
  • 网络Maximum torque;max torque;Peak torque;mtpa;N.m
  1. 在实际应用中,电机输出受到最大转矩限制,则控制器的输出也是受最大转矩限制的。

    About Torque In practice , outputs of motors are constrained by max torque , so do outputs of controller .

  2. 讨论了在最大转矩法恒张力控制过程中,直流调速装置中弱磁点的设置对张力以及调速范围的影响,并给出了弱磁点设置的参考方法。

    In this paper , the influence of the setting weakening magnetic point in DC speed adjustor on tension and the range of speed adjustment , in max torque constant tension control system is discussed . And the referenced method of setting weakening magnetic point is introduced .

  3. 基于DSP的交流伺服系统最大转矩电流比控制的研究

    Research on AC Servo System Maximum Ratio of Torque to Current Control Based on DSP

  4. 热连轧卷取机最大转矩递变张力PLC控制系统

    Maximum Torque and Taper Tension Control System for Coiler of Hot Strip Mill by Means of PLC

  5. 该控制策略分为在电动状态下的每安培最大转矩控制(Tmax/A)和发电状态下的弱磁控制(Flux鄄weakeningcontrol)。

    The strategies include maximum torque per ampere ( Tmax / A ) control in starter operation and flux-weakening control in alternator operation .

  6. 同一进气动压,标定转速下所生成的CO,HC要多于最大转矩转速情况;

    Increasing appropriately the inlet air pressure under the same rotation speed could decrease the emission quantities of CO , HC .

  7. 简要介绍了ANSYS有限元分析软件,并利用ANSYS软件对一个8极同轴圆筒式磁力驱动器进行了磁场分析和最大转矩计算。

    The ANSYS finite element analysis software was simply presented , and it was used to make a magnetic analysis and a biggest torque calculation for a cylindrical magnetic driver .

  8. 由于系统采用具有高频率分辨率的PWM(脉宽调制)变频电源以及恒最大转矩的控制方式,使整个碳纤维生产线能在低速条件下稳定运转。

    The results showed that ( PWM ) PCS could meet all of the requirements for rayon carbon fiber production line , since the control system had contravariant PWM , high FC power resolution and maximum twisting moment .

  9. 介绍了一种内埋式永磁(IPM)同步电机的在线参数估计方法。该方法基于带有饱和的最大转矩/安培轨迹,提高了电机驱动的效率。

    An on-line parameter estimation method of IPM synchronous machine based on maximum torque-per-ampere trajectory including the effect of magnetic saturation to improve efficiency of machine drives is presented in this paper .

  10. 本文研究了不同转子结构参数Ld、Lq(或Xd、Xq)下同步电动机的矢量控制策略、最大转矩控制策略以及它们之间的相互关系。

    The paper researches the vector control and maximum torque control strategies of permanent magnet synchronous motor under the different structural parameters L_d . L_q ( or X_d . X_q ) of its rotor and the relationships during the control strategies .

  11. 试验结果表明,标定转速及最大转矩转速的中小负荷工况下,柴油机排气微粒中绝大部分为IOF;

    The experimental results showed that the IOF was the main fraction of particulate under the rated speed or the maximum torque speed with medium or small load .

  12. 加工性能也大大提高,最大转矩和平衡转矩减小近2.45N·m。

    And the ( processing ) performance was increased , the maximum and balance torque decreased nearly 2.45N · m.

  13. 研究结果表明:随着IIR/CIIR共混胶中CIIR含量的增加,硫化速度加快,最大转矩值减小。

    The test results show that blending ratios of IIR / CIIR have effect on vulcanization behavior . With increasing of CIIR content , curing rate of blends increases , and the most twisting moment becomes small .

  14. ZRN-16与ZB-74组合使用时最大转矩较高,平衡转矩较低,塑化时间和平衡时间缩短,透明性和稳定性均好,是较理想的内外润滑剂体系。

    When ZRN-16 or ZB-16 was used in combination with ZB-74 , it was a desirable internal-external lubricant agent for R-PVC transparent pellets production , with a higher maximum torque , lower balance torque and good transparence and stability .

  15. 永磁同步电动机最大转矩电流比控制

    The Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  16. 两相混合式同步电动机的最大转矩/电流控制

    Maximum torque / current control of 2 - phase hybrid synchronous motor

  17. 柴油机;排放;最大转矩;

    Diesel engine ; Exhaust emission ; Maximum torque ;

  18. 基于空间电压矢量的感应电机每安培最大转矩控制

    Maximum Torque per Ampere Control Strategy Based on Space Vector for Induction Motors

  19. 在此基础上,提出了一种基于空间电压矢量的每安培最大转矩控制方案。

    A maximum torque per ampere control scheme is presented based on space vector .

  20. 基于反馈耗散方法的永磁同步电机最大转矩/电流控制

    Permanent magnet synchronous motor maximum torque per ampere control based on feedback dissipative realization

  21. 圆图计算法求取电机最大转矩原理分析

    Principle of Maximum Torque Calculation from Circular Graph

  22. 关于三相异步电动机最大转矩与主要尺寸关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Maximum Torque and Main Dimensions of Three Phase Asynchronous Machine

  23. 用一档开始起步的最大转矩,降低离合器过载。

    Use one block started to get started the biggest torque , reduce the clutch overload .

  24. 改进的同步发电机突然短路后可能达到的最大转矩近似表达式

    Improved Approximate Expressions for Estimating the Greatest Possible Torque of Synchronous Generator during Sudden Short Circuit

  25. 磁悬浮转子回转误差的测试技术研究基于最大转矩输出的改进型转差频率控制技术

    Investigation on Magnetic Rotor 's Rotating Error Measurement ; Study on Novel Maximum-torque Slip Frequency Control Technology

  26. 试验结果表明:对环氧树脂基体而言,随着固化温度的升高,其固化速率不断增加,而固化时最大转矩则不断减小;

    It shows that cure rate increases with torque decreases and with the increasing of bowl temperature .

  27. 这种系统的最大转矩比电动机的固有最大转矩要小一些,但在调速时保持不变。普通串级调速系统的功率因数很低(大约是0.5至0.6)。

    The power factor of the common Scherbius system is very low ( about 0.5 to 0.6 ) .

  28. 仿真结果表明永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制系统最大转矩电流比控制可以降低定子电流,减小损耗,从而提高系统效率。

    Simulation results showed that this control strategy can decrease the stator current and improve the efficiency of the system .

  29. 永磁齿轮所能传递的最大转矩是表达永磁传动机构能力的一个重要参数。

    The maximum transmittable torque is the most important parameter that illuminates ability of Non-contact Permanent Magnetic Gear transmission mechanism .

  30. 适当增加铁心长度可以有效提高电机效率和功率因数,但会导致启动转矩倍数和最大转矩倍数减小。

    Increasing core length properly can raise motor efficiency and power factor , but it will reduce locked-rotor torque ratio and breakdown torque ratio .