
  • 网络Upper House;House of Councillors
  1. 他将接替任首相不到一年就突然辞职的福田康夫(YasuoFukuda)。由于来自日本参议院的反对,福田康夫的施政陷于停顿。

    He will succeed Yasuo Fukuda , who abruptly resigned after less than a year as his administration ground to a halt because of opposition in the Diet 's Upper House .

  2. 1974年,她当选日本参议院议员,任期至1992年。

    She was elected to the upper house of the Japanese Parliament in 1974 , and served until 1992 .

  3. 控制日本参议院的反对党派已提出修改有关驻日美军法律地位的美日防务条约。

    Opposition parties , which control the upper house of parliament , have petitioned to revise the pact that governs the status of U.S. forces in Japan .

  4. 在7月日本国会参议院举行选举之前,任何有关放松对正式职工保护的谈论都不太可能转化为行动。

    All talk of loosening protections for regular workers has been put on hold ahead of elections for the upper house of parliament in July .

  5. 日本国会参议院星期五批准的这项法案将把原来隶属于内阁府的防卫厅变成了一个有预算和政策制定权的省。

    The measure approved Friday by Japan 's upper house will transform the defense agency from an affiliate of the Cabinet Office to a policy-making ministry with a budget .

  6. 2007年4月,日本国会众议院、参议院分别以多数票通过了日本《海洋基本法》,该法于2007年7月20日正式实施。

    Japanese Ocean Basic Law is approved in Japan in April , 2007 and implemented on 20 , July .