
  • 网络Japanese garden
  1. 中国的龟崇拜对日本园林的影响

    The influence of turtle worship in China to Japanese garden

  2. 在海洋文化的影响下,日本园林中的植物体现海与岛的特性。

    Under the influence of oceans culture , the Japanese garden plants express the island and sea character .

  3. 日本园林的特点及启示

    The Characteristics of the Japanese Gardens and Enlightenment Comparison Between Chinese and Japanese Gardens

  4. 中国园林和日本园林同属于东方园林,在世界园林历史上占有其独特的地位。

    Chinese and western landscape both fall into oriental landscape , which takes a special phase in world landscape history .

  5. 除此之外,对禅学思想在日本园林中的应用作系统介绍,比较中日禅宗造园区别之处。

    In addition , it introduces systematically the Japanese garden of Zen thought , compares the difference of the Sino-Japanese Zen garden .

  6. 日本园林专业的大学教育及千叶大学园艺学部的绿地环境教育课程

    The Education of Landscape Architecture Studies in Japan and Courses for Green Space Environmental Education of the Faculty of Horticulture Chiba University

  7. 如中日园林的渊源,通过大量碎片,可以表明日本园林源于我国。

    If the origin of Chinese and Japanese Gardens , by a large number of fragments , can be shown from our Japanese garden .

  8. 春秋时代的一首沧浪之歌,引发了中国园林以至日本园林两千多年的不解情结。

    A song of Canglang ( literally for blue wave ) in the Spring and Autumn Period initiates a complex named Canglang in Chinese and Japanese gardens for more than two thousands years .

  9. 本文对以中国和日本园林为代表的东方园林的造园思想进行了深入的分析,并对东西方园林的造园特点进行了简略的比较;

    Based on the analysis of the thought of Chinese and Japanese gardening in the name of oriental gardens , this article draws the outline of the compare between oriental and west gardening characteristics ;

  10. 文章论述了中国古代龟崇拜的由来及其观念的变化对中国园林的影响,重点论述了中国的龟崇拜对日本园林造型的深刻影响。

    In this paper , the origin of the turtle worship of Chinese ancient times and the influence that the change in the idea gave to a Chinese garden is explored , and the influence that the turtle worship in China gave to Japanese garden is stated emphatically .

  11. 当然,’有时我们的标点符号也许只是个审美的问题。插进一个逗号,犹如给一套服装悄然配上项链,使之显得娴静优雅,又如在日本园林的一片幽静之外还听到潺潺流水声,使园景更加充实。

    Sometimes , of course , our markings may be simply a matter of aesthetics.Popping in a comma can be like slipping on the necklace that gives an outfit quiet elegance , or like catching the sound of running water that complements as it completes the silence of a Japanese landscape .

  12. 禅宗思想与日本古典园林建筑

    The Influence of Zen on Architecture and Garden in Ancient Japan

  13. 对日本现代园林设计风格的思考

    Thinking on the Design Style of Japanese Modern Landscape Architecture

  14. 在融合了西方现代艺术思潮后,日本现代园林的造园理念与建设逐渐成熟。

    On the integration of the western modern art , modern Japanese landscape architecture gradually matures .

  15. 某些传统仍然被当今日本的园林所借鉴,并影响着西方的景观设计师们。

    Such traditions continue to some extent in modern Japan and have influenced Western landscape architects .

  16. 通过对日本代表性园林作品的分析,从历史文化、城市发展、生态建设3个角度对日本现代园林设计风格进行探讨。

    By analyzing some representative modern landscape architecture works , the design style of Japanese modern landscape architecture are discussed from the aspects of historical culture , urban development , and ecology construction .

  17. 我的导游书说它是日本最棒的园林之一。

    My guidebook said it ranked among the three most perfect Japanese gardens .

  18. 日本庭园与中国园林和绘画有着十分密切的关系。

    There is a very close relationship between Japanese gardens and Chinese gardening and painting .

  19. 通过对日本近现代造园家的作品进行梳理和分析,总结了日本现代园林的造园特征及其在传承本土文化方面的努力成果。

    After analyzed the modern Japanese landscape works , summed up the modern Japanese gardening characteristics and the effort of heritage of local cultural .