
  • 网络exposure;exposure dose
  1. 目的探讨人体对室内外空气污染物的暴露量(exposure)与潜在剂量(potentialdose)的关系。

    Objective To examine the relationship of exposure and potential dose of human exposed to indoor and outdoor air pollutants .

  2. 这类流行病学研究仅仅揭示了暴露量和风险之间的关系,并不等同于业已证明BPA确实增加疾病的危险。

    And this kind of epidemiological research can only show an association between exposure and risk , which is different than proving that BPA actually increases the risk of disease .

  3. 除二苯并(a,h)蒽外的13种PAHs化合物日暴露量两两呈显著正相关。

    Daily exposure dose to 14 individual PAHs were significantly correlated to each other except dibenzo ( a , h ) anthracene .

  4. 而特殊职业人群的VOCs暴露量远大于普通的非职业暴露人群。

    The occupational exposure dose of VOCs is much higher than that of non-occupational exposure .

  5. 而InP(111)表面由于是经过磷气氛退火处理的,在低暴露量下InH与PH键均可形成。

    On InP ( lll ) surface which was treated by annealing under phosphorus pressure , in addition to the In-H bond the P-H bond was formed even at low exposure .

  6. 非条件logistic回归分析结果表明,年龄、体质量指数、高血压家族史、饮酒、经常食用咸鱼和累积噪声暴露量是噪声从业人员高血压患病的主要影响因素。

    Logistic regression analysis showed the body weight index ( BMI ), age , and history of hypertension in parents and accumulative noise dose levels influenced the hypertension prevalence .

  7. N2的脱附量随NO气体暴露量增加而增加,但当气体覆盖度超过一定值后,脱附量趋于定值。

    With increasing the exposure amount of NO gas , the desorption amount of N2 increased and the peak desorption temperature decreased .

  8. 应用方案评价法分别计算个体对室内外空气中甲醛的暴露量与潜在剂量和对CO的暴露量与潜在剂量,并分析暴露量与潜在剂量的关系。

    Personal exposure and potential dose of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide in indoor and outdoor air were calculated by scenario evaluation approach respectively , and the relationships between exposure and potential dose were analyzed also .

  9. 对于GaAs(111)面,低暴露量时只形成GaH键,而高暴露量时还可以形成AsH键。

    For the GaAs ( 111 ) surface , only surface Ga atoms form bonds with the hydrogen under low exposure , while at high exposure both As-H and Ga-H bonds could be formed .

  10. 根据相应的评价模型,对多介质环境中PTS的暴露量进行了估算。

    According to corresponding evaluation model , the paper estimates the exposure dose of PTS through three exposure ways in different ambient medium .

  11. 直线回归分析表明,服用Neoral后2个小时的血药浓度与药物暴露量(AUC)相关性最强。并且这种相关性的稳定性较好。

    Linear regression suggests C-2 had best correlation with drug exposure ( AUC ) .

  12. 根据10户住宅建筑的VOC浓度现场测试及问卷调查结果,分析了长沙市住宅室内外VOC浓度及个人暴露量的状况。

    Based on the results of field measurement and questionnaire from ten households , presents the status of indoor and outdoor VOC concentration and personal exposure .

  13. [方法]对170名生产性噪声作业工人进行听力检查,引用累积噪声暴露量(CNE)进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Hearing of 170 workers exposed to production noise were examined and cumulative noise exposure was analyzed .

  14. Logistic回归分析结果表明,在控制了年龄、父母高血压史和体重指数等混杂因素后,累积噪声暴露量是高血压发病的危险因素,文化程度高是高血压的保护因素。

    The result of Logistic regression analysis by adjusting age , history of hypertension in parents and body weight index showed that accumulative noise dose level was risk factor , but the level of education was a protective factor of hypertension .

  15. BP神经网络敏感性分析表明,儿童通过饮食、土壤/灰尘、空气以及饮水途径的铅暴露量对IEUBK模型血铅预测值的贡献率分别为55.52%、27.73%、12.80%以及3.95%。

    The BP neural network sensitivity analysis indicated that contribution rate were 55.52 % , 27.73 % , 12.80 % as well as 3.95 % to blood lead predicted value , respectively , by the path of diet , soil / dust , air and drinking water .

  16. Neoral吸收期血药浓度和药物暴露量在中国成人肝移植受体中的变异性分析

    Analysis of variability of drug exposure and blood concentration during Neoral ~ absorption phase in Chinese adult liver transplant recipients

  17. 在高的暴露量下,氧在表面的吸附趋于缓慢,表面的Ce2O3被氧化成CeO2。

    At high exposures , a slow oxygen adsorption is due to the oxidation of Ce 2O 3 on the top layer , forming CeO 2.The dioxide can be converted into sesquioxide again by annealing .

  18. 通过计算各个危险因子的膳食暴露量,比对ADI值分析防腐剂和甜味剂的含量的安全风险影响在可以接受的范围内,氟含量则存在一定的风险。

    According to the calculation of dietary exposure levels of each risk factor , and compared with ADI value , the safety and risk influence of the analyzed content is within acceptable limits , but fluorine content is more than accept range .

  19. 与引起JAK-2介导的造血和骨髓生成抑制的暴露量相比,CP-690550能够在更低的暴露量引起JAK-3介导的人免疫抑制。

    CP-690,550 is expected to cause JAK3-mediated immunosuppression in humans at lower exposures than those associated with JAK2-mediated inhibition of hematopoiesis and myelopoiesis .

  20. 对不同介质下同种PTS类物质的暴露量比较发现,城市公园及路边灰尘环境下的暴露量最大,其次是蔬菜摄取途径。

    When comparing the exposure dose of the same PTS in different ambient medium , it is found that it was the biggest dose in urban parks and roadside dust and the next was in the way of vegetable ingestion . 4 .

  21. 采用PHI-650型扫描俄歇电子能谱(SAM)研究金属铀在超高真空原位断裂后断面在不同氧气暴露量和温度下的氧化规律和杂质元素在表面的扩散行为。

    PHI-650 scanning Auger multi-probe ( SAM ) was used to study the surface oxidation and impurity element diffusion of the in situ fractured uranium surfaces at various oxygen exposure and temperatures in ultra high vacuum .

  22. TVOC暴露量是室内装修发生中枢神经系统反应和呼吸系统反应的危险因素,随着TVOC暴露量的增加,发生中枢神经系统反应和呼吸系统反应的危险性分别增加2.776和2.044倍。

    TVOC exposition quantity are dangerous factors of the central nervous system symptoms and the respiratory system symptoms . The central nervous system symtoms and the respiratory system symptoms increase separate 2.776 times and 2.044 times along with TVOC exposition quantity increasing .

  23. 在兰州市随机抽取24家干洗店,现场采样,用气相色谱法测定四氯乙烯的室内空气浓度,计算时间加权平均浓度(TWA),以估算个体暴露量;

    TCE time-weighed average ( TWA ) concentration of sample air , from 24 dry-cleaning shops taken randomly in Lanzhou , were measured with gas chromatography to estimate exposure levels , analyze risk characterization and calculate acceptable indoor TWA concentration of TCE .

  24. Britz提到,我们现在对发光二极管的作用是如何产生的非常感兴趣,并且正在测试究竟需要多大的暴露量,以及光线是否应当是脉冲或者持续不断的。

    " We 've been pleasantly surprised to see how effective the LEDs are , and are now testing how much exposure is required , and whether the light should be pulsed or continuous ," says Britz .

  25. 经调查,中毒食物为午餐的2个炒菜,误食桐油量为268g人,油桐酸暴露量为2412g人。

    Through investigation , the poison foods were 2 stir fried dishes at lunch , the average amount of tung oil ingestion was 26 8 g / person , and average amount of tung oil acid exposure was 24 12 g / person .

  26. 北京市春季蔬菜硝酸盐含量测定及居民暴露量评估

    Assessment of Nitrate Exposure in Beijing Residents via Consumption of Vegetables

  27. 深圳市居民食品中铅、镉的膳食暴露量评估

    Dietary exposure assessment of lead and cadmium in Shenzhen , China

  28. 明显增加的危险率与氡的暴露量密切相关。

    This significantly elevated risk is strongly associated with cumulated radon exposure .

  29. 两因素随机效应模型下平均暴露量的检验

    Assessing occupational exposure via the two-way random effects model

  30. 中国人群黄曲霉毒素膳食暴露量评估

    Assessment of Dietary Aflatoxins Exposure in Chinese Residents