
  • 网络significant digits;significant figures;enob;ENOBs;effective number of bits
  1. 仿真结果表明,设计的Sigma-delta调制器的信噪比达到93dB、有效位数超过14位,归一化最大稳定输入达到0.56,满足设计要求。

    Simulation results show that the design of the Sigma-delta modulator can get signal to noise ratio of 93 , more than 14 significant digits , normalized to the maximum stable input of 0.56 meeting the design requirements .

  2. 其中方法一所测结果的有效位数可达三位。

    In one of them , three significant digits can be reached .

  3. 测试高分辨率ADC有效位数的HHT方法

    The HHT Method for Testing the Effective Numbers of Bits of High-Resolution Analog to Digital Converter

  4. 本文应用模型函数考察了计算间隔△V,实验数据的有效位数等因素对峰加宽改正结果的准确度、精确度的影响。

    The effect of computational interval AV , effective figure of experimental data on accuracy and precision of peak spreading correction is examined by model funtion in this paper .

  5. 阶跃响应特性、频率响应特性及有效位数是数字存储示波器(DSO)性能的重要计量指标。

    The step respondence , frequency respondence and effective bits are important metrological specifications of Digital Storage Oscilloscope ( DSO ) .

  6. 流片测试结果表明,采用该Flash单元的A/D转换器的信噪比SNR获得了改善,有效位数ENOB能提高大约0.6比特。

    Test results show that the A / D converter based on the flash module has a better SNR , and its effective number of bits ( ENOB ) increases by 0.6 bit .

  7. 对系统进行的性能测试表明,I、Q双通道采集到的信号相位一致性能较好,A/D有效位数为6位以上,满足实际应用的需要,适用于高速数字信号处理领域。

    The result of performance test shows that the inter-channel consistency of dual-channel sampling circuit is perfect and the ENOB of ADC is more than 6 bits , which satisfies the application requirement . The system can be applied in the field of high-speed digital signal processing .

  8. 实际测试结果表明,采集系统的最高采样频率可达100MHz,采样容量可达256MBit,有效位数为724,达到了预期的指标。

    The tested results that the highest sample frequency is 100 MHz , the maximum storage is 256 MBit , and the effective digit of system is 7.24 indicate , the data acquisition system has met the requirement of design .

  9. 仿真结果表明,采用该方法设计的HFB在输入信号带宽内所有频率点上都具有小于-104dB的混叠误差,能满足16bit有效位数模数转换系统的需要。

    The simulations show that the aliasing error in the whole frequency region is lower than - 104 dB , which satisfies the requirement of analog digital conversion systems with 16 effective bits , 4 bits higher than conventional methods .

  10. 分析测量结果不确定度的有效位数及报告表示

    Analysis on Significant Digits of Uncertainty in Measurement and Report Expression

  11. 金属材料拉伸试验中弹性模量的有效位数

    Effective Digit of Elastic Modulus in Tensile Test of Metal Materials

  12. A/D转换器有效位数的测试

    Test for Effective Number Bits of A / D Changer

  13. 数字存储示波器响应特性及有效位数的测量

    The Measurement of Respondence Characteristics and Effective Bits of Digital Storage Oscilloscope

  14. 测量结果及其不确定度的有效位数

    The Significant Figure of the Measurement Result and Its Uncertainty

  15. 修约间隔规则与回归系数的有效位数

    Rules for rounding interval and significance figure of regression coefficients

  16. 如何更改打印结果小数部分的有效位数?

    How to modify the decimal when printing the results ?

  17. 测量结果有效位数的确定

    The Determination of Significant Figure of Measurement

  18. 粉末冶金材料性能数据的有效位数

    Significant digits in data of powder metallurgy

  19. 高有效位数的加、减、乘、除、乘方和阶乘运算法

    Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division , Involution and Factorial of High Effective Locations

  20. 本文对直接测量和间接测量的误差计算和误差的有效位数进行讨论。

    The significant digit of errors caused by computer errors in direct and indirect measurement is discussed .

  21. 在实际预测中,温度,数值运算的有效位数等一系列因素增加了预测误差,降低了预测准确度。

    In the real complex systems , temperature , and the finite digital computer can produce additive errors , reduce forecasting accuracy .

  22. 阐述在分析各种误差的基础上如何确定测量结果的有效位数的基本方法。

    The paper discusses the basic method of determination of significant figure of measure result on the basis of analyzing various error .

  23. 讨论了数据采集的若干基本理论和数据采集系统的有效位数评估方法。

    Discuss the basic theory of data acquisition system and the method that how to get the effective bits of data acquisition system .

  24. 避免了转轴运算,使计算量大为减少,并证明了算法的全局收敛性。高有效位数的加、减、乘、除、乘方和阶乘运算法

    Global convergence of the algorithm has been proved . Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division , Involution and Factorial of High Effective Locations

  25. 电子科技大学硕士学位论文(2)分析了测试软件对采集系统有效位数的测试方法及其原理,并给出了实测数据与分析。

    The method and principle of ENOB testing of data acquisition system in the software are analysized , with relative testing data and analysis given .

  26. 误差的计算和误差的有效位数考虑回归系数之间强相关性,系数不确定度的有效位数常常需要保留到两位以上。

    According to strong coherence among the coefficients of regression equation , the significance figure of coefficient uncertainty is often needed to hold over 2 digits .

  27. 波形记录仪和数据采集系统等设备的动态有效位数评价中,大都假定所用正弦波信号源无任何失真。

    In most effective bits evaluation of waveform recorders , the prerequisite is that there is no signal source distortion , or the distortion can be neglected .

  28. 通过定义教组及过程进行大数运算.所谓大数即超过计算机语言编译系统最大有效位数的数。

    The operational problem of great number which goes beyond the most efficient digit of the computer 's system is solued by the definition number group ard relevant process .

  29. 本文提出的基于有效位数的数据库数字水印算法,对如何拓展关系数据库的冗余空间进行了研究。

    In this paper , the watermark algorithm for databases based on the number of effective bits is proposed , which is focused on how to enlarge the redundant space .

  30. 深入分析了A/D变换器的噪声组成及其影响因素;介绍了信噪比、谐波失真度、有效位数的测量与实现。

    It deeply analyzes composition of noise and its effected factor , and introduces how to measure the signal-to-noise ratio , total harmonic distortion and effective number bits of the ADC .