
  • 网络Manchester Airport;Manchester International Airport
  1. 商业运作的曼彻斯特机场

    Business Operation of Manchester Airport

  2. 曼彻斯特机场引进了一台X光检测设备,这台设备可以展现出游客赤裸身体的图片,为了能使机场工作人员立即看出任何隐藏的武器或爆炸物品。

    An X-ray machine which produces'naked'images of passengers has been introduced at Manchester Airport , enabling staff to instantly spot any hidden weapons or explosives .

  3. 该消息也佐证了一个日益明显的迹象,即中国人在英国的商业影响力正变得越来越大——中国人在希思罗机场(Heathrow)、曼彻斯特机场“空港城”以及泰晤士水务(ThamesWater)都拥有权益。

    It also supports growing evidence that the Chinese are becoming a stronger business influence in the UK , with stakes in Heathrow , Manchester 's " Airport City " and in Thames Water .

  4. 我们与一架爱尔兰航空公司(AerLingus)的飞机一前一后地被引导至曼彻斯特机场降落,那架飞机的飞行员有一口我多年来听到过的最性感的爱尔兰裔美国人口音。

    We were brought into Manchester in tandem with an Aer Lingus flight , whose pilot had the sexiest Irish-American accent I 've heard in ages .

  5. 曼彻斯特机场也是一个国际机场,但与埃克塞特有少许不同之处。

    Manchester is also an international airport but on a slightly different scale to Exeter .

  6. 曼彻斯特机场节日管理处调查表

    Festival Administration office-Manchester Airport

  7. 曼彻斯特机场是英国第三大机场,有六只缉毒犬和新狗舍,共花费125万英镑。

    The airport , the UK 's third largest , has six detector dogs and new kennels , which cost £ 1.25m .

  8. 在今后几年该计划将扩大到包括英国,开始谁的工作人员在曼彻斯特机场和伦敦城市机场。

    Over the next few years the scheme will be expanded to include Britons , starting with staff who work airside at Manchester and London City airports .

  9. 一位曼彻斯特机场发言人表示,他们的工作人员与边检部门“在进行极其密切的沟通,支持他们的工作,解决这篇报告中提到的问题”。

    A Manchester airport spokesman said staff " work extremely closely " with the Border Force and " support their work to address the issues raised in this report . "

  10. 由于警方和军方制定的全面应急计划中包括在面临恐怖袭击时击落这架客机,曼彻斯特机场被关闭,其它将要在此降落的飞机都被转移至附近机场。

    The airport was shut down and other incoming flights diverted as the police and military initiated full-scale emergency plans that could lead to the shooting down of an airliner that posed a terrorist threat .

  11. 有网民贴上了一篇12月17日在英格兰曼彻斯特机场类似事件的报道,该事件导致十几个航班被延误,但结果是机场工作人员抓住狗,而不是杀死狗。

    Web users posted a report of a similar incident at England 's Manchester Airport on December 17 that led to a dozen flights being delayed but ended with the airport staff catching the dog , not killing it .