
zuì hòu yī zhàn
  • ultimate war
  1. VladimirFurdik透露了该剧必将上演的史诗般的最后一战的细节。

    Vladimir Furdik dished details about the show 's sure-to-be epic final battle .

  2. 大家都知道拿破仑的最后一战是滑铁卢战役(theBattleofWaterloo),也就是他最终被击败的那场战役。

    Many people know well that Napoleon 's final defeat , the one that was said to finally break him , was the Battle of Waterloo .

  3. 他的最后一战受到广泛讨论。

    His last match had been widely discussed in the media .

  4. 他陪我打完我的最后一战。

    He stayed with me through my last fight in San berdu .

  5. 他们在最后一战中取得了决定性的胜利。

    They won a decisive victory in the last battle .

  6. 盖茨的最后一战对工程量清单与建设工程合同关系的思考

    Bill Gates ' final task Relationship of Bill of Quantities and Construction Contracts

  7. 他说,尼日利亚足球队常胜不败,直到最后一战。

    He noted that the football team was undefeated until the final game .

  8. 2014年3月结束的预选赛的最后一战,中国队以1比3不敌伊拉克队。

    The qualification campaign ended in March 2014 with a 3-1 loss against Iraq .

  9. 这是他在《最后一战》一书中写下的最后一句话。

    They are the final words from his book " The Last Battle . "

  10. 争取人类自由的最后一战

    " This last fight for human freedom "

  11. 因此我每天都在想如何应付这318国道最后一战。

    And so I have been thinking about this final challenge of the G318 every day .

  12. 我将会在时机降临时加入攻打冰冠城塞的最后一战。

    I will join in the assault upon Icecrown Citadel when the time to strike upon us .

  13. 在《最后一战》一书的结尾,故事中的孩子们死了。

    At the end of the " The Last Battle " the children in the story die .

  14. 在最后一战中,他不是做了正确的事,而是做了必要的事。

    And that final night , he didn 't do what was right , he did what was necessary .

  15. 拿破仑的最后一战滑铁卢战役,是近代史上的一个转折点。

    WATERLOO , the last battle of the Napoleon 's wars , was a turning point in modern history .

  16. 两天后,他在200米个人混合泳排名第五,这也是他在本届奥运的最后一战。

    Two days later he finishes fifth in the 200m individual medley , his final race at the Games .

  17. 2002年的最后一战,我们对查尔顿,我打进了一个倒勾,最终我们进入了冠军联赛。

    For Liverpool probably the Charlton game in 2002 when I scored an overhead kick and we got into the Champions League .

  18. 基督教的“圣经”说:会有的善良与邪恶的势力之间的最后一战有结束的时间。

    The Christian Bible says there will be a final battle there between the forces of good and evil at the end of time .

  19. 在最后一战对地球上,敌我双方的斗争,对方绝望,气候战役远远高于这个星球。

    In the final war on Earth , two sides struggled against each other in a desperate , climactic battle far above the planet .

  20. 麦克拉伦仍将寄希望于以色列甚至安道尔会为他们一方而战,而英格兰对阵克罗地亚的最后一战也至关重要。

    McClaren remains hopeful that Israel or Macedonia will do his side a favour and that England 's final qualifier with Croatia will prove decisive .

  21. 谁知道,今天的侠盗或最后一战上瘾,最终可能发现了土星新卫星或寻找治愈癌症的方法。

    Who knows , today 's Grand Theft Auto or Halo addict may end up discovering a new moon around Saturn or finding a cure for cancer .

  22. 随着冠军杯小组赛最后一战的打响,切尔西激动人心的12月份拉开了序幕。因为做客斯坦福桥的索非亚,无非仅仅是为了尊严而来。

    Chelsea begin a typically hectic December with the final game of the Champions League group stage , as Levski Sofia travel to the bridge surely just looking for pride .

  23. 金里奇的竞选团队有一套策略,分为几步:他们的主角金里奇将以南部获胜,其中最后一战是3月24日路易斯安那州的初选胜利,接着竞选势头就会发挥它的魔力。

    The Gingrich campaign had a strategy , of sorts : their hero would win the South , ending with a victory in Louisiana 's primary on March 24th , whereupon momentum would work its magic .

  24. 大都会不必以完全泄气的心情进入那段赛程,但为了要激励士气,他们首先有必要在地铁系列最后一战耀眼的光环中拿下星期天的比赛。

    The Mets don 't have to be completely flat entering that stretch , but in order to inflate , they 'll first need to take Sunday 's game amid the glitz of a Subway Series finale .

  25. 第四部分对学术界关于李续宾最后一战三河之战战败的不同认识进行探讨,并指出李续宾为人处事方式对其失败产生了重要影响。

    The forth part is the discussion for the different views for his defeat in the last San He battle among the academic fields . And the last part also points out his manners of getting along with people have big influence on him .

  26. 忆山东抗日战场的最后一战&临沂攻坚战抗日游击战争的根据地大体不外三种:山地、平地和河湖港汊地。

    Memories of the Last Besiege Battle of Linyi in Shandong Theater during the War against Japanese Aggression Base areas in anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare are mainly of three types , those in the mountains , those on the plains and those in the river-lake-estuary regions .

  27. 最后的一战,战争就赢了。

    One last battle and the war is won .

  28. 罗姆尼和奥巴马现在还有总统辩论的最后一场胜利战,通常是三场辩论中最受瞩目的,周一在佛罗里达州博卡拉顿。

    Romney and Obama now have a presidential debate victory apiece going into the final one , usually the most watched of the three , in Boca Raton , Florida , on Monday .

  29. 本周的白鹿巷一定会是一场露天娱乐大餐。两支球队都要为最后的一个欧战资格而全力以赴争取胜利。

    It could well be an open entertaining affair at White Hart Lane , where both sides will be going all out for a victory to ensure they stay in the running for the last remaining European place .