
  • 网络substitutes;alternative products;substitute products;Retrofit
  1. Interpoint系列模块电源及其替代产品设计要点

    The Design Outlines for Interpoint Module Power and its Substitute Products

  2. 与此同时,一批替代产品应运而生。

    At the same time , a lot of substitute products emerged .

  3. 替代产品应用水平明显提升,塑料等垃圾智慧化、规范化回收处理体系基本建立。

    Alternative products are more widely used , and a smart and standardized waste recycling and treatment system is basically established .

  4. 还介绍了基于Web的和终端服务器的替代产品,它们提供两种新的迁移路径。

    Web-based and terminal-server alternatives were introduced to provide two potentially new migration paths .

  5. 因此,市场目前关注的是PC替代产品。

    As a result the market is now focused on replacements , he added .

  6. LED凭其独特的优点迅速成为新一代家用照明光源的主要替代产品。

    LED by virtue of their unique advantages quickly become the new home lighting along the main alternative .

  7. 采用基于Web的替代产品能够在客户端上提供最好的灵活性,但是会增加服务器端的工作量。

    The move to Web-based alternatives offers the best flexibility on the client side , but it requires additional effort on the server side .

  8. PVA的替代产品

    The succedaneum of PVA

  9. 尽管eXist没有商业版本,但是如果eXist的功能无法满足性能和可伸缩性需求,MarkLogic是不错的替代产品。

    Although there is no commercial version of eXist , Mark Logic is a good replacement candidate for eXist when performance and scalability requirements go beyond capabilities of eXist .

  10. 立足BF公司实际,通过对我国的政治经济形势、化妆品行业环境等外部环境的认真剖析,运用五力模型研究分析了主要竞争对手、潜在竞争对手和替代产品、供应商、用户的有关情况。

    Have a foothold BF company actual , pass to our country of political economic situation , cosmetics profession environment etc.

  11. 此结果说明,AZO薄膜有潜力成为透明导电膜ITO的替代产品。

    So , AZO thin films have the potential to be a transmittance conductive oxide instead of ITO .

  12. 而X波段雷达探测范围更广,安全性更高,可以作为波浪浮标的替代产品应用。

    And the x ‐ band radar has a broader detection range and a higher safety coefficient . So it can be used as an alternative product for buoy .

  13. 尽管许多VoiceXML替代产品都提供了类似的功能性,但很少有产品以与其基于Web的应用程序版本之间共享代码为自豪。

    While plenty of VoiceXML alternatives offer similar functionality , very few boast the ability to share code with Web-based versions of their applications .

  14. 目的:生物活性骨水泥CAP目前已发展成为丙烯酸类骨水泥(如PMMA等)的新一代替代产品。

    Objective : CAP , a new bioactive bone cement , has been developed as an alternative to acrylic bone ce-ment , like the PMMA .

  15. 现今Bt被广泛应用商业化农业生产、森林害虫防治以及蚊虫控制,已经成为化学合成农药必要的补充或替代产品。

    Bt is already a useful alternative or supplement to synthetic chemical pesticide application in commercial agriculture , forest management , and mosquito control .

  16. 由于性能优良,可高效净化饮用水及各种污废水,是PAC(聚氯化铝)很好的替代产品。

    Owing to good property the article recommends to use it as coagulant for drinking water and waste water , and to replace PAC .

  17. 为解决这一问题,作为钢筋替代产品的纤维增强聚合物(FRP)筋材的开发研究近几年在国内外已蓬勃兴起。

    To solve this problem , fiber-reinforced polymer ( FRP ) tendons and reinforcing bars ( rebars ) have been developed to alternate to steel reinforcement in recent yeas .

  18. 产品质量全面达到IPC有关技术标准,性能价格比高,是优良的进口替代产品。

    The quality of product reaches IPC standards and the products of the company will play as substitution to imported ones for cost and performance factors .

  19. 纸浆模塑制品以其环境友好特性,被普遍认为是EPS等对环境造成很大污染的缓冲包装材料的理想替代产品。

    Molded pulp products with environmentally friendly features , was widely thought to be the ideal alternative packaging products of EPS , and so much pollution to the environment .

  20. 这种规范主要来自WTO在条约实践中形成的规则,主要包括了同类产品(同类服务和服务提供者)或直接竞争或替代产品的认定标准、不低于待遇的比较和例外规则的援用等等。

    This kind of limitation on government is mainly from WTO treaty practice . In short , there are like product ( like service and service supplier ) or DCS , no less favorable than , the exceptional rule etc.

  21. 氢是一种清洁可再生能源,燃烧后不会产生CO2、CO、HC等有害物质,是理想的石油替代产品。

    Hydrogen is a kind of clean and regenerated energy , combustion of hydrogen does not produce pollutant materials such as CO2 , CO and HC , it is ideal substitute for petroleum .

  22. IP电话又叫网络电话,它是电信传统长途电话的替代产品,具有很明显的价格优势,而且代表了语音与数据相融合的大趋势。

    IP phone is also called network phone , which is a replacement of traditional long distance call because it has an obvious price advantage and then represents the main tendency of the combination of the data and voice .

  23. 对光电式电流互感器(OCT)和传统的电磁式电流互感器进行了比较,结果表明OCT性能优良,是传统电流互感器较为理想的替代产品。

    The comparison between OCT ( Optical Current Transducer ) and traditional electromagnetic current transformer shows that the former is the ideal substitute for the latter with its good performance .

  24. 2013年,几个替代产品崛起,对传统的商业科技产品构成了挑战,比如一款巧妙的新文字处理应用Quip,或Box推出的协作软件BoxNotes。我猜这种趋势还将在今年持续。

    In 2013 several alternatives rose to challenge old-school business tech like Quip , a clever new word-processing app , or Box 's collaboration software , Box Notes and I suspect this trend will continue this year .

  25. Ca-Al系列合金是良好的终脱氧剂和精炼剂,是纯Al粉+纯Ca粉+Fe粉机械混合物的替代产品。

    Ca-Al series alloys are fine final deoxidation agent and refinery . They are the mechanical mixture surrogate products of " pure Al powder , pure Ca powder and Fe powder " .

  26. 掺铝的氧化锌薄膜(AZO)具有性价比高、无污染等特点,是掺锡氧化铟(ITO)的最佳替代产品。

    AZO ( aluminums zinc oxide films ) which have many characteristics such as high ratio of performance to price and innoxious are the replacer of ITO ( indium tin oxide films ) .

  27. 事实证明,他们对可口可乐的兴趣远小于美国人而与此同时,美国人正从甜味汽水转向健康的果汁,以及斯奈普(snapple)和红牛(redbull)等替代产品。

    Their appetite for cola proved much smaller than that of Americans who , meanwhile , were switching from sweet carbonated drinks to healthy fruit juices and alternative products such as Snapple and red bull .

  28. 库克甚至建议,在苹果努力修复问题期间,用户应当通过一款网络应用继续使用谷歌地图,或是使用诺基亚(nokia)和微软(microsoft)等智能手机竞争对手的替代产品。

    Mr Cook even suggested that customers should continue to use Google maps through a web app , as well as pointing users towards other alternatives by smartphone rivals including Nokia and Microsoft while Apple works to fix the problem .

  29. KRH型卡箍式柔性管接头是传统的法兰盘的替代产品。

    KRH flexible coupling of housing is a product of replacing flange plate .

  30. 随着Windows7的上市,个人电脑用户终于能有一款强大而新潮的替代产品,来淘汰稳定、熟悉但年代久远的WindowsXP。尽管早在2001年就上市,但WindowsXP仍是目前最受欢迎的Windows操作系统。

    With Windows 7 , PC users will at last have a strong , modern successor to the sturdy and familiar , but aged , Windows XP , which is still the most popular version of Windows , despite having come out in 2001 .