
  • 网络Threat of Substitutes;Threats of Substitution
  1. 在此基础上,结合数值模拟分析,进一步研究了在信息产品产业竞争者战略替代威胁下,非线性转移支付契约与完美共享契约协调机制的有效性。

    Based on the above-mentioned discussion , it further studies the coordinated effectiveness of nonlinear transfer payment contract and perfect sharing contract in the threat of strategic substitute by information goods industrial competitors through numerical simulation .

  2. 居民消费力增强,对保险需求增加,替代品威胁很小。

    The increase of power of resident consumption stimulates the demand for insurance and the threat of alternatives is very small .

  3. 分析表明,目前东莞市的步行街竞争非常激烈,替代品威胁也很大。

    Analyze indicates that the plaza competition of Dongguan is very fierce at present ; the substitute is threatened very heavy too .

  4. 并运用五力模型从潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、买方讨价还价能力、替代品威胁、现有竞争者五个角度对竞争环境进行了分析。

    And the article used five forces model threats , analyzed from five competitors as threat of potential entrants , the bargaining power of suppliers , bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the existing competitors .

  5. 当前,居于主导地位的被称作国际资本主义多边体系尽管还没有彻底瓦解,但已被大大削弱。它的内在缺陷已暴露,而且面临着被一个可行的体系替代的威胁。

    Now , the prevailing multilateral system - call it international capitalism - did not fully collapse but it has been greatly weakened , its inherent flaws have been revealed , and it is challenged by a viable alternative .

  6. 通过五力模型,分析了太阳能热水器中小企业相互竞争的程度、购买者讨价还价的能力、替代品威胁、供应商讨价还价的能力以及潜在进入者的威胁。

    Through the five forces model analysis of SME , solar power compete with each other the degree of bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers , as well as the potential threat .

  7. 而供应商、替代品的威胁则较小;

    And of the suppliers and substitutes are small .

  8. 炼油行业竞争力分析认为,推动炼油行业变革的关键因素是现有厂商的竞争和替代品的威胁。

    Refining industry : Rivalry among competing sellers and availability of complements are the two forces to change industry conditions .

  9. 每个行业分析了潜在的进入者及进入威胁、购买者讨价还价的能力、供应商讨价还价的能力、替代品的威胁、互补品和现有厂商的竞争等六个因素。

    In each industry , the six forces have analyzed : potential new entrants , buyers , suppliers of key inputs , substitute products , availability of complements and rivalry among competing sellers .

  10. 尤其是对公业务方面,中山支行受同业竞争和日渐强盛的替代品的威胁,如何提高对公业务竞争力已成为管理者首要关注的问题。

    Especially for public business , banking products are threatened by the increasingly powerful substitutes . How to deal with the public business has become the primary concern for the managers of C Bank of Dalian Zhongshan Branch .

  11. 基础设施领域可通过增加生产者数量、实行激励性规制、利用潜在进入者和替代产品的威胁等多种方式引入竞争机制。

    Competition mechanism can be injected into infrastructure industries in direct or indirect ways , such as increasing the quantity of productions , putting the urgent rules and utilizing the threatening of the potential competitor and the substitute products .

  12. 在该模型中涉及的五种力量包括:新的竞争对手入侵,替代品的威胁,客户的议价能力,供应商的议价能力以及现存竞争者之间的竞争。

    Five kinds of strength involved in the model include : The new rival invades , the threat of the substitute , buyers ' ability of negotiation price , suppliers ' ability of negotiation price and the competition among many competitors .

  13. 然后在此基础之上,考虑其他诸多影响公司估值的因素,包括公司竞争环境,供应商、客户的讨价能力、替代品的威胁等其他因素,得出本文的主要结论:股票估值与定价的新一价定律。

    Taking into account of several other determinants , such as corporate competitive environment , supplier or client bargaining power , and substitute threat etc , it then concludes with the New Law of One Price for share valuation and pricing .

  14. 宏观环境中金融危机的严重威胁,以及行业内强大竞争者、潜在竞争者和真空镀铝纸等替代品的威胁,使公司面临外部强大危机。

    Macroeconomic environment , a serious threat to the financial crisis , as well as a strong competitor within the industry , potential competitors and Vacuum Metallized paper and so on the threat of substitutes , the company is facing strong external crisis .

  15. 即使是那些曾长期将电池和其他能源替代形式视为威胁的公共事业公司,也在学着接受这些技术,看到它们的使用性,而不是侵扰性。

    Even utility companies , which have long viewed batteries and alternative forms of energy as a threat , are learning to embrace the technologies as enabling rather than disrupting .

  16. 这主要是因为一项高新技术成果如果不能在适当的时间间隔内快速实现产业化和规模化,势必面临被替代与淘汰的威胁。

    The main reason is that if the achievement of a hi-tech cannot bring about industrialization and large-scale production quickly in proper interval , it will be confronted by substitution or obsolescence .