
kūn chóng
  • insect;gogga
昆虫 [kūn chóng]
  • [insect] 明显分节的小型无脊椎动物任何一种,包括昆虫纲和其它(例如蜘蛛、螨、蜱、蜈蚣、鼠妇)外表与昆虫相似的成员

昆虫[kūn chóng]
  1. 这昆虫的翅膀几乎是透明的。

    The insect 's wings are almost transparent .

  2. 许多昆虫通过气味找到交配对象。

    Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent .

  3. 在食物链中,昆虫是相当低的一级生物。

    Insects are fairly low down the food chain .

  4. 很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。

    Many insects are banded black and yellow .

  5. 寒冷的春季会自然控制昆虫的数量。

    A cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects .

  6. 她毫无道理地害怕昆虫。

    She has an illogical fear of insects .

  7. 这些昆虫可严重危害农作物。

    These insects can wreak havoc on crops .

  8. 这些昆虫是放大后加以观察的。

    The insects were examined under magnification .

  9. 昆虫由数万种蛋白质构成。

    Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins .

  10. 收集小昆虫时可以把它们装进广口瓶里。

    Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar

  11. 我继续研究飞蛾,并将研究范围扩展到其他昆虫。

    I continued studying moths , and branched out to other insects

  12. 很多人生来讨厌昆虫。

    Many people have a natural and emotional aversion to insects .

  13. 昆虫很讨厌皮肤内维生素的气味。

    The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects

  14. 蜜蜂之间所用的交流方式是昆虫中最为复杂的方式之一。

    Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect .

  15. 需要很多种土生昆虫给当地植物授粉。

    Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants .

  16. 新的桨片设计使其可以应付昆虫尸体带来的影响。

    New blades have been designed to cope with the effects of dead insects

  17. 鹟主要以有翅昆虫为食。

    Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects .

  18. 花的作用在于吸引昆虫,然后昆虫再将花粉传到其他植株上。

    Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant

  19. 他发现把昆虫的翅膀比作一艘帆船在某种程度上是有用的。

    He finds the comparison of insect wings with a sailing boat useful up to a point

  20. 蛰伏的昆虫们开始活动。

    Hibernating insects begin to move .

  21. 杀虫剂用得越多,昆虫的抗药力就变得越强,于是又要用更多的杀虫剂。这是一个恶性循环。

    The more pesticides are used , the more resistant the insects become so the more pesticides have to be used . It 's a vicious circle .

  22. 这种昆虫能随环境而变化其颜色。

    This insect can take on the colour of its surroundings .

  23. 鸟类与昆虫是天敌。

    Birds and insects are natural enemies .

  24. 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。

    Birds , reptiles and insects come from eggs .

  25. 空气、水、衣服、及昆虫都会成为疾病的传染媒介。

    Air , water , clothing and insects are all means of infection .

  26. 蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。

    Ants and flies are insects .

  27. 你认为蝴蝶是一种昆虫吗?

    Do you think butterfly is a type of insect ?

  28. 那只鸟捕捉到了一只昆虫并把它叼到了鸟巢里。

    The bird seized the insect and bore it off to its nest .

  29. 这只昆虫紧紧地抓住它的猎物不放。

    The insect anchored fast to its prey .

  30. 那棵枯树上爬满了昆虫。

    The dead tree is alive with insects .