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  1. 这可能是因为他出色的身体条件,或者是他在暴扣上有优势却在投篮上面这么多年却没有完善过。

    It may be his muscularity that gets in the way or just the fact that he has dominated as a slasher and crasher for so many years that he never perfected it .

  2. DD基因型导致血浆AngⅡ水平增高可能是中医肝阳暴亢,风火上扰证的遗传易感因素。

    The DD genotype lead to the higher level of blood Ang II , which possibly is the diagnosis genetic predisposition symbol of hyperactivity of liver-YANG , febrile disease complicated by wind pattern syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine .

  3. LDL的增高与HDL的降低是风痰瘀血,痹阻脉络证区别于肝阳暴亢,风火上扰证的生化指标之一。

    The high of LDL and the low of HDL are the one of biochemical indicators to distinguish pattern syndrome of anemogenous phlegm stagnant blood , arthralgia spasm anti - vein and pattern syndrome of hyperactivity of liver-YANG , febrile disease complicated by wind .

  4. ACE-DD基因型或D等位基因可能在脑梗死中起作用,且与脑梗死肝阳暴亢、风火上扰证密切相关,可能是该证候的遗传易感因素。

    ACE-DD genotype or D allele possibly has an effect in cerebral infarction , and is close related to cerebral infarction of hyperactivity of liver-YANG , febrile disease complicated by wind pattern syndrome , which possibly is the genetic predisposition symbol .