoarsenic compounds & ⅶ . reaction of arsonium ylides with ketene dimer

  7. 液相色谱分离-氢化物原子吸收测定血清中不同形态的有机砷化合物

    Speciation of Organic Arsenic Species by Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Hydride-Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  8. 示波催化极谱法测定有机砷和无机砷

    Catalytic Oscillopolarographic Determination of Inorganic Organic Arsenic

  9. 快速湿氧化法的研究Ⅲ.有机砷药物中砷的含量测定

    Studies on rapid wet-oxidation method & ⅲ . the determination of as in organo-arsenic drugs

  10. 土壤和植物中总砷、无机砷及有机砷的测定方法

    Method for analysis of total as , inorganic as and organic as in soil and plant

  11. 有机砷制剂(如阿散酸)越来越广泛的使用,促进了畜牧业的发展,取得了良好的社会经济效益。

    Organic arsenic preparations , such as arsanilic acid , used widely to promote the development of animal husbandry , and achieved good social and economic benefits .

  12. 洛克沙砷作为一种人工合成的有机砷化物,被大量用作动物促生长添加剂添加到畜禽饲料中。

    Roxarsone is a kind of man-made organic compound contains Arsenic element , which has been used for years as an additive in animal 's diet to accelerate animal growth .

  13. 虽然有机砷的毒性最小,然而在农药施用区似乎土壤中残存有机制约占总砷量的1/2或1/3。

    Although the toxicity of organic As is less than that of inorganic As , half or 1 / 3 of total As in the soils applied with pesticide are organic As .

  14. 为能够比较直观地反映有机砷制剂在畜禽体内的代谢情况,以正确控制该兽药在猪饲养过程中的应用,提供了新的思路。

    To be able to more directly reflect the preparation of organic arsenic metabolism in the animal body to properly control the process of veterinary drugs in pig breeding applications , provides a new way of thinking . 1 .

  15. 当前还难以确认有机态砷的化学结构。

    However , chemical structure of organic arsenic in coal is still unclear currently .

  16. 微波辅助萃取技术在有机锡砷汞化合物形态分析中的应用

    Application of Microwave assisted Extraction Technique in Speciation Analysis of Organotin , Organoarsenic and Organomercury Compounds

  17. 取代环戊二烯基铬、钼或钨羰基物和有机铁硫砷簇合物UV-VIS谱溶剂效应的研究

    A study on solvent effects in UV-Vis spectra of substituted cyclopentadienyl chromium , molybdenum or tungsten carbonyls and organic fe-s-as cluster complexes

  18. 溶解性有机酸对砷在土壤矿物质表面吸附&解吸行为的影响

    Effect of Dissolved Organic Acids on Arsenate Adsorption-desorption onto Soil Mineral

  19. 有机硒排砷作用非常显著。

    Organic selenium affected excretion of arsenic obviously .

  20. 黄磷产品中除了主含量磷以外,还含有其他杂质,如:有机杂质、砷、铅、硫等。

    In addition to the main content of phosphorus , yellow phosphorus products also contain other impurities , such as organic impurities , arsenic , lead , sulfur and so on .

  21. 例如:甲基汞比无机汞的毒性更大,有机锡有毒性,而无机锡没有;形态越复杂的有机砷,毒性越弱,而无机砷的毒性则很大。

    For instance , the toxicity of methylmercury and organotin is higher than the inorganic mercury and tin , respectively . Inorganic arsenic compounds are highly toxic , while the organic forms of arsenic carry low toxicity .