
  • 网络Mance;Don Yeomans;mans
  1. 你想知道曼斯.雷德在干嘛吗?

    You want to know what Mance Rayder is doing .

  2. 你是否给曼斯分派了另外的任务?

    Did you have some other task for Mance ?

  3. “我们极其自信,有100%的信心,这不会造成威胁,”姚曼斯博士说,他是NASA近地球物体观测项目的经理,了解这些是他必做工作。

    " We are extremely confident , 100 % confident , that this is not a threat ," said Don Yeomans , manager of NASA 's Near Earth Object Observations program , which makes it its business to know these things .

  4. 当时我们听说曼斯雷德计划进攻东海望.

    We heard a rumor Mance Rayder was planning to attack Eastwatch .

  5. 你不了解曼斯,他比阿拉伯人还厉害。

    You don 't know vincart . he 's worse than an arab .

  6. 曼斯沮丧地看了看他那瓶香槟酒。

    Mans looked ruefully at his bottle of champagne .

  7. 朝北去加入曼斯.雷德。

    North . To join up with Mance Rayder .

  8. 想想看曼斯会怎么奖励我们.

    Think what Mance would give us .

  9. 曼斯霍尔特担任过欧盟的前身欧洲经济共同体的农业专员。

    Mansholt served as Agricultural Commissioner of the eec , forerunner of the European union .

  10. 她刻画玛利·克劳福《曼斯菲尔公园》中的一个世俗的年轻妇女。

    She depicts a Mary Crawford in her mixture of good and bad entirely by this means .

  11. 实际上,姚曼斯甚至称这一小行星讨厌的掠过为更多了解小行星的构成的“一个特别好的机会”。

    Indeed , Yeomans goes so far as to call the asteroid 's unwelcome drive-by " an extraordinary opportunity " to learn more about the composition of asteroids .

  12. 如果能再次感到温暖也很好,尽管这让他悲伤的想起再也看不到绿色的大地,长城以内温暖的大地,曼斯以前就是这么唱的。

    It would be good to feel warm again , though it made him sad to think that he would never see the green lands , the warm lands beyond the Wall that Mance used to sing about .