
zuì hòu yī jú
  • Last inning;final set;last stand
  1. 布莱恩兄弟在比赛中从未丢过他们的发球局并在俄罗斯获得发球局之前以6-4获得了第二盘的胜利,在最后一局中他们以6-2获胜。

    The Bryans never lost their serve during the match and went on to win the second set , 6-4 , before breaking the Russians twice and winning the final set , 6-2 .

  2. 他在这场艰苦比赛的最后一局中踉跄结束。

    He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match

  3. 周二的最后一局是双方拼杀得最难解难分的一局:AlphaGo起先出现了一次失误,但后来挽回了局面,把李世石拖入读秒,李世石在读秒阶段投子认输。双方都用尽了分配给自己的两小时。

    Tuesday 's final game was one of the closest : AlphaGo recovered from an early error to force Mr Lee into resignation in overtime , with each player having used up the allotted two hours .

  4. 在最后一局我会出王牌。

    I 'll play my trump card in the final round .

  5. 他就是在最后一局赢了我。

    He just barely beat me in the very last game .

  6. 在最后一局中你用的是什么防守法?

    What defence did you use in that last game ?

  7. 我最后一局赢了五墩牌。

    I won five tricks in that last game .

  8. 他告诉我说最后一局用秒表计时。

    He told me that the last round would be against the clock .

  9. 四比二的比数,只场鲍最后一局的进攻。

    The score stood four to two with but one inning more to play .

  10. 他们在最后一局各得三十分时下起雨来了。

    They were thirty all in the last game when it started to rain .

  11. 最后一局,他0比30落后,但他继续挣扎出来。

    He trailed in the last game love-30 , but he kept digging out .

  12. 真可惜,她输掉了最后一局被淘汰了。

    It was a pity that she failed in the final round and was eliminated .

  13. 最后一局她充分发挥了技术赢得比赛。

    In the final frame she drew on her full range of skills to win .

  14. 在周二举行最后一局比赛后,这笔钱将捐献给慈善机构。

    The money will be donated to charity after the final game is held on Tuesday .

  15. 他的脸上满是汗水,这个最好的回球手等待着最后一局。

    His face dissolved into tears , and the game 's greatest returner awaited one final serve .

  16. 在最后一局的决定性关头,汤姆击出一支全垒打。

    Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down .

  17. 最后一局,先得10分的运动员,率先交换场地。

    In the last game , they also change ends when the first player or side scores ten points .

  18. 他们以15比10拿下了决定性的最后一局。

    They won the deciding set 15-10 ( full score : 25-18 , 25-18 , 22-25 , 21-25 , 15-10 ) .

  19. 最后一局他的自信心完全崩溃只走了二十来步就败下阵来。

    In the last game his self-confidence completely collapsed and was routed , he only made twenty moves and lost the battle .

  20. 我已经尽力了打到2:2打平了,接下来最后一局谁胜谁输,羸者才可以进八强。

    I have to fight a hit-2:2 , and then the final one who wins and who loses , who can Lei into the quarter .

  21. 我仍然还记得我在进行业余棒球比赛时不得不在最后一局之前离开,为了能穿上我最好的衣服,按时到教堂参加坚信礼仪式。

    I still remember the sand-lot game I had to leave before the final inning so I could get on my Sunday suit and be at church in time for Confirmation .

  22. 在最后一局,中国和巴西显示了他们对胜利的最伟大渴望,但是他从年轻球员接管比赛的中国的无限的能量。

    In the decisive set , both China and Brazil showed their greatest eager to the victory but he unlimited energy from China young player took the control of the game .

  23. 洋基总教练托瑞用春训时的方法,在最后一局所有大部分的先发上场,而他里维拉在第七局上场投球。

    Yankees manager Joe Torre used a spring training approach , taking out most of his starters by the late innings , and he brought in closer Mariano Rivera to pitch the seventh .

  24. 然而,我们等到了我们所期待的那一刻:一位之前作为候补队员的击球员在最后一局出场,观众突然一起站起身,生气地辱骂起来。

    But then we get the moment we 're waiting for : a previously-benched hitter comes on for the final inning and as one , the crowd rises to its feet to hurl abuse .

  25. 最后一局我成功打进一个远台红球后,我感觉好极了,知道自己的机会来了,但是我应该在比赛刚开始就有这种美好的感觉,我而不是在最后关健时候才这样。

    Last frame once I knocked the long red in I felt good and thought I would do it , but I need to have that feeling earlier in the match and not wait until my back is up against the wall .

  26. 汤姆:有时候一场比赛可以打到最后一局,而比分仍然是零比零。教资会会根据评审结果分配二零零一至二零零四的三年度内院校经常补助金的部分研究经费。

    Sometimes a game can go right up to the last inning and the store will be nothing to nothing . The findings will be used as the basis for allocating some of the research portion of the institutional recurrent grant for the 2001-04 triennium .

  27. 最后的一局如果我输了我就再也不能赛车了

    Last , final , finito , If I lose , I never get to do this again

  28. 会议认为,港英最后一届立法局、市政局和区域市政局、区议会于一九九七年六月三十日终止。

    The meeting thinks that the last term of the hk-uk legislative bureau , the Municipal Bureau and the regional municipal bureau , and the district parliament will terminate on june30th , 1997 .

  29. 最后选取某一铁路局的一位高技能人才为例,将已经构建的评价指标体系进行运用和验证。

    Finally , selecting six highly skilled talents of a Railway Bureau for example , used and verified the evaluation index system .