
  • 网络sunset;Sun Setting Time
  1. 在英国,夏季日落时间比冬季晚得多。

    In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter .

  2. 配合太阳视运动轨迹,用图解法或数值计算法即可求出相应点的实际日出、日落时间和可照时数。

    Therefore , it is possible to obtain the sunrise time and the day length of any point in the shading region graphically or numerically , with the apparent motion locus of the sun and the above calculation of the corresponding point .

  3. 利用日出前或刚刚日落的时间,也被称作“神奇的时刻”,要利用好这段时间。

    Use the time just before sunrise and just after sunset , also known as the " magic hour , " to your advantage .

  4. 你知道吗?楼上的雪茄吧现在是看紫禁城日落的最好时间。

    You know what ? Now it is the perfect time to watch the sunset over the Forbidden City in the upstairs cigar lounge .

  5. 日落的持续时间在春季和夏季最短(在这些时候太阳直射点在赤道上方),在至日和春分(秋分)的时候最长。

    It 's shortest in spring and fall ( when the Sun is over the equator ) and longest in the summer and winter .

  6. 日出日落里,是时间将我们从梦境渡向寂静。

    Between sunrise and sunset , is the river of time .