
tì dài pǐn
  • substitute;replacement
  1. 低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。

    Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese

  2. 因此,兔胆已成为熊胆替代品。

    Accordingly , hare bravery already became ursine bravery substitute .

  3. 对于很多人来说,他们显然可以作为一般旅行车的替代品。

    For many they clearly represent an alternative to run-of-the-mill estate cars .

  4. 这些尼古丁替代品中的烟碱含量足以刺激心脏。

    The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart .

  5. 有了越来越受欢迎的替代品。

    There is an increasingly popular alternative

  6. 这6类食物包括谷类产品、蔬菜、水果、牛奶和奶制品、肉类和肉类替代品以及杂类食品。

    The six food groups include grain products , vegetables , fruits , milk and milk products , meats and meat alternates , and a miscellaneous group .

  7. 随着去年某些地区肥料价格每公吨上涨了近50%后,人类排泄物成为一个有吸引力的且必要的替代品。

    With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50 % per metric ton over the last year in some places , human waste is an attractive , and often necessary , alternative .

  8. 幸的是,目前石油、天然气和煤炭价格低廉,这可能无法为寻找更便宜的燃料替代品提供动力。

    Unfortunately ,   the   current   low   prices   for   oil ,   gas ,   and   coal   may   provide   little   incentive   for research   to   find   even   cheaper   substitutes   for   those   fuels .

  9. 两组人员在戒烟前都会使用尼古丁贴片,作为诸如口香糖或是喷剂的尼古丁替代品的补充。

    People in both groups used nicotine patches before they quit , in addition to a second form of nicotine replacement , like gum or spray .

  10. 该行业还瞄准了作为替代品出现的产品:可重复使用的购物袋。

    The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement : reusable shopping bags .

  11. 不幸的是,你必须随身携带必要的设备,因为在那里找到天然替代品的可能性几乎为零。

    Unfortunately , you must carry the necessary equipment with you , since it 's all but impossible to find natural substitutes .

  12. 类似聚氨酯和PVC革的动物皮革替代品或许已经解决了时装业的动物虐待问题,但它们并非最环保的方案。

    Animal leather alternatives like Polyurethane and PVC leather may have solved the fashion industry 's animal cruelty problem , but they are not the most environmentally friendly solutions .

  13. 常见的早餐食品以谷物为主,读者们很难找到其他替代品。

    But readers have had a tough time figuring out alternatives to popular grain-based breakfast foods .

  14. 甜食替代品:尝试原味无糖酸奶,加入浆果和坚果,或者苹果片和无糖花生酱。

    Sweet alternatives : Try plain , unsweetened yogurt with berries and nuts or sliced apples with sugar-free peanut butter .

  15. 海南省政府表示,可使用的替代品包括可降解塑料袋、纸袋、布袋以及亚麻布袋,可重复使用的塑料篮子、柳条篮、竹篮等。

    On the list of substitutes are items such as biodegradable plastic bags ; paper , cloth and linen authorities .

  16. 如果一个女孩失去了兄长,这位男士就会成为替代品。他们亲如兄妹,他是她的全部。

    Usually when a girl is deprived of a brother , this male ends up being the replacement and he means the world to her .

  17. 这个名为“Solein”的细菌食品可作为许多食物中大豆的替代品,如馅饼、冰淇淋、面包和蛋糕。

    The bacteria food , Solein , can be used as a substitute for soya in a host of foods , such as pies , ice creams , breads and cakes .

  18. 在消费者寻求传统白炽灯泡的替代品之时,TCP处于有利位置。

    TCP is well-positioned as consumers seek alternatives to traditional incandescent bulbs .

  19. 它是Java程序员针对开放数据库连接(OpenDatabaseConnectivity,ODBC)的替代品。

    It 's the Java programmer 's alternative to Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) .

  20. 列入POPS的纺织用含氟表面活性剂及新型替代品

    The textile fluoro-surfactants on the POP_S list and its novel substitute

  21. Web站点设计者开始考虑将SVG作为位图的一个主要替代品。

    Web site designers have started considering SVG as a robust alternative to bitmaps .

  22. WIRTGENCHINA应当承担因提供该类替代品而产生的全部费用。

    WIRTGEN CHINA shall bear all costs arising from the provision of the replacement .

  23. 二甲醚作为LPG和柴油替代品问题探讨

    Discussion about Dimethyl Ether as a Substitute for LPG and Diesel Oil

  24. 从宏观经济环境、国家产业政策、替代品以及加入WTO等四个方面进行了机会分析;

    It analyzes the opportunities in the aspects of macro-economic environment , national industry policy , substitutes and entry into WTO .

  25. Node并不只是Apache的一个替代品,它旨在使PHPWeb应用程序更容易伸缩。

    Node is not simply a replacement for Apache that will instantly make your PHP web application more scalable .

  26. 这是GNUmake的一个替代品,在很多Linux安装中都可以使用,不过很少是默认安装的。

    A replacement for GNU make , it is available with many Linux installations but is rarely installed by default .

  27. 作为视频点播(VIDEOONDEMAND)的一种替代品,准视频点播(NEARVIDEOONDEMAND)随着有关领域的发展已逐渐成为研究的热点。

    As a substitute of VIDEO ON DEMAND , NEAR VIDEO ON DEMAND has become a researched " hot point " with the development of relevant field .

  28. 这看起来极其像我需要的PHP替代品、能让开发工作再一次提速的东西。

    This sounds exactly like what I need to replace PHP and accelerate my development once again .

  29. SCA和Spring并不是彼此的替代品,相反,SCA是Spring的补充技术。

    SCA and Spring are not alternatives to each other , but rather SCA is a complimentary technology to Spring .

  30. 在XP中用户场景是用例的替代品。

    User stories are the XP equivalent of use cases .